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Tales of the Freedom Corps


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For those interested in a campaign synopsis, I have listed the various adventures that the team in my campaign has gone through. Please note that I have each player control 3 characters, but only one per adventure. So, you get to use a specific character every 3 adventures. This has enabled me to use three different stories that can tie into each other when necessary (like #10). Anyway, these are the short and sweet versions what happened. If anybody is curious and wants more details on certain things, let me know:


#1 Join the Corps


A new Freedom Corps is formed as the team takes on an attempted bank robbery by Nex and the Singing Boxer. Featuring: Chevy, Fade, and Centurion


#2 The Grand Library


The team (Johnny Bam, Silhouette, and eventually Krakatoa) investigates a finding by this world's Vladimir called the Grand Library. Featuring the first appearance of Titus Grueber as the keeper of the Grand Library who sends the team on a mission to retrieve Dead Meat, a ghost working for him so that the Freedom Corps can receive information on the Fanta-Beam


#3 The Goblin King


Freedom Corps HQ is attacked from the inside by a horde of Goblins and the evil Goblin King. But who is this mysterious woman with Hydro-Electric's powers who the Goblin King chased to this world from another time or dimension? This is the first time there is talk of alternate Earth's being destroyed or overrun. This story featured Hydro-Electric, Vladimir, and Byron


#4 Enter the Elements


Continued from: The Goblin King: The new Hydro-Electric's mystery continues as her powers become chaotic just as Millennium City is attacked by various Elementals led by Dr. Element. After a strange trip to a mysterious temple, the team discovers the Source, a mechanical device supporting a huge ball of water. After meeting with the Source's guardians, old WWII vets left here during the war, the team defeated Dr. Element who during the battle kills the WWII vets. The new Hydro-Electric becomes the Source's guardian.


#5 A Grave Mistake


Under orders from Grueber and the Undead Council, Centurion and Fade try to retrieve Tattoo, the council's lost 'co-worker'. Along the way, they encounter many strange people, including Prof. Samedi and Jack Fool (who attack the team), as well as the Ruun (dead body part stealing Necromancers), and Cynthia (A Ruun wearing Tattoo's skin), and hear about prophecies of horrible things that will happen if the Undead Council open the Null Portal. The Portal is opened, despite the team's best effort. Later on, the team is attacked by Maximillian Narcisse and several men dressed in cloaks. During a battle with them, a Null Spider, a creature made of anti-life interferes. Maximillian flees, leaving the Freedom Corps to deal with it. They only defeat it by sending it crashing through the street into the sewer. Also, during the search for Tattoo, the party discovered a dark secret. Julian Vargas is already dead, killed by his son Christopher Vargas, and all that is left is his mental form.


#6 Binary Corporation


The team (Silhouette, Krakatoa, and Johnny Bam) is ordered by Vargas to retrieve a fanta-beam from Binary Corp. Monica Knowlton, an executive there, refuses unless they guard the beam from a suspected attack. Eurostar attacks later on, but Knowlton uses the Fanta-Beam to send both Eurostar and the Freedom Corps to Xertia, a realm of fantasy. The team battles the Goblin King and the Goblins immediately after entering Xertia. They defeat him and bring down his cave upon him.


#7 Dreams of a Dark Future


Continued from Binary Corporation: The team is escorted by a knight named Marlin to a castle ruled by Queen Bethany and Princess Stephanie. The party soon must face off against the kingdom's enemy, a person called the Red Knight and his horde of vampires. After fending off an early attack, the team assaults the Red Knight's castle, only to discover that the Red Knight is Krakatoa as a vampire named Nolan Grueber. He is from an alternate Earth where the Null overran the Earth. All Freedom Corps members went to Xertia, which is actually the Dream World, to find ways to enhance their powers. Nolan simply embraced vampiric powers that he already had. He informed the team that this is Stephanie's dream, but Bethany, though looks like her mother, is actually something more. He then takes the team to his Earth where the Null have overrun it. He gives Nolan a necklace with a strange red crytal on it and then soon faces off with Maar, the person from Cynthia's prophecy. Maar kills Nolan just before the team leaves for Xertia. Later on, the team goes to the castle and frees the captured Eurostar team just as a Null Spider attacks. The team gets back to their Earth just as Johnny Bam sends the Null through a wall as it was dissolving various parts of his body. Later on, the team has Eurostar arrested. Finally that night, Titus Grueber visits Nolan in a dream and carves a symbol into his neck, making him a vampire so that he can experience what Grueber must go through.


#8 Attack of the Toyotatomi


After a brief discussion with Vargas, Victor Eversole, and Cpl Harrison about the Null, Chevorlet's research lab outside of Millennium City is attacked by the Toyotatomi, a group of mechnized villains including Ankylosaur, Armadillo, and Chevy's old enemy, Cyclone. Chevy, Fade, and Centurion go the lab and find that the Toyotatomi are after Chevy's specs and upgrade details. While Fade goes into the building to stop Armadillo from stealing the data, Centurion faces off against Ankylosaur and Chevy and Cyclone clash. Fade manages to destroy the data before it can be stolen while the four combatants fight to draws in both of their fights. The Toyotatomi escaped, leaving the Freedom Corps and MARS to clean up the mess. During the cleanup, one of Chevorlet's mechanics talks to Centurion, revealing that he is Christopher Vargas. Later on, the team comes back to HQ, only to find Julian Vargas and Jennifer Gallows under attack by the Null. After it severely wounded Fade, Chevy severely wounded it before a suprise attack by Titus Grueber finished it off. In a startling revelation, it was revealed that of the three Freedom Corps members, only Fade stood a chance of defating the Null.


#9 First Contact


After returning from Brazil, Hydro-Electric, Vladimir, and Byron are sent to investigate a crash site where a giant metal sphere has landed. Soon, the sphere opened, unleashing a giant lizard monster who began rampaging. Luckily, the Freedom Corp used their combined powers to capture the lizard back in the sphere before it did too much damage. Soon after though, the team was abjucted by a race of aliens calling themselves, Malva. The team was forced to battle each other for the right to battle their grand champion, Firewing. Hydro-Electric soon triumphed over the team but was quickly defeated by Firewing. However, just as that happened a giant red asteroid smashed into the ship, causing it to fall apart. Luckily, with the help of a human captive from back during colonial times, the team escaped on a stolen fighter. The asteroid hit near Millennium City, but seemed to slow itself down before impact causing little damage. The team hid the fighter and went back to HQ where they encountered the entire team, the Champions, Titus Grueber, H-E 2, Necrosis, Vita, and Diatasso all waiting to discuss the Null


