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One hand grab follow up



So now I have an opponent grabbed by one arm. Are we both free to attack each other with our free arms?


Am I at half DCV (standard grab penalty) but do not have to roll to attack my opponent (also standard grab rule)? Or does the "no new attack roll" rule only apply to squeezing. If so, is my grabbed opponent at half DCV against me?


Does my grabbed opponent get to attack me? If so, Since I am at half DCV for grabbing someone this puts my grabbed attacker at an advantage. Is there no penalty for my oppnent to hit me? At this point I would have to wonder why I would ever use this maneuver as it would be tactically disadvantageous. Am I missing something?



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Both characters have free hands, so they could use them to attack each other if they wanted. Standard Grab modifiers (which include OCV penalties for the Grabbed character to attack the Grabber) apply. Technically the Grabber could squeeze the Grabbed character, but the GM might want to restrict that depending on the exact arrangement (e.g., if the Grabber has only Grabbed the victim by the arm, inflicting damage by squeezing probably doesn’t make much sense).

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