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Der Dämmerungprojekt


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Der Dämmerungprojekt


In 1900 at an European convention of Biology, the brilliant English biologist Aaron Blacksmith put the seed of an important event on world-wide scale. Blacksmith was known by its radical ideas about the creation a superior race by selective breeding and techniques of mental conditioning. In the convention he exposed his new techniques for the creation of supermen and it described them like “a new dawn for the humanity”. Nevertheless it had to recognize that it had not proven his method since the English government had prohibited him to experiment with human beings.


A mysterious character named Wilhem Bracken approached to doctor Blacksmith a month later. He appear to be a member of an important partnership whose members wanted to be maintained in the shadows, at least at this moment. He offered total collaboration and an important source of money and resources to allow the doctor to finalize his studies. Der Dämmerungprojekt or Dawn Project had been born.


The base of the techniques of Blacksmith was selective breeding and mental conditioning. For both it required young children at the most better and Bracken obtained them in great number. By all the London’s zone arose histories of babies and children payment babies to poor families, kidnapping of children, young women whom sums of money were offered to him to be put under to strange experiments… (Possible Adventure Hook to Victorian Hero or perhaps a really early Pulp Hero)


The experiments with children did not have the desired effect, they are too old to be useful. But success had those dealt with unmarried women. With techniques only know by Blacksmith a small number of women were fertilizing with sperm altered in laboratory. The great majority of the experiments were a failure, many of the pregnancies were not viable and finished in abortion (and in at least three cases with the death of the mother) and the childbirths successfully ended alive babies but horribly deformed who “were discarded and eliminated” (Possible origin for the Thing of the Culverts of London). Nevertheless two of the pregnancies were really successful and were born two healthy and apparently normal alive babies. The equipment baptized like Adam and Eve.


In 1910 the children, with hardly five years had reached a comparable mental development to the one of a twenty years adult. Nevertheless its physical development was equal to the one of any boy of its age.


Finally in 1920 English justice join sufficient evidences to take to the Court to The Dawn Foundation, facade after which the Dämmerungprojekt was hidden. Tens of employees of the foundation were arrested and process, the facilities registered and sealed and laboratory’s diaries confiscated and classified. Orders of capture against doctor Blacksmith were emitted. Neither he nor Adam nor Eva was found. The name of Bracken was not mentioned in the judgment, all the arrested employees declared to follow direct instructions of Blacksmith. In books confiscated to the Foundation appears an annotation in one of diaries, the one of the project Eve, a criptical and brief reference to his utility like matrix for future experiments by hand and signed by a such W.B. Apparently the ambitious project had finalized… But the appearances deceives…

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Re: Der Dämmerungprojekt


Sounds like the origin of a pulp hero....or a pulp villain. Or villainess as the case may be' date=' depending upon wether Adam or Eva was used.[/quote']


...or both, with one becoming a villain (likely a villainess, based upon the traditions of the genre and the note in the diary) and the other an action hero.


Who knows what abilities these advanced humans may have?

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Re: Der Dämmerungprojekt


Definetly superhuman intelligence, what with having the mental development of a 20 year old at age five and all and perhaps enhanced perceptions as well. Not knowing what sort of education they'd be recieving or what other alterations they've done genetically I can't say anything else with any certainty.


Clearly though, they sound like the sorts who could achieve anything if they put thier minds to it. Blacksmith and Bracken sound like excellent villains for a Pulp era or Victorian era game too.

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The Thing of the Culverts Part I


It was a bad neighbourhood. It had always been bad and the new “neighbors” arrived at the neighbourhood after being driven away from Coldbath Square by the police presence in the zone had not helped to improve it.


In the scene there was nothing abnormal in this neighbourhood: A young, well dressed woman, too innocent, who thought that she could take a short cut to his house crossing those dark streets and than nothing bad could happen, two men in rags stinking to cheap alcohol and sweat that judging by state of his clothes and skin a long time ago they slept in the street. One of the wretches had taken the wrist of the woman whereas with the free hand it caressed the silky hair of her, whose elaborated combed he had been unmade and fall in long tufts. The other contemplated the scene with the eyes injected in blood while it maintained in the hand a dirty bottle of gin.

A shadow slid between the dirty trash containers and the wastes left in the street. Cold blue eyes contemplated the scene with total calm, perhaps boring of this type of situations.


The most husky of thugs, the one that it had to the woman taken by the wrist approached it himself, throwing the pestilente breath to her face.


-Gimme a little kiss woman, you are not idiot


The woman resisted with a disgust face that enraged the thug.


- You dislikes her, Squeaky- laughed the other drunkard.

- I like much this young lady so I´m going to have to make her reconsider his attitude.


With a fast movement he twisted her hand that he had catched and he made it fall of knees to the ground.


-This is better, this way I like more


The guy called Squeaky never knew what killed him. The cover of the thrash container flew too much fast, the blow in the nape of the neck was too demolishing, the brutal one crush of the bones was too evident… Squeaky fell to the ground never to raise itself more again.


The other killer turns at surprising speed considering his level from drunkard. An immense hand fell on its face, the fingers surrounded the contour of his head, that was left cover completely. Soon it felt that their feet let be in contact with the ground as the being who catched his head with an only hand elevated it in the air. The tremendous pressure threatened opening its skull and knew that he was as dead as his friend, although its death was not going to be so fast nor mercy.


The woman, after a time interval in which she could not separate the glance from the scattered body to his side and whose duration did not know, raised the glance. A new shout resonated in the cold London night, a shout of blind terror when seeing the terrible scene that appeared to its eyes. One of the thugs who had assaulted her struggled uselessly on a foot of the ground with its head totally covered by an impossibly big hand. The being who had so brutally ended Squeaky was no less than two meters tall, had the arms thick than the waist of his victim and a terrifying presence.

The pressure that can resist a skull is not infinite and in the end it yielded before the brutal force that was applied to it. It burst as an egg of hen in the fist of an adult. The being opened the hand leaving to fall the dead body of the thief.

Without a shout the young woman faint before the macabre spectacle and did not see as the massive being to be knelt down next to her and with an infinitely tender gesture in his blue cold eyes it smoothly caressed his face staining it of blood. A strange voice, too hoarse and vacillating like the one than it has not been using for a long time it and is not very safe of knowing how to still use it, pronounced few words.


-already… not… not pain… my beauty.


Smoothly he raised her of the ground loading it as if it did not weigh and slowly began to walk towards the raised cover of a culvert.


- I will take… to house… with the others… no fear… now you are secure… always… always… always…

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