#10 Beyond Death


The Champions, Freedom Corps, and Titus Grueber team up to take down the lich, Phon-Arath and the Null Portal which fed him pure Necromancy. After being separated by a force field and being attacked by a horde of zombies and skeletons, the Freedom Corps went alone after Phon-Arath. After Phon-Arath damaged his suit, an enraged Chevy single-handedly defeated Phon-Arath. Fade, Centurion, and Byron went into Null Space to destroy the portal from the other side. It was there that they viewed a mass horde of Null being organized by a human like figure into military formations. The trio attached the bombs to the portal and left before they were found. Meanwhile, the white haired being known as Maar came through the Null Portal into Earth and attacked the remaining Freedom Corp members. The team was being very easily defeated, even with the returning trio from Null Space. However, the team managed to set up the bombs and blow up the Null Portal. This caused the Portal to collapse upon itself and sucked Maar and the Null-Spiders back into Null-Space. However, Maar grabbed Johnny Bam before he was brought back into the portal and despite the team's efforts, brought Bam into Null-Space with him


#11 The Artist and the Artifact


Monica Knowlton attempts to blackmail the team (Chevy, Fade, and Centurion) into giving false feedback to her new product, the Crimson Battery, created from the crashed meteor from 'First Contact'. During the Battery's debut at the Museum, local artist Samantha Johnson is transformed into the Cloaca, a tentacled monster who can hop through paintings. After defeating the creature, the party discovers two things: Maximillian Narcisse unleashed the Cloaca and Cateran stole a gyroscope artifact from the museum while people were distracted.


#12 City of Circuits


The team (Silhouette, Hydro-Electric, and Krakatoa) returns to Xertia only to find themselves in a mechanical city due to Dream Shift, which is similar to ocean currents. This city, as it turns out, is literally Nullworld's Vladimir. He gives the team several red crystals as well as a bomb to blow up the Archway to the Heavens. Later on in Xertia, the team has a showdown with Burris. After rescuing Stephanie, the team battled Burris. Burris had the upper hand, but the team lured her away from the Archway, giving the bomb enough time to go off. The team escaped with the Fanta-Beam in the nick of time. However, instead of returning to Earth, the team was dumped off in a world full of gears


#13 Showdown at the Big Ten


Byron notices that the police are staking him out. Later on, power is cut off for a while in Millennium City except for one office building which certain offices were lit up to form a message about a chess game from Cybermind to Shadow Wolf (Vladimir). Later on, the team is informed of a robbery at the Big Ten movie theater. Shadow Wolf and Byron go to investigate and encounter the Samurai 5 holding up the place. A battle ensued but it was only ended by the appearance of a meta-human named Mean Streak who helped the Freedom Corp defeat the Samurai 5. After an interrogation, the team finds out that the leader of the Samurai 5 is the daughter of Nicholas Donlan. Also, the team finds out that a man named Preet Junction hired the team. The team goes to the warehouse where Preet was last seen. After taking out the guards, they enter the warehouse and then down a hole in the floor. This lead to an arena where Preet Junction was on a video screen. Preet Junction, as it turns out, is a Malvan and has introduced the Malvan gladiator games to Earth. With Firewing's disappearance, he had to crown a new champion... and that champion is...


#14 The Watershed


Continuing from the Showdown at the Big Ten: The champion is a Earth metahuman named Bulldozer. Bulldozer and Mean Streak battled while Byron set up some distractions and Shadow Wolf made sure that Preet Junction's apparently televised gladiator matches were of lowest quality. After Byron set up Bulldozer in a very embarassing state, Preet fired Bulldozer and gave Mean Streak the championship. Mean Streak was injected with a small device that would enable any gladiator to find him and challenge him at any time. The team left the arena and ran into Antoine Harrison and the MARS. Apparentely, someone called in a break in ot the warehouse by Metas. Antoine arrested the team and took them to Stronghold. In Stronghold, they were put in separate cells. However, one of the guards attacked a powerless Byron stating that 'Psimon sends his regards'. The next day, Nicholas Donlan bails them out, stating that he didn't realize it was them. Later on, the team found out where the guard was currently: A seedy meta/henchmen bar called the Watershed. Upon investigating, Mean Streak discovered that some major jobs were going down by a woman named Tesseract.


#15 The Gear Works


Continuing from The City of Circuits: The team (Hydro-Electric, Krakatoa, and Silhouette) lands in Gearworks where they encounter Clockwork Robots and a dwarf of a man named Curls who is the Engineer of the Gearworks. Each gear controls a specific function of reality, whether it's how stars are born, to how purple looks to your next door neighbor. Soon after, the Gearworks is attacked. Curls and the Freedom Corps go to see who the attacker is and are attacked by several armed goons. After dispatching with them, the team ends up on a platform and encounter the meta humans, Tesseract and Shadow Dragon. Shadow Dragon had stolen a gear from a tower and then left via Tesseract's teleportation ability. Tesseract left soon after. It turns out that the gear that was stolen was on a tower for Magical Cosmetics, but the gear was not listed on the tower's inventory. This meant that it was being hidden for a purpose (Curls talked about how the god Chaos, before he went to war with the other gods, came to Gear Works, found his own Gear and modified it to make himself more powerful. Since then, all gears of significant power are hidden.). Also, the team makes a discovery on the same platform. There are towers for the Null, Ruun and Sol, that are filled with gears. The Sol are missing a few at the top that apparently are yet to be created. Also, an empty tower has just been built for Maar and the Nullruun, but Curls stated that he has no idea who they are. He was under orders from Diatasso to build the towers and leave them empty. With that, Curls sent the team back home.


#16 The Return of the Fool


Jennifer Gallows announced that her work on the Gymnasium is complete. The room can now be continously altered from a control room to maximize training regiments. Centurion takes it upon himself to take Fade into the Gymnasium for a late night training session to build endurance. After wearing Fade out, Centurion notices a commotion in the control room. Several red robed men were holding Gallows hostage as several more came into the gym led by Maximillian Narcisse who demanded that Centurion hand over an artifact that Centurion knows the location of. A battle ensued as Centurion took on Narcisse and his crew in the gymansium while Fade, an incoming Dr. Silverback, and incoming Julian Vargas went to save Gallows. After restoring order to the control room, despite Silverback being knocked out, Fade began starting up the Gymnasium's controls which led to a lot of confusion and damage inside the gym. However, it did it's job and took out the red robed people. Vargas locked out Maximillian's telepathic abilities while Centurion came in and finished him off. However, soon after a man by the named of the Black Shepherd appeared, burning the bodies of the red robes and Narcisse. Though he was impressed that Centurion dispatched his Morbane, Narcisse, he demanded the artifact from Centurion. He summoned several 'Little Ones', small white demons capable of entering a host's body and taking it over. They swarmed around Centurion and attacked. Just before being overwhelmed, he used his grapple line to swing out of there and kicked the Shepherd with all of his might, knocking himself out in the collision as he hit the wall. The Shepherd and the Little Ones disappeared, but not before the Shepherd vowed that his friends would suffer because of this. With that, Gallows was sent through the control room window with a knife in her back. Stepping through the Control Room door was Jack Fool. Fade, who had gone to check on Gallows, and Vargas were the only ones left to stand up to him. However, Vargas used his telepathy to summon an ally, a witch named Alicia Blackmun who teleported in with a vial of powder and a black book. She tossed the vial to Fade while reading from the book which paralyzed Fool. However, Fool broke out and stabbed Blackmun multiple times in the arm. Fade used the time to break the vial on the back of Fool's head. Fool quickly disappeared in a ball of flame.

