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Telemechanics/Computer prog. question


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One of the PCs in my campaign has the ability to communicate with machines and has to ability to manipulate them and change their programming. So a few questions about this:


1: What would a typical Ego / ECV / Stun be for a computer? Video camera? Power armor? Other typical machines?


2: If he wants to alter the programming, what should the appropriate steps be to do this? First make the ECV roll to connect telepathically, roll Telepathy dice to see if he rolls high enough to commuicate with the machine... then make a computer programming and/or electronics roll to see if he can change the programming?


3: Considering that this is a mental linkup, how long in game should I require him to be able to rewrite the programming? We've been doing it fairly instantly nowadays and that may be the case... but has anybody else done this???

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Re: Telemechanics/Computer prog. question


1- The rules is to use the EGO of the machine if it's an AI or the INT of the machine if it has no EGO. So a 20 INT computer would defend as a 7 ecv. They have no stun. You either turn them off or break them with a power which does body.


2- Yes, first get "into" the machine's mind with telepathy, then use his computer programming skill to make his changes. Of course I would just purchase mind control on machines so that they immediately alter based on your commands.


3- With computer programming I would require as many minutes as is needed to reprogram: 5 minutes to 5 hours. That's why most people also buy mind control. Then you can do it in a phase.


There's a whole section of Cyberkinesis powers in the USPD. You might want to check them out.

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Re: Telemechanics/Computer prog. question


Off of my ‘in-progress’ super-geek telekinetic . . .


9 (34) Get Me Some Mountain Dew! 34 Point Multipower, Extra Time: 1 Turn, no other powers (-1 1/2), Concentrate: 1/2 DCV Throughout (-1/2), Must Have ‘Access’ (-1/2), Requires a Skill Roll: Computer Programming(usually) (-1/2), Side Effects: Major (-3/4)


1u (34) Found The Data 3d6 Telepathy, Machine Class, Cumulative: x8 (144 pts total) (+1 1/4)


1u (34) Hacking 3d6 Mind Control, Machine Class, Cumulative: x8 (144 pts total) (+1 1/4)


1u (34) If I Change The Parameters . . . 3d6 Mental Illusions, Machine Class, Cumulative: x8 (144 pts total) (+1 1/4)


1u (33) I Reprogrammed It! 1d6 Minor Transform: Mind, BOECV (+1), Works Against Ego, Not Body (+1/4), Improved Results (+1), Limited Group: Computers and Robots (-1/2)


1u (30) It’s A Custom Job, Of Course 1 1/2 d6 Minor Transform: Body, Improved Results (+1), Limited Group: Computers and Robots (-1/2), Requires Spare Parts (-1/4)



4 (9) They Call This A Security System? Invisible to Mental Sense Group on Get Me Some Mountain Dew! Multipower, Invisible Effects On Target (+1), Increase Extra Time to 20 Minutes (-3/4)


7 (23) Think You Can Hide, Eh? 2d6 Mind Scan: Machine Class, Cumulative: x8 (96 pts total) (+1 1/4), Extra Time: 5 Minutes (-2), OIF: Any Networked Computer (-1/2), Target Must Be Connected To Exterior Network (-3/4)



I went with Minor transform because I was thinking of making reasonable changes to the programmings ‘world view’, not turning a kill-bot into a sexaroid. As it’s a non-combat power anyway, though, switching to a Major Transform doesn’t really cost much.


Yeah, I know, a Fantasy Hero-esqe level of limitations. They stop being meaningful when you stack them that high. I suppose Concentrate on a noncombat power is not a real limitation. It’s still better than ‘gestures,’ though. Alternatively, (and more realistically) drop most of them and kick up Extra Time to an hour, at least.


Side effects are programming or commanding whatever you’re messing with to do something that you didn’t intend. (By tradition, this is usually ‘Kill All Humans,’ but that would probably be an extreme side effect, not major) Considering how many ‘computer programming’ rolls you’re going to have to make, that had better be 17- or more. I’d allow taking off the ‘Requires a Skill Roll’ limitation and then just rolling Computer Programming ONCE to check for side effects, but I’m not sure if that’s ‘book legal’ or not.


If you’re a cyberkenitic, you’ll probably want to buy off most of the limitations, and maybe buy up the effect so it works faster.


Images or Mental Illusions will let you mess with video cameras. You might need a Transform or good Telepathy to change what’s already recorded.


Transform’s better than Mind Control for making lasting, reliable programming changes. Mind Controls cheaper, and appropriate for quick fix hacking, but they’ll always be that breakout roll . . . I’d take both.



“I prefer the kind of hackers that spit a lot . . .â€

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