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Stupid Movement Question



Okay, I figured this question had to be answered somewhere in either the HERO 5R book or the FAQ, but I've searched both and can't find it, so, at the risk of looking like an idiot for having somehow missed the answer where it's clearly laid out somewhere that I thought I'd looked, I'll go ahead and ask it here.


Can a character move through a hex occupied by another character? Does it make a difference whether the other character wants to let him through or not?


My gut feeling about this is that Character A would be able to move freely through a hex containing Character B if Character B is willing to let him by--otherwise, if the Character B wants to block his way, Character A would have to force his way through with a Move Through maneuver. But I'm not sure that's right, and I haven't been able to find the matter explicitly addressed anywhere (though again, it could be that it's there and I just missed it somehow). Actually, even if my gut feeling is right, it still leaves some questions unanswered--like is there any way for Character A to dodge past Character B without hurting him? (An Acrobatics roll, maybe?...)


Again, sorry if this question has already been addressed somewhere, but if so I couldn't find it...

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1 answer to this question

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Re: Stupid Movement Question


There are no rules restrictions preventing a character from moving through an “occupied” hex, other than those imposed by common sense, dramatic sense, and the GM. (For example, if the hex in question is totally filled by the body of a large dragon, obviously a character can’t move through it.) There are some optional rules for “Ignoring Opponents” on UMA 160 (and in the HSCH) that may factor into some situations and campaigns, though.

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