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Re: Tales of the Freedom Corps


I love some of the names and terminology:


The Singing Boxer!

The Fanta-Beam!

The Ruun (wooooh!)

The Null Spider (WOOOOOOH!)

The Toyotatomi (BWAHAHAHAHA!)

The Crimson Battery!

Dream Shift

Jennifer Gallows


There's some great... there must be a name for this: the mixing together of ordinary words to create concepts that take on a life of their own... going on here that reminds me of Jack Kirby or Grant Morrison at their most playful. Even on just a cursory read, I feel like I KNOW this world.


Funky. Good work.

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Re: Tales of the Freedom Corps


I love some of the names and terminology:


The Singing Boxer!

The Fanta-Beam!

The Ruun (wooooh!)

The Null Spider (WOOOOOOH!)

The Toyotatomi (BWAHAHAHAHA!)

The Crimson Battery!

Dream Shift

Jennifer Gallows


There's some great... there must be a name for this: the mixing together of ordinary words to create concepts that take on a life of their own... going on here that reminds me of Jack Kirby or Grant Morrison at their most playful. Even on just a cursory read, I feel like I KNOW this world.


Funky. Good work.


Thank you! :-)


Does it make the Singing Boxer any better that he speaks with a thick Polish accent? ;-)


I've gotten some odd looks from my players in terms of the Fanta-Beam's name... 'You mean, it shoots out soda???'' Then they realize it's short for 'Fantasy' and it's alllll good


The Ruun are some of my faves... ancient non-human necromancers that stay 'alive' by replacing destroyed/worn out body parts with body parts from the recently deceased. However, while they are creepy and there are some bad apples in the bunch, the Ruun in general are peaceful... The Ruun are central to the main storyline going on currently... the short and sweet of it: Ruun and Null (anti-life creatures) go to war. The Sol (beings born from stars) come down to help defend Earth from the Null, but while they defeated the Null, they ended up taking out more then half of the Ruun's population with it (caught in the crossfire). Thousands of years pass... the Null are now active again in Earth but this time they are very organized. The Sol are nowhere to be found and the Ruun have been reduced to hiding in graveyards... there seems to be a race of creatures that look like a crossbreed between Ruun and Null leading the Null to battle. That's where the heroes come in.


Toyotatomi... I love that name... there's a PC in my campaign named Chevy... basically, he's a power armor hero ala Iron Man... his suit was built by Chevorlet and is the prototype for their new armor project. Hence the name Chevy... Toyota wanted their hands on it, so they hired some mechanized mercs, called them the Toyotatomi and sent them on their way... fun stuff ;-)


The Crimson Battery story is just starting... a new energy source from a crashed meteor? You know something bad is going to eventually happen!


Dream Shift is simply a plot device when they teleport to the dream world so that I do not have to automatically put them in the same spot everytime they go. I can then use different dreams for them to go to.

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Re: Tales of the Freedom Corps


This is from Sunday's game:


#17 The Threads Connect (continued from #16: Return of the Fool)


Alicia Blackmun says that she will set up anti-demon wards around HQ. In the meantime, Gallows stab wound is not healing due to an enchantment on Fool's knife. She can stabilize her but she'll need a piece of a pure demon in order to heal her. She then throws a newspaper that had Samantha Johnson (the Cloaca) on the cover. The team (Centurion, Fade, and Chevy) go to Stronghold and use Chevy's contacts to let them interrogate Johnson to find out a way to bring back the Cloaca. Despite trying several methods, they failed in their attempt to trigger the Cloaca. Later on, Centurion makes a phone call to Cateran to ask her about the situation at the Museum. She tells Centurion that she can't speak over the phone, but she would meet him at a warehouse at midnight. That night, they met Cateran and she said that the Cloaca coming out when she was around was purely a coincidence. Her boss hired her for a lot of money to steal the gyroscope, but it had to be that specific night. Just as they turned to depart, Tesseract appeared apparently pretty soon after the situation in the Gear Works. She couldn't comprehend how the Freedom Corps knew to show up at the Museum and the Gear Works. However, her master's project is almost complete. She teleports in three mechanical beasts called Chala-Lions which attack the team as Tesseract and Cateran teleport away, saying that they'll meet Shadow Dragon at Mt. Fuji. The battle goes badly for the team as Centurion and Chevy are defeated by the Lions, while Fade, finding that he could not scare the Lions, tried to distract them before he ended up hiding behind a crate of electronics (as an aside, he stole some of the electronics from the box). Meanwhile, as soon as Chevy and Centurion were knocked out, Zorran the Artificer, a man from Centurion's past, teleported in and left with the Chala-Lions as well as the two knocked out Freedom Corps members, leaving Fade utterly alone.

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  • 1 month later...

Re: Tales of the Freedom Corps


The past few weeks of the campaign:


#18 The Secret of Mount Fuji


Continued from The Threads Connect. Fade returns to HQ and let's the team know that Chevy and Centurion have been kidnapped and probably taken to Mt. Fuji in Japan. The entire team takes the Malvan fighter that Vladimir had been working on and flies to Mt. Fuji. The team discovers that magma is flowing dangerously close to the earth's surface. Fade flows through Mt. Fuji and finds a cavern with an obsidian temple with statues similar to the statues found at the water source's temple in Brazil. The team teleports to the temple and immediately is attacked by three Chala-Lions. Byron gets mauled by one of the Lions very badly, only surviving with Silhouette's healing hands. However, Krakatoa, upon seeing and smelling the blood on Byron begins to show signs of his vampirism (growing fangs/bloodlust). Krakatoa manages to fend off the bloodlust but realizes that he can't be sure to control it. So, he flies full speed into a Chala-Lion, knocking him completely out but shattering the mechanical lion completely. From there, Hydro-Electric fried another Lion while Mean Streak disposed of another. The team entered the puzzle and encountered a color puzzle which was quickly solved. This opened an elevator which after the team entered when down further. The door opened and an old WWII veteran (who apparently had recently buried his fellow soldiers) aimed a gun at them. Upon convincing the soldier that there may be villains at the source, he leads the team to the door that leads to the Source. Fade goes through the door to survey and sees a massive magma filled room with an obsidian bridge leading to an island. In the room is a Chala-Lion, Tesseract, and a bald heavily tattooed man. Also in the room is the man who kidnapped Chevy and Centurion (who are being suspended over the magma by some glowing green metal shaped in a cage). He is standing next to a giant machine which is holding up a huge ball of fire. The team prepares for battle...


