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Looking for suggestions for a night out.


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The setup;

Unknown to most of her new teammates, Yuurei has a dark secret, she is Kuro Ran.

Kuro Ran was once a heavy for Yakuza in Tokyo, she got caught up in something way over her head that ending with her being given a new life as an exile in San Francisco. The NPA’s parting gift to her was a trip to the psych docs to “modify” her thinking. Yuurei was born.

Kuro Ran isn’t gone, she is just “sleeping” in Yuurei’s memories. At times of extreme stress or pain KR can reemerge.

As luck would have it this just took place in the last fight. KR finished the fight, then announced she had “things to do” as she took off into the night.


First, she isn’t evil. She just has a certain flexibility to her moral compass.


The Task;

Beginning in Reno, have as much fun as possible without incurring the wrath of a paranoid government (i.e. don’t get caught).

Perhaps get back to San Francisco and drag possibly naïve sidekick along for the ride.


The Assets;

KR is a highly trained martial artist, can leap at over 300mph, turn invisible at will, bench press the Space Shuttle and is unlikely to be scratched by anything this side of an anti-tank round.


The Liabilities;

She is Yuurei, so she doesn’t want to cause any lasting damage to herself (i.e. getting caught).

She will revert to Yuurei once she falls asleep (or is K.O.ed).


So, what should our little villain do for a night out?

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