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[Campaign] - Golden Age campaign in the Global Guardians Universe


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Call for Submissions: Golden Age


Submissions and Questions to: home_n@hotmail.com (Neil/GM)



The Golden Age is a campaign set in the World War II era. As the first true superheroes in the world, the characters will have the opportunity to set a standard for future generations to remember. The campaign is currently in the spring of 1939.


Short Story:

The man going by the name of Warren Sussex sat down and set his cup of tea on the table of the cafe overlooking the harbor at Portsmouth. The shipyard was abuzz, it was clear the the Brits were preparing for war. Stacatto sounds of riveting and the shrill of powered saws carried over the distance even to the eateries. Haze from the smokestacks, too, fouled the air over the entire city. All of the drydocks were occupied with ships in various stages of manufacture. Nearly three of every four was a warship of some sort.


There were no doubt others of his allegiance here and interested in the counting and the details - the Fatherland always wanted detailed reports. But he did not report to anyone in the government, at least not really. They could never keep track of a man who traveled through time. Still the interest of the Reich's was his.


At last, he picked up the copy of the Times of London and smiled at the headline, "Britain and France Allied to Poland: Keep Your Hands Off, Uncle Adolph!"


Baron Wolf von Sturm, also known as Baron Monocle, felt a slow ripple pull through him. It wasn't a ripple of any linear sort, and he knew just what it was. The fabric of time had changed.


After innumerable attempts to change history - including the recently failed attempt to kill Eleanor Roosevelt (just how could Eissenadler miss with a 1 ton bomb?) - he had finally succeeded. German would not have to start the war by fighting Soviet tanks in Poland. In his original timeline, that led to a disastrous overstretching of resources - Hitler may be a great motivator, but he had little strategic sense. Did Britain and France really think that they could save the Poles from the Blitzkreig? The Soviet Union would now feel free to sit back and remain neutral. Germany could fight the war on one front, possibly driving through France in one season. Then, the axis of steel - Spain, Italy, and German, possibly even Ireland - would claim success as German Panzers would be the first conquerors to roll into London since the Normans.


The Fuhrer did have it right in that the Communists were the greater threat, politically. But the western powers were what turned the tide. The British Isles and the British Mediterranean Territories were too good of a staging point for the Americans. Perhaps in this new reality, the Americans would stay neutral through the entire war. Shaking with joy, Wolf could not wait. Now, he HAD to find that Mirror even if the trip was just to see the results of his handiwork. Who would have believed that he could make the appeasement-happy British ally with Poland? With Neville Chamberlain at the helm even?



Date of Closure of Submissions:

2 a.m. Pacific Time (U.S.A.) March 11, 2006.


Date of Announcement of Adventure Roster:

Unless otherwise informed, the GM will select the Player and Player Character within 48 hours of Closure of Submissions



Non-Combat: 1 turn every week (possibly more frequently depending on players and GM - especially with PC-PC interaction)

Combat: 3-4 combat segments per week (possibly more frequently depending on players and GM)



Refer to the Campaign Page (http://www.globalguardians.com/campaigns/goldenage.php)


A single character will be added to the line-up to make the total at 8 Player Characters. The GM is looking for characters that fit the following criteria. The character should:

1) be from a war zone (and, thus, not an American).

2) not closely replicate the origins, powers, and skill sets of current characters (see below).


The current roster:

Arcana - supermage, librarian

Atlantia - Atlantean princess, weaponmaster (trident)

Barnstormer - rocketman flying brick/gadgeteer with a sidekick, auto mechanic

Cliffhanger - luck-powered energy blaster, archeologist

Gravity Man - gravity wielding energy blaster, military man

The Mask of Justice - martial artist with a special mask, knowledgeable investigative reporter

Uncle Sam - brick, embodiment of Americana


Other criteria that will affect selection:

1) completeness of the submission: all submissions should have backgrounds and character sheets; backgrounds must have all items (see the Player Characters in the GGU website)

2) quality of the writing

3) team player: characters that look like loners will not be selected; characters should be able to work in a team

4) campaignability: potential plot hooks; connection to other PCs and NPCs of the GGU; interesting/unique/cool minor powers, talents, skills, or disads that make your character stand out from the crowde


Final Note: All players must be willing to work with the GM and the GGU Audit Staff to make changes in their character.


The GM will answer questions prior to or after submission.


Neil/GM Golden Age

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