#19 Arise, Shirak the Destroyer


Continued from The Secret Below Mount Fuji. The team battles a Chala-Lion, Tesseract, Shadow Dragon, and Zorran. After Mean Streak sent Zorran into the magma and Hydro-Electric dismantled the Chala-Lion, Tesseract disabled Hydro-Electric and sent Silhouette off into a dimension of numbers as well as teleporting Zorran to some unknown place. Mean Streak and Shadow Dragon fought to a stand still while most of the team went off to save Chevy and Centurion. During the battle, Krakatoa enters the Fire Source. The Fire Source cures Krakatoa of his vampirism but on one condition. Krakatoa must become the new guardian for the Source. After a small earthquake started to happen and the magma started to rise, Tesseract and Shadow Dragon teleported away just as Zorran appeared again, riding on the shoulder of a 400 foot creature known as Shirak the Destroyer. Chevy and Centurion are freed by their teammates as they race to save Japan. A huge battle ensues, with many of the flying characters trying to distract Shirak as it destroys cities around Japan. Meanwhile, Centurion and Mean Streak took on Zorran while Chevy and Krakatoa formulated a plan to shut down Shirak. They discover a large venting system on Shirak’s back with flames shooting out of it. After a failed attempt by Chevy to close up the vent, Krakatoa enters the vent, immune to the fire due to his powers. He then proceeds to lower the temperature in the immediate area to well below freezing. This ends up damaging Shirak’s internal workings which caused the huge golem to stop functioning. Meanwhile, Zorran despite heavily damaging the heroes is finally defeated. However, before being captured, he uses his power to turn himself into a statue of an unknown substance. Just before being completely turned, he curses the world saying ‘If I cannot destroy it myself, I know the beings who can’. With that, he says a few words and suddenly thousands of islands begin springing up all over the world. On each of these islands contains a fort and upon further investigation by Fade, they contain a skeleton of a Ruun… and a Null Portal… thousands of Null Portals… waiting to be opened



#20 Technology's Curse


Vargas orders Mean Streak and Shadow Wolf to take the ship into space and seek out Nebula's aid for not only the coming Null invasion but also to see if she knows anything about the Sol. After meeting up in her ship, it is attacked by unknown assailants. One of their blasts forces the ship to auto-jump to a random location, sending them crashing to a planet made up of mostly metal. Shadow Wolf investigated the ship and discovers that the jump drive has been badly damaged. Nebula and the team venture out of the ship towards a city, but are attacked by machines forming out of the metal ground. After fighting through several waves, the group is aided by a band of aliens armed with liquid EMPs. The team escapes in the alien's car and goes up to the mountains where it is revealed that they were once a space faring civilization, but were overrun by an intelligent machine of unknown origin known as Mechanon. The aliens figure that Mechanon will come after the crashed ship in order to get off of the planet. The ship's crew and the aliens must now defend the ship while dealing with Mechanon itself. The team gets Nebula to bombard the city where Mechanon is in order to destroy the surroundings and give him no place to hide. The ship levels the city and the team moves in. They find Mechanon and a battle ensues. Mean Streak takes out Mechanon rather easily after Shadow Wolf reprogrammed it. However, this was just a copy. The real Mechanon came from underneath the ground and pulverized the team, nearly killing both Shadow Wolf and Mean Streak. However, a powerful rapid fire shot by Mean Streak opened up a few holes in Mechanon's EMP proof armor, giving the team the opportunity to dump in vials of the Liquid EMP that the aliens were using. Mechanon exploded into many parts, including his head which tried to float away. However, Mean Streak quickly destroyed the head with debris from the ground. The aliens on the planet celebrate their freedom and repair Nebula's ship. They leave the planet and jump back to Earth and the heroes depart. However, they arrive to see every city on Earth destroyed. They pick up a signal by Chevy and they land near the signal where they discover their weakened partner. Apparently this is not their Earth. It is an alternate Earth where the Null never invaded. Instead Earth's meta human population teamed up to go against Entropyian, a being of immense power. They defeated him only with the help of a newcomer to their world... the Null World Centurion. He helped them defeat Entropyian only to turn against them after the victory. Apparently this world's Chevy has been contacting Freedom Corp's Chevy to warn him about the potential danger of Centurion. Chevy passes along a message that was said by the Null World Centurion, ‘The Knights of the Round Table all dreamed of it differently.’ The team looked slightly confused. Chevy says that he will send them home, but the team wants to include Nebula in the escape plan. So, the team gets ready to leave the planet while Chevy says that he will use the machine that got them here in the first place on the ground. Suddenly Null World Centurion with powerful lightning shooting out of his body and an almost holy light behind him, flies out of the sky. The team gets into the ship and flies off, but Null World Centurion climbs on top of the ship and survives as the team reaches space. They land in Nebula’s ship and instantly some guards attack Centurion. Centurion kills one of the guards but Mean Streak then attacks Centurion. He misses to the right of Centurion and runs into a mist where he sees two wooden cups in the mist. Mean Streak uses his speed and grabs one of them. The touch burns Mean Streak and throws him off. Centurion then says, ‘I never knew you had it in you… Bam…’ The name Bam left Mean Streak pissed off and Shadow Wolf very confused. Centurion leaves the ship, fading through the wall and back down to the planet. A beam comes up from the Earth from Chevy’s device and warps the ship back home.

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Re: Tales of the Freedom Corps


#21 Pirate Attack


Vargas delivers a letter addressed to the Freedom Corp HQ and sent directly to Alexander Lyons. The letter revealed that a man named Jebediah Coopersmith is coming for Lyons and his artifact. Soon after, the TV flickered on and Miranda Chen reported that an airship full of pirates are attacking the city. Centurion and Hydro-Electric leave to go save the city. Along the way, they find a gravity controlling meta-human named Big G who saved a few people from falling debris caused by the cannons from the ship blasting into buildings before pirates pillaged and looted it. Centurion swung up to the ship's gun bay while Big G and H-E went to the top of the ship. Both encountered heavy amounts of pirates which were easily dispatched. Meanwhile, H-E and Big G had to face off against the captain, Red Tooth, and the first mate, Salty. Red Tooth was taken out rather quickly, but Salty put up a nasty fight against Big G nearly ending his life before H-E put him out with lightning to the face. The team brought the ship down right next to the Great Lakes. Salty bailed out and jumped into the water, but H-E picked him up with his hydro-kinetic power. However, when Salty was pulled up, he had the torso and head of a man... and the body of a fish! After turning the pirates over to MARS, the team got a messaged from a man in a black cloak with red trim saying that Blackmun has been kidnapped and taken to the Null Portal above Millennium City. The team goes to the Magic Shop where she worked to make sure she was actually kidnapped. Bethany Duquense, a co-worker of hers, reveals that she hasn't heard from her today and can't seem to find her. It was then that Bethany revealed herself to be Witchcraft of the Champions. She healed the wounds from the pirate battle and said that she would contact the Champions. The team goes to the Null Portal tower and sees that Blackmun has been tied up to the portal. The team goes to unhook her but finds that she is an illusion. The door closes behind them and out of the shadows come the black cloaked man and some of his cronies. It was then that the black cloaked man peeled back his cloak which took some of his skin with it. It was a badly burned Maximillian Narcisse. Narcisse ordered all of his men to attack Centurion which they did with their wands. Most of the blasts hit, completely taking out Centurion. Narcisse cast a spell which sealed Centurion in some kind of glass. Is this an alternate world? A prison? Or something else?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Tales of the Freedom Corps


