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Help! Campaign at risk...


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This is one of my first posts on this board, so hi everyone.


I've been running a pulp campaign for quite a few months (slightly alternate 1933), and had spent much of that time designing a Cthulhu-like mythos surrounding the world and its inhabitants. Within the last few months, I've incorporated an adventure or two delving into this supernatural setting (or rather, things from the supernatural setting delving into the PC's universe), and the results have been distressing.


Several characters have supernatural knowledge and themes in their backstory, and so it seemed like a good idea to finally play on those elements. However, three or four players really like the 'weird' bits, one doesn't care, but two of the quickest and most active are highly opposed to it.


The elements have already appeared, and are of obviously great importance to the plot, so I can't just annihilate them altogether. I'm considering giving the PCs the ability to stop some of the supernatural factors from coming into play again (in game, by destroying those people and artifacts that would release them) but they are still integral to the campaign's finale. With only a wee bit more than a month left in the quest, I want to figure out how to finish the story without my players leaving disgruntled. I guess I'm just asking for ideas-anything that could help me resolve the situation without sacrificing either my plot or the players enjoyment.


Also have to decide whether or not to make the final confrontation with the mundane and mortal enemies-or the far greater powers behind them. Excuse the lameness.



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Re: Help! Campaign at risk...


Welcome, DerFrownmacher! I hope we can turn that frown upside-down for you. ;)


Have you talked to the two opposed players as to why they object to the supernatural elements? If so, perhaps if you explained their objections to us we could give you pertinent advice. :)

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Re: Help! Campaign at risk...


Gah! Sorry it took me this long to respond, but the problem seems nearly fixed.


As for the supernatural elements, as I said, they were rather Lovecraftian. Ancient forces that don't swell entirely in our realm, but can occasionally be forced to enter it. Basically, stuff that sounds really far out (and borderline lame) until it can be properly explained. So I'm just gonna have to wait until the PCs piece it together, then I'm sure they'll be able to look at the weirder bits of the campaign in an entirely different (and hopefully better) light.


Sorry if that was almost impossible to understand. Just got out of work...

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