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A character wants to be very good at restraining the villians. He purchases a power to reduce the contortionist roll of a person he ties up. Basically, he buys a 0 END, uncontrolled attack (Negative Skill Levels: -5 with Contortionist).


The question is, will the negative skill levels stay in affect when he leaves the range of the power? I know you can set a trigger and walk away regardless of range, but can not find if the same is true in the above situtation.

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Re: Uncontrolled


As noted on 5ER 98-99, a character has to maintain LOS on the location/target of a Constant power (such as Negative Skill Levels) or the power stops working. However, as noted on 5ER 272, an Uncontrolled power doesn’t suffer from this restriction — that’s part of what the character pays for when he buys the Advantage.

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