#22 To Hell and Back (Continued from Pirate Attack)


Hydro-Electric was saved by the Champions team as they broke down the door to the Tower. Narcisse and his DEMON brothers faded into the shadow. Witchcraft and Alicia Blackmun send H-E into Hell to save Centurion who was captured by a demon. This demon literally stuck him with a pitchfork and began dipping him into a lava pit filled with souls for torture purposes. H-E defeated the demon and freed the souls as well as Centurion. Two of the souls stuck behind and told them that they know how to defeat the Freedom Corps enemy, Jack Fool, but they requested to be resurrected before they told. Before they could get out, the team encountered Luthor Black, the leader of DEMON who tried to convince Centurion to give him the artifact. However, despite trying to use a demon to possess Centurion as well as trying to turn H-E into fire, they managed to escape. The team got back from Hell and went the Ruun’s lair to find the bodies of the two souls, and then went to their on again/off again ally, Titus Grueber to get them resurrected. As soon as they arrived at Grueber’s lair, he used a spell to sneak them into a meeting between the various lower level leaders along with Titus and Mort-Krieger, the death knight (a co-leader of the Undead Council with Grueber) arguing about whether they should try to take over the Null from their current leaders or team with the metahumans of the world and try to defeat the Null. No decision was reached. Titus, after everybody left, resurrected the dead duo, but the price for doing that was basically that sometime in the future, he will ask the team to do something very strange and they will have to do it without hesitation. The resurrected guys, as it turns out, were cops along with Jack Fool. Their names are Luthar Mannheim and Jimmy Finn. They hunted DEMON in the 1930s, but were killed in the end. DEMON made sure that Jimmy and Luthar went to Hell while Jack Fool's body was used as an instrument of destruction for DEMON’s purposes. The only way to destroy Fool now is to get his body and bury it in holy ground. Titus informed the team of the supposed whereabouts of Fool's body, but when the team went there, it only had two low level DEMON brothers trying to sacrifice a hooker. The team defeated them but didn't find Fool's body However, one of the Brothers was 'borrowing' Maximillian Narcisse's robes and in it was a safety deposit box key in the local National Bank. The team investigated and found documents talking about Julian Vargas (the leader of the Freedom Corps) and how 18 years ago a Succubus was sent from Hell to seduce him and produce a child of untold dark power. She was successful, but when the child finally met it’s father when the child turned 18, a battle ensued with the child’s power unleashed. However, while the child manage to destroy Vargas’s physical body, the child's dark powers were locked away deep within it’s in mind by Vargas’s mental powers


#23 To Save a Gallows


It is announced that starting today, due to a major government contract, Binary Corp will now begin supplying weapons using the crystal from the crashed meteor to the police and MARS. Also today will be a dedication ceremony at Stronghold where a new wing will be opened for non-super powered villains (the gadgeteers mostly). At the dedication ceremony, giving a speech, will be one of the city’s top heroes, Baron Von Awesome (secretly nearby, a hired bodyguard, Le Phantomme, is nearby). Vargas orders Silhouette and Fade to sneak into Stronghold to get some of the Cloaca’s blood. With their stealth ability, they may be able to get in better then others, especially with most of the prison guards watching the speech. The team gets into Stronghold and looks into a security office to turn off the power dampeners. However, they notice that the power dampeners themselves have already been turned off in certain areas, including the Cloaca’s cell! Also, there is evidence that the guard in the security office has been mind controlled to ignore the dampeners. The team is soon attacked by two escaped prisoners, now known as Zigzag and Blackstar. An alarm sounds and Baron Von Awesome and Le Phantomme join the battle. Zigzag attacks Phantomme, but a stretching punch bounces off of his force field. Awesome soon unleashes a huge energy blast and knocks out Zigzag in one shot. Blackstar uses density powers to increase his mass and smashes a guard through a window. Phantomme creates a area of darkness surrounding about half of the room. As Silhouette goes to heal the guard, Blackstar stumbles around in the dark and ends up breaking the guard’s leg by stepping on him. Soon after though, after the darkness goes away, the Cloaca emerges from her cell flanked by a chanting DEMON brother. Both are surrounded by a golden glow. The Cloaca uses one of her tendrils to snatch away Blackstar and drain him completely. Following that, the Freedom Corp runs down the corridor and begins a battle with the Cloaca and the DEMON brother. Fade tries to get behind the brother and take him out, but the Cloaca trains him of his mental strength which she also does to Baron Von Awesome as well. The Cloaca seemed to have the upper hand and even seemed to be able to partially resist Stronghold’s power dampening field that Silhouette activated. The Cloaca went all out with her attacks and all seemed lost. However, Silhouette, knowing she didn’t have a chance to take out the Cloaca on her own, used her mind control powers to take over Awesome’s weakened mind. Using his strength, Awesome crushed the Cloaca as the Phantomme snuck around and crushed the brother. Silhouette, seeing the Cloaca retreating in her host’s body, quickly cut off a piece of the tendril. Later on, the tendril was given to Alicia Blackmun who manufactured a powder which when combined with Silhouette’s healing ability, was able to finally heal the stab wound given to Jennifer Gallows by Jack Fool.


#24 A Challenger Awaits


A Freedom Corps team meeting is held which included, Victor Eversole, Alicia Blackmun, and Witchcraft as well as new Freedom Corps member, Baron Von Awesome and Le Phantomme. Eversole announced that the city had paid the Freedom Corps bill from the damage they caused at Binary Corp and warned them to not do it again. Vargas also announced that Blackmun will help them out with any magical supplies that the team will need while Witchcraft will be the team’s liaison to the Champions. Vargas had the team brainstorm for allies in the likely event of a Null invasion. Soon, though, the window in Vargas’s office breaks as a young Japanese girl crashes in followed up by a detective only known as John. John wants to take her in for destruction of property. However, the girl says that if he does that, her family may be killed. They are currently at a warehouse in the city. After convincing John to not arrest her, Mean Streak and Centurion take the girl (known as Kumiko) to the warehouse and then deal with the arrest afterwards. Soon after the team arrives, John is shot by a sniper. Mean Streak quickly finds the sniper and takes him out. He reveals to John that he was hired by a man named the Thin Man. John uses telepathy to invade his mind to find out more, but he only sees a unknown guy sliding him money. Interestingly enough, what John was hearing in the sniper’s mind was actually heard on all of the surrounding radios as well. After John has the sniper taken away, the team enters the warehouse. The door slams shut around them and a blue field forms around the walls. The team sees multiple crates in the room which all burst open except for a large crate in the back. Robots come out of some of the crates, some fitted with cameras and one fitted with a monitor with Preet Junction’s head on it. Out of other crates, Malvan guards step out. Preet announced that they are live and that Mean Streak will now have to defend his title. Out steps a powerful looking humanoid known as Herculan. Mean Streak and Herculan battle while the rest of the team go after the guards. However, it seems that every time Centurion, John, or Kumiko hit one of the guards, Mean Streak would received a shock through his electronic device. This ended up being a serious problem for Mean Streak. Herculan used his transferring powers to draw strength and dexterity from Mean Streak while blasting away at him with punches and energy beams. However, Herculan’s arrogance caused his downfall. He had Mean Streak on the ground, barely conscious. Instead of finishing him off, he simply spits on him and insults him. This enrages Mean Streak who proceeds to grab Herculan and spin him at super speed for almost a full minute! Meanwhile, Kumiko runs to the large crates and dives into it, reappearing shortly thereafter with a power armor body suit! Nearby, a dizzy and nauseous Herculan tries to punch and shoot at Mean Streak from the spin, but he is way off. Herculan is spun onto the ground and Mean Streak pounces on him, using rapid fire punches to pound Herculan’s head into the floor, finishing him off. Preet announces that he never had Kumiko’s family in the first place, but thanks her for bringing Mean Streak to the building. He then teleports the guards and equipment away, leaving Herculan there to be arrested by MARS. Meanwhile, John is ready to arrest Kumiko. However, Dr. Silverback, who followed the team, convinces Kumiko to join the team in face of the crisis. John still wants to take her in, but Silverback gets John to join the team as well so that Kumiko can be watched. The team gets ready to leave when suddenly, Firewing makes a long awaited reappearance, crashing through the ceiling. The former arena champ challenges Mean Streak to a battle for the title, but gives him a week to heal up. Mean Streak accepts and Firewing leaves the warehouse.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Tales of the Freedom Corps


