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Follow-up: Martial Arts Limitations for Telios' "Fighting Arts of a Dozen Lands"



Hi, Steve,


Just wondering about a follow-up to this old query:



Any further thoughts on this double-dipping issue?


Q: "No Figured Characeristics (-½)" for STR and "Only" (-x) combined, isn't this double-dipping?


A: It probably is double-dipping; I may've made a mistake. I'll take a look when I get home and have access to all my books and notes.


And, FWIW, on the second point, I was thinking that maybe -1 for limiting to one (e.g., Grab), -3/4 for two (e.g., Grab and Escape), -1/2 for three (e.g., Grab, Escape, and Disarm), -1/4 for 4 (e.g., Grab, Escape, Disarm, and Crush).



----original thread for convenience----



Jason Verbitsky Inquired:

Martial Arts Limitations for Telios' "Fighting Arts of a Dozen Lands"




Sorry to bug you with another couple of martial arts questions, but here goes:


Telios, The Perfect Man (Champions Universe p.134)


quote:The Fighting Arts of a Dozen Lands: Multipower 30-point Reserve.


2u 1) Strikes: HA +6d6; Hand-To-Hand Attack (-½)


1u 2) Trained STR: +30 STR; Only to Disarm, Escape, and Grab (-¾), No Figured Characeristics (-½)


One could say that HA +6d6 (HtH; -½) is essentially the same as STR +30 (only to Strike; -½) but HA's don't get another limitation for "No Figured Characeristics".


So why would Telios' "Trained STR" +30 STR; Only to Disarm, Escape, and Grab (-¾) also get "No Figured Characeristics" for (-½)?


Wouldn't not getting the figured characteristics be part of the exclusion from "Only"?


Also, What would "Only to Grab" or "Only to Escape" or "Only to Disarm" by themselves be worth as limitations? What about two of the three? To simulate Martial Disarms, Escapes, Grabs, and Reversals in a MultiPower pool it would be useful to know what limitation to give them individually.


With the above in mind, my two questions are:


Q1: "No Figured Characeristics (-½)" for STR and "Only" (-x) combined, isn't this double-dipping?


Q2: How much for the individual elements of the "Only to Disarm, Escape, and Grab (-¾)" limitation?






Steve Long Replied:

1. It probably is double-dipping; I may've made a mistake. I'll take a look when I get home and have access to all my books and notes.


2. For two, I'd keep it at -3/4; for one, I'd up it to -1. Other GMs may have their own preferences, of course.

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