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I'm starting up a Champions campaign at my local FLGS and need some adventure ideas. I have a few of my own but I'd like to get some input from others to help stimulate the creative juices. The premise of the campaign is that the U.S. government has determined that super-terrorist organizations such as Viper and Demon are a great enough threat that a special organization should be created to deal with them. To this end, the FBI, the CIA, and DOSPA are coordinating to fund and train "Project Strike."


Project Strike consist of 5-7 meta-humans, 6 squads of 10 tactical combat agents, and various and sundry support personel. The Meta-human (all PC's) agents will act as both investigators and assault agents.


So, please indulge me with your devious, twisted and sometimes humurous adventure threads.

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Given that this new organisation is likely to be a major threat to VIPER, DEMON etc, it's more than probable that those organisations are going to want to nip its power in the bud.


Even assuming there aren't already VIPER infiltrators working for the CIA, FBI, DOSPA etc I would imagine that attempts will be made very early on to compromise or influence insiders in the new organisation.


I'm guessing that none of your players would like to play an enemy double agent... if you think one of them would, have them approached and recruited. Heck, even if they turn the attempt down there's a potential plot thread there (maybe they'll go along with the attempt and turn Triple...).


If your players are unlikely to go for this you can always foreshadow the fact that attempts are being made. One of the PCs may learn that their apartment has been very carefully searched, or that they are being closely monitored. Bank accounts and personal mail may be tampered with (very very subtly, let the PCs feel they've achieved something by discovering it).


Then the attempts stop.


What has actually happened, behind the scenes, is that a softer target has been found that can be compromised, blackmailed or bribed and the investigation into the PC has been called off as fruitless.


The mole within the organisation can then wreak absolute havoc by revealing secrets, strategies- possibly even secret IDs if the organisation has access to them. Potential for complete mayhem without even having to enter combat.


My suggestion for the mole would be a regularly featured but insignificant admin based character. Preferably one that was quite likeable. Maybe even recruited under a false flag that can give the PCs some sympathy for them--- choose a cause that appeals to one of the PCs and maybe set up some nice conversations between them & the appropriate PC a long way in advance. Makes the final revelation so much more tasty as the PC is left thinking 'there but for the grace of God...'


"You've been feeding our operational data to VIPER for the past six months!"

"VIPER? No way Sequoia-Woman! The guy I spoke to was from the Rainbow Alliance, they were only interested in ecology!"




Also don't forget the potential for rivalry and oneupmanship between the various agencies instigating this project.

"I like you, Doctor Kenosis, you do things the *agency* way."

"uh, actually..."

"Come on now son, we need to get the job done don't we? Leave the police procedural stuff for the grunts."


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Another possible storyline / arc might involve a privately funded / supported organization entering the fray on the side of the angels. Suddenly, the world is three-sided, rather than two. There's Us, Them, and Viper. Your team could find itself in a really tight spot if one of Them happens to have a 'past' and winds up on the FBI's Most Wanted Paranormals list. Moral dilema time, particularly if that person happens to be popular and / or extremely effective against Viper.


Even without a 'third party' group of heroes, there's almost inevitably going to be some conflict between superhero types and the 'corporate culture' of the FBI and / or CIA. I just can't see Captain Collateral Damage giving up his Spandex to conform to an FBI dress code, and I can't really see your Batman suddenly agreeing to play by the rules.


Double agents work both ways, too. What if a Viper agent comes to the group with information and a plea for assylum? Is it legitimate? If so, what do you do with the person? If not, how do you deal with the eventual betrayal?



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