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K Univarse, Earth Powers Era technologies


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Below are some though I had about the nature of a key technology to my sci-fi setting.

please note that this is mainly rubber-science.


Zelchbereg-effect "Nova Reaction":

A technique using Kell's Resonate Fields to accelerate nitrogen particles into a fusion reaction, causing accretion of the fusion base materials leading to a chain reaction which products are energy, more base matter and a surplus radioactive material ("Icicle"). Due to the production of mass and energy this reaction can maintain itself indefinably, until an oppressing factor is introduced.

Furthermore, the radioactive component itself starts a fusion reaction whenever he comes in contact with metals, leading to a similar effect and the production of more surplus material. That is, unless maintained by resonating fields which prevent its actions.

Dues, after introducing a Zelchbereg catalyst onto a fusion reactor core, there is no more need to maintain the reactor. The energy and base materials produced by the nova reaction will supply the reactor with the resources it needs to function.


Zelchbereg-effect in weapon systems:

Since Fusion Reactors can't be miniaturize for vehicle and personal use, the "Icicle" factor was used to start the reaction by feeding it with heavy metals, the radioactive component would fuse with the metals to create energy, matter and more of itself.

In some weapon systems and "Icicle" factor was used as a weapon in itself, relying on its radioactive nature to harm combatants.

Also, since the "Icicle" factor fuse with metals, the Nova weaponry was, in effect, a way to weaken vehicle armor.


The environmental hazard of the "Icicle" factor:

During the last phases of the First Power-struggler, it became clear that the radioactive product of the Zelchbereg-effect has a devastating effect on the world. Deposits of Icicles where left in battlefields after the destruction of Nova Reactors or vehicle utilizing Nova weaponry.

Worse of all was the devastation left by the massive blast of the Peacekeeper orbital Cannon, used annihilate the forces of he Impendent Territories Coalition in Morocco. The blast left huge fields of "Icicles" that react with the environment and expend indefinitely.

After the Coalition and Freedom Treaty Alliance defeat CEAD in the First Power-struggler, the Directorate was forced to consent not to use Nova weaponry again and the Peacemaker was shutdown.


Unfortunately, the damage was already done.

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Re: K Univarse, Earth Powers Era technologies



Zelchbereg-effect "Nova Reaction":

A technique using Kell's Resonate Fields to accelerate nitrogen particles into a fusion reaction, causing accretion of the fusion base materials leading to a chain reaction which products are energy, more base matter and a surplus radioactive material ("Icicle"). Due to the production of mass and energy this reaction can maintain itself indefinably, until an oppressing factor is introduced.




I only have a Physics 8-, so I am unsure what you just said.

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Re: K Univarse, Earth Powers Era technologies



Since that is not real science, I'm not sure how to make it more understandable...

In general, there is a fusion reaction. Then we add to it accelerated nitrogen particles with the use of special magnetic fields ("Kell's Resonate Fields").

What we get is a reaction which produce matter and energy, therefore can maintain itself without the addition of more nitrogen particles.

One of its products is a matirial nicknamed "Icicle", which is later explained.


Anyway, thanks for reading.

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Re: K Univarse, Earth Powers Era technologies



Since that is not real science, I'm not sure how to make it more understandable...

In general, there is a fusion reaction. Then we add to it accelerated nitrogen particles with the use of special magnetic fields ("Kell's Resonate Fields").

What we get is a reaction which produce matter and energy, therefore can maintain itself without the addition of more nitrogen particles.

One of its products is a matirial nicknamed "Icicle", which is later explained.


Anyway, thanks for reading.

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Re: K Univarse, Earth Powers Era technologies


Hey, rubber science is all well and good, but violating both the Conservation of Mass/Energy, and the Laws of Thermodynamics, is way too far (IMO). You've got a perpetual motion machine that makes matter out of nowhere; frankly, to me that's appallingly bad.


IMO, YMMV, LS/MFT, void where prohibited by law, etc. ;)

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