This is it! Issue #25! This is the start of the story that wraps up the previous 24 adventures:


Issue #25: The Null Invasion


Vargas receives a package containing the stolen Gear and Gyroscope, mailed from California. Soon after, chanting can be heard and it’s get very dark outside. Someone knocks at the door, and it’s a old friend of Vargas’s, a metahuman priest known as the Padre. According to the Padre, the island above Millennium City is spouting out darkness. Vargas orders the team to split up. He wants the Padre, Baron Von Awesome, Shadow Wolf, and Fade on the ground patrolling to keep the calm. The rest of the team should go to the island to investigate. Big G launches the team up to the island. They open the door to the tower on the island and Techno Grrrl goes right in. The Null Portal has been activated, but she also noticed a humanoid shape running into a glowing purple circle to the right of the Null Portal. Techno Grrrl runs into the portal and is soon followed by Centurion, Hydro-Electric, and John the Cop (now known as the Watcher). The team in the portal end up in the Undead Council chamber and are face to face with Mort Krieger. Did he open the portal? Krieger orders a dozen undead to attack them, but Hydro-Electric takes care of all of them. Krieger gets up to attack, but before he does he asks them how they came here in the first place. After being informed about the Null portal and the Purple Portal, Krieger declares that no one else came through this room… unless… somebody was invisible. He uses a power and sees that someone recently had crossed through this room invisibly. He orders the team down a corridor to follow the footsteps. The team encounters another Purple Portal and throws some of the team aside as he charges in. The team, realizing there’s no way out, charge in and they fall into what looks like Grueber’s lair! Krieger is suspended in mid-air by Grueber’s magic as Grueber declares that Krieger broke an Undead Council law of entering his lair without permission. Standing next to Grueber is some kind of glowing humanoid. Upon seeing the team, he tosses Krieger aside. Grueber activated the Null Portal, hoping that the team would blame Mort Krieger for it and kill him. He cannot simply murder Krieger himself. So, he teleports Krieger away. The team inquires about the glowing figure who then stops glowing, revealing a being made up entirely of chains. Hydro-Electric investigates the being and touches one of the chains and is instantly teleported to a prison cell made of fire. Grueber gets the being to teleport her back shortly afterwards. Grueber wants to attack the Null head on and catch them off guard. He reveals that while the Sol can hurt the Null, so can the supernatural. He wants the team to take a bite out of a magical apple that will turn them undead so that they can hurt the Null. Grueber then began telling a story about the last Null Invasion (a long one as Grueber tends to do). Apparently, there is a Source machine dedicated to controlling the Null. This was used to clear the Earth of Null during the last invasion. This machine was moved into Nullspace to destroy what was left of the Null, but it was never set off. The Sol destroyed much of the Earth to make sure no Null Portal was left standing. Grueber has a contact in Null Space that revealed to him that the Null Source still exists and is still workable. But, they would need to find this contact so that he can show the team where it is. The team needs to find Johnny Bam! Meanwhile on the ground, the team stops some looters who are arrested by red crystal gun carrying police. However, the team is soon attacked by two Null Spiders! The first spider dissolves a police officer. The other attacks the group. Despite Awesome’s attack that could level a building, the Null Spider still survived, though knocked around a bunch. The other Spider went after Fade. The cop shot his red crystal gun at the Null and managed to damage it severely. The Null went after him, but the Padre swept in and saved him. The Padre dropped him off on a balcony and then grabbed his red crystal gun. He aimed and fired which destroyed the Null completely. He went after the other Null, but before he could destroy it, the red crystal blew up. Bursting forth from the crystal was a full grown humanoid shape, made completely of fire. Were these the Sol of legend? The being launched an attack at the Null which dissolved it completely. It then took off the to the sky, followed by thousands of other Null, forming the equivalent of a small sun in the sky. Meanwhile, on the island, out of the portal stepped the Freedom Corps toughest enemy, Maar. Maar attack, quickly knocking around the members of the team that didn’t know his power. After nearly killing Big G, Mean Streak attacked Maar head on. Maar dodged all of the speedsters attacks and then without moving a muscle, all sorts of wounds that felt like a Null attack opened up on Mean Streak. Mean Streak slumped to the ground. Before the team could react, more slashes hit Mean Streak and he let out his last gasp. Mean Streak was dead. Maar picked up Mean Streak and like he did with Phon-Arath, absorbed Mean Streak into his body. Maar. The team braced for another attack, but suddenly out of the Null Portal came half of a body thrown at full force at Maar’s head. Maar was dazed at the attack. Out from the portal stepped a large man wearing scraps of clothes. It was Johnny Bam! Bam apologized to the half of a body, calling it Rolf. He then said that the battle could not be won. With that, he used his full strength to bash through the wall of the tower and jumping down to the city below, carrying Rolf with him.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Tales of the Freedom Corps


#26: The Null Invasion Part 2


Bam tells his story about what happened in Null Space and how he escaped. Apparently someone in chains has been telling Maar about the Archway to the Heavens! Is this the same guy from Grueber's lair???


Vargas realizes that if the little girl who dreamed of Xertia has an Archway to the Heavens in it, it's because she's seen it somewhere in real life. The team tracks the girl (Stephanie) to a psych ward, where she's been ever since the team destroyed Xertia. She's a scared girl and it's revealed that she has a pentagram carved into her arm. It was something her father did to her. The team visits the father in jail and he claims that the girl's grandparents sexually and physically abused the girl and he was framed for it.


The team visits the grandparents and finds them taking care of another little girl. Silhouette finds another little girl tied up in the basement and after confirming the grandparent's acts through telepathy, the team accused the grandparents of misdeeds. The grandparents teleported to the basement, took the child, and left through some magical means. Silhouette scans and finds them in an old rock quarry outside of town.


The team enters a network of caves and finds a massive room with the Archway to the Heavens. They defeat the grandparents, but soon encounter DEMON brothers, Maximillian Narcisse and a new powerful DEMON member from India who has power over the shadows. DEMON tries to sacrifice the girl on a stone altar, but they are stopped by the Freedom Corps. A battle ensues and Big G saves the girl. The team knocks out Maximillian and shakes up the Indian guy. The Black Shepherd teleports in and takes away the Indian guy and Maximillian, but leaves the Brothers, just as a Nullruun, two Null Spiders, and two new winged Null dissolve through a wall.


The Nullruun orders one of the winged Null to tell Maar that the Archway has been found. Silhouette mentally controls one of the Brothers to attack the Null. The Brother misses and the Null go on the attack, dissolving the brothers. The Null then stop and ignore the team. Bam uses this to his advantage and slams the Nullruun into the archway, breaking its foundation. Bam beats the crap out of the Nullruun, hurting his hands in the process. However, the Nullruun rose up, bursting from its own body, this time with Bam's looks and powers. Silhouette attacks the Nullruun and succeeds, but the Nullruun splits again into a Silhouette style duplicate. The Archway begins to fall. Silhouette grabs the little girl from Big G and begins to leave. The mysterious chains guy appears above the archway and activates it by some unknown means.


The archway falls over the team and the Null, taking them into the Heavens. Realizing there's little hope for the girl in a Null-invaded Earth, Silhouette dives into the Archway, taking the girl with him. The team is now in the heavens, watching angels battle Null.

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#27: The Null Invasion Part 3


Grueber gives the apple to the team who eat it and turn into undead (with the exception of Centurion who doesn't need it). It sickens them, but they survive. Grueber shows the team on various video screens that the Null are invading all over the planet. A ghost appears and warns the group that the Null are coming. Grueber summons some Zombies and retreats to an upper level hallway as the Null invade. Hydro-Electric rips several Null apart with her electric attacks now that she can affect them, but soon retreats as they overrun the room. In the hallway, the team sees a room filled with pale faced people doing research, apparently part of the Grand Library. Grueber steps in and murders them all and then destroys the room itself, not wanting it to fall into Null hands. They eventually reach a portal and teleport directly into an underground hallway where the Ruun known as Samuel stands and days 'We will fight by your side'

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  • 2 months later...

Re: Tales of the Freedom Corps




The Null Invasion Part 4


More Null come through the portal, including a gigantic Null Dragon. Nebula and her fellow fighter pilots arrive on Earth to help out and take on the Null. Meanwhile, a Sol leaves a mysterious message that the team still on Earth cannot decipher.


Titus Grueber appears and gets the team to come with him to the Ruun's lair, where they link up with the other part of the team left on Earth.


Meanwhile, Maar is contacted by a Null Angel that the Archway to the Heavens has been found and he leaves to go find it. Samuel of the Ruun deciphers the message and reveals that they have 24 hours to get rid of the Null or the Sol will destroy the Earth.


The team goes to the Quarry, fight off some Null, and find the Archway. They enter the Heavens and go to the Castle of the Gods. They encounter Diatasso, Vitae, and Necrosis along with the remaining portion of the team.


They send 2/3 of the team to go after Maar who apparently is after the Holy Sword, a weapon that can cut through anything god-like. Their theory is that he is there to destroy the gods and cause the Universe to unmake itself.


The majority of the team leaves to travel to the Altar that holds the sword. However, halfway there, they are stopped by the glowing man in chains.

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The Null Invasion Part 5


The team left behind in the Castle are sent to Null Space with the mission to get the Null Source and bring it back to Earth to destroy the Null there before returning it to Null Space to destroy all Null there.


Meanwhile, the man in chains summons Angels of Order to stop the team from progessing. The Angels immediately began capturing some of the team members, but the Freedom Corps were able to free themselves and defeat several of the Angels before the rest of them fled, leaving the team alone with the man in chains. They battle the man, but everytime someone tried to hit the man, they were teleported to some kind of prison, being shackled up by whatever they were vulnerable to. Soon, though, the man threw the imprisoned heroes out in a new location and he himself left, leaving the other team free to go to the Altar.


The formerly imprisoned team ended up right in front of the prison that holds the god Chaos. Two Angels of Order were chained to a pillar, apparently tied up by the man in chains. The team frees the Angels and they check to see if Chaos is still there. Chaos is shackled to the wall still and he boasts that Maar is coming with the Holy Sword to free him and restore balance to Order.


Meanwhile, the other team reaches the Altar, finding themselves there too late as Maar has reached the Altar, taken the Sword and has slain two angels. He battles the team, easily handling them, stripping Johnny Bam of a layer of skin before the man in chains appeared, telling Maar that he has more important business to do. Maar leaves them, using Mean Streak's speed as the man in chains tells the team of Maar's plans to free Chaos.

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The Null Invasion Part 6


Padre, Centurion, Fade, and Big G enter Null Space from Heaven and approach the Castle. Fade enters the castle and finds a tower with a sleeping Null Dragon around it. The team quietly flies up to a window and enters it. They enter the room and then into a corridor where they are attacked by Null dogs, Null spiders, and Null snakes. The team defeated them and made their way to the basement where they found the Burris guarding the Null Source.


Big G telekinetically grabs the Burris and throws her through a wall at tremendous velocity, but the Null wall seems to just open up for her. The team approaches the Source, but the Burris impales the Padre from below and rises up, her Null spikes extended. Padre, Big G, and Centurion battle the Burris as Fade enters the Null Source. The Null Source displays some schizophrenic traits which throws off Fade a bit.


Meanwhile, the Burris began dismantling the rest of the team, severely wounding Padre and impaling Big G. However, as Big G was impaled, a strange occurence happened. He stopped feeling pain, even as his internal organs were spilling out. It seems that Grueber's Undead potion had turned him into a Zombie!!! Meanwhile, Fade convinces the Null Source to remove the Null from the Burris's body. It does so and the Burris, now without her Null, withers away into dust.


The team takes the Null Source and heads for the portal. Fade tells them to stop any Null in their way and the Source decides to destroy all of Null Space instead. As the dimension begins to shatter, the team dives into the portal. Back on Earth now, they view absolute chaos going on as the Sol battle Null. The team sets off the Null Source and it quickly destroys all of the Null on Earth. The Sol fly up to the sky and look up as if looking for something.

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The Null Invasion Part 7


The Angels of Order fly the team at the Altar to the Chaos Prison under orders to stop Chaos and Maar. Meanwhile, Maar uses Mean Streak's speed and the Holy Sword to cut the chains of Chaos. The rest of the team arrives as does the Man in Chains. Chaos seems concerned about the Man in Chains, but before he could react, Maar stabs Chaos through the chest with the Holy Sword and absorbs him, becoming the new God of Chaos.


Maar looks at the Man in Chains and sees him for who he really is. Maar throws the Holy Sword and it impales the Man in Chains. The illusion fades, revealing the Man in Chains to be Diatasso, the God of Order. Diatasso reveals as he lay there dying, that now that Maar has become a God, what can kill a God can kill Maar, pointing to the Holy Sword. Bam picks up the Sword and a battle ensues between the Freedom Corps and Maar, the God of Chaos.


The battle lasted for a long time, with the team taking heavy damage, several heroes close to death. However, the Watcher, with Diatasso's urging as his final breath, tosses the now dead God of Order into Maar. Maar absorbed the God, but was paralyzed with ecstacy. This gave the team the delay that they needed. Bam pounced and slashed Maar with the sword, causing a wound. Maar screamed in pain and then showed his Null form, a gigantic one hundred armed Null with Maar's face on it. Then, Necrosis and Vitae appeared, revealing that because he is a God now, Maar is recognized by the Fates. Destiny now controls him. The Fates have decreed that he immediately receive the God-Plague, a deadly disease targetting the Gods. This immediately weakens Maar. Vitae and Necrosis then reveal that the Fates have decreed that Maar will die by the Freedom Corps hands.


A battle ensues and after several minutes, Maar finally succumbs. Johnny Bam, with a smirk on his face, removes Maar's head from his body, killing the God. However, Order and Chaos are now dead... now new Gods must be chosen or reality could be destroyed. Baron Von Awesome and the Watcher volunteer to be the new Gods and they disappear.


The Sol leave the planet, with the Null destroyed. Also, as the team returns to Earth, they realize that their HQ has been destroyed. However, the Gods appear and show them to their new base, right where the old Quarry was. It is very technologically advanced and also now houses a miniature version of the Archway to the Heavens which they must now guard. The Null, however, have been defeated.

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The Joke's On You


30 days after the Null Invasion ; The Anti-Metahuman League, run by Jessica Turnbull, whose husband and children were killed in the Null Invasion, begin protesting outside of Freedom Corps HQ ; The Freedom Corps gets a note directed to Krakatoa saying that Dr. Silverback has been kidnapped even though Silverback is still right in Freedom Corp HQ. Apparently, if they want him back, they have to attend Big G’s concert, staying in Luxury Box 6.


Centurion, Fade, Padre, and Techno Grrrl attend the concert. Techno Grrrl dances in the front row, Padre hangs out in the Luxury Box, and the other two keep watch. It doesn’t take long for them to discover another Luxury Box being robbed by Foxbat. Foxbat runs to the parking lot after robbing several people and takes a hostage for apparently no reason. Centurion and Fade take him down and save the woman that was being held. Foxbat reveals to the team that his boss, the Black Harlequin, is hiding out at the old amusement park just outside of town. A cop soon reveals that this actually isn’t Foxbat. It’s an imitator. The team checks in with Dr. Silverback who is drinking at the Golden Bull.


The team ventures to the amusement park and is immediately taunted by the Harlequin over a loud speaker. Soon after that, several rides start up, including two roller coasters carts full of people, about to run into each other. Padre and Techno Grrrl fly up and find that most of the people are actually mannequins except for one person on each. They save the people just before the carts crash. Fade heads off towards the Haunted House where he saw someone go while Centurion heads towards the Fun House. Fade, due to his desolidification power, avoids several death traps before reaching the end. He catches up with a person in a cart only to discover it’s a dummy made to look like the Black Harlequin. Suddenly, it explodes, launching strawberry jelly everywhere.


Meanwhile, Centurion reaches the Fun House utility room where he encounters mobile teddy bears with knives! Centurion quickly leaves the room and gets the remainder of the team, but not before shutting off power to the Fun House. They enter the room and find that the battery on the bears has run out. The team goes further when suddenly thousands of lethal chattering teeth fall from the ceiling. The team takes a lot of damage and the Padre is lethally damaged. They drag the Padre out and have Techno Grrrl clear the room with her lasers.


Soon, however, as the team enters the room and is attacked by several other creatures… Raggedy Aneurysm, Choo the Sad Little Train, and the Angry Apache all attack, causing all sorts of problems for the team. However, the team manages to break through and they see the Black Harlequin standing on top of a pyramid like structure. The Padre takes out the floor that the Harlequin was standing on as the rest of the team runs/flies up to him and finishes him off. They grab the mask and reveal that the Harlequin is actually the real Foxbat. However, a teddy bear walks up to the team with an envelope containing a tuft of Silverback’s hair and a matchbook from the Golden Bull

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The Main Event


Johnny Bam leaves the Golden Bull and is immediately challenged by Firewing, who calls Bam, Mean Streak. Apparently his DNA matches Mean Streak’s and because Bam is the current Arena champion (Mean Streak to Maar to Bam), Firewing challenges him for the title. He gives Bam a week and leaves. Preet Junction appears on various TV screens and hypes up the match a bit.


Meanwhile, back at the base, the AML protest grows. Inside, Vargas talks about the Gear and the Gyroscope, showing the team how the connected devices powered Shirak. Apparently, however, there are more parts to this Gyroscope that could lead to this being used for other purposes. Meanwhile, the Freedom Corps long lost pal, Trace, shows up. Apparently, he has been watching over Christopher Vargas, making sure that he doesn’t remember much about his dark past. Trace said that he’s doing fine, but there’s two DEMON brothers watching him as well. Julian Vargas sends Trace back out there to track them and find out what they’re up to.


Meanwhile, the team makes preparations for the battle. However, Vargas is worried that the battle may affect the AML situation in a bad way. Phantomme steps outside and the crowd takes it the wrong way and throws garbage at him. Phantomme uses that to force the issue with the police who set up barriers and force the AML back.


Finally, the night of the fight arrives. Malvan guards as well as a Preet-bot show up for the fight. Bam and Firewing are introduced as well as the undercard, a three way battle between Silhouette, Phantomme, and a newcomer, the God of Storms, Boomer! Bam and Firewing clash and Firewing unleashes a variety of flame attacks. Bam resisted much more then Firewing expected, but Bam finally fell to Firewing’s onslaught and was sent flying into the crowd. The crowd beat up on Bam and Firewing went to his rescue. However, Firewing’s natural powers set one of the AML members on fire, burning him to a crisp instantly. Most of the AML ran in fear after that. Firewing shook Bam’s hand as a show of respect and left as the champion.


Meanwhile on the other side, Phantomme and Boomer clashed while Silhouette hid. Boomer did some damage to Phantomme, but was taken out by several mind blasts from Silhouette. Phantomme picked up Boomer’s hammer and fled into Freedom Corps HQ, disqualifying himself, leaving Silhouette the victor. Preet and his guards leave the scene, disappointed that Boomer lost.


Boomer, encouraged by such mighty warriors, demands to join the Freedom Corps team. They accept him, realizing that they need more heavy hitters since Baron Von Awesome left. The first thing Boomer does is summon a storm to try to intimidate Phantomme. Phantomme gives back the hammer, not telling Boomer, however, that it is being put up for auction.

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