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Creatures of Nehwon


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[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
35	STR	25	16-	Lift 3200 kg; 7d6 HTH Damage [3]
18	DEX	24	13-	OCV:  6/DCV:  6
25	CON	30	14-
20	BODY	20	13-
8	INT	-2	11-	PER Roll 11-
5	EGO	-10	10-	ECV:  2
25	PRE	15	14-	PRE Attack:  5d6
8	COM	-1	11-

12	PD	5		Total:  12 PD (6 rPD)
8	ED	3		Total:  8 ED (6 rED)
3	SPD	2		Phases:  4, 8, 12
12	REC	0
50	END	0
51	STUN	0		[b]Total Characteristic Cost:  111

Movement:[/b]	Running:	15"/30"
Leaping:		0"
Swimming:	2"/4"

[b]Cost	Powers & Skills[/b]
25	"[b]Slashing-Teeh Like A Shark's":[/b]  HKA 1 1/2d6 (3d6+1 w/STR), END 2
97	[b]"Mist Of Pale Ichor":[/b]  Drain CON 4d6, Delayed Return Rate (5 Points 
per Hour; +1), NND (defense is appropriate LS: Immunity) 
(+1); Extra Time (onset time begins 1 Turn after victim is 
bitten, -1 1/4), 4 Charges (-1), HKA Must Do Body (-1/2), Gradual 
Effect (4 Minutes; 1d6/1 Minute; -1/2), Linked (RKA; -1/2) 
[b]plus[/b] Drain DEX 4d6, Delayed Return Rate (5 Points per Hour; +1), 
NND (defense is appropriate LS: Immunity) (+1); Extra Time (onset 
time begins 1 Turn after victim is bitten, -1 1/4), 4 Charges (-1), HKA 
Must Do Body (-1/2), Gradual Effect (4 Minutes; 1d6/1 Minute; -1/2), 
Linked (RKA; -1/2) [b]plus[/b] RKA 5d6, NND (defense is appropriate LS: 
Immunity) (Standard; +1), Does BODY (+1); Extra Time (onset time 
begins 1 Turn after victim is bitten, -1 1/4), 4 Charges (-1), No 
Range (-1/2), HKA Must Do Body (-1/2), Gradual Effect (4 Minutes; 
1d6/4 Turns; -1/2), [4]
6	[b]Furred Skin:[/b]  Damage Resistance (6 PD/6 ED)
18	[b]Heavy:[/b]  Knockback Resistance -9"
18	[b]Long Body:[/b]  Running +9" (15" total), END 2
1	[b]Used To The Cold:[/b]  Life Support  (Safe in Intense Cold); Requires A 
Survival Roll (-1/2)

4	+2 with Bite

3	Concealment 12-; Self Only (-1/2)
5	Winter Coat:  +4 to Concealment ; Self Only (-1/2)
3	Stealth 13-
2	Winter Coat:  +2 to Stealth ; Only In Snow/Ice (-1)

[b]Total Powers & Skill Cost:  182
Total Cost:  293

75+	Disadvantages[/b]
15	Physical Limitation:  Animal Intelligence Frequently, Greatly Impairing
10	Physical Limitation:  Huge, up to eight times human size (16m, or 
4.1-8"; -6 DCV, +6 to PER Rolls to perceive) Frequently, Slightly 
5	Physical Limitation:  Reduced Leap, cannot leap (Infrequently, Slightly 
15	Physical Limitation:  Very Limited Manipulation Frequently, Greatly 
173	[b]Experience
293	Total Disadvantage Points[/b]


Ecology: Snow serpents dwell in the frozen wastes of Nehwon. They also can be found on the higher altitudes of snow and ice-covered mountains peaks. There they feed on various specious of mountain goat and antelope (as well as any luckless travelers who happen to fall into their clutches).


Personality/Motivation: Typical animal motivations.


Powers/Tactics: Snow serpents are ambush predators, counting on their coloration to render them effectively invisible amid the snow and ice of their home. They will often coil up into depressions or under overhangs, and then strike at any unwary prey that wanders into their range. As t heir venom is so potent, usually no more than a single bite is needed, at which point the snake will consume their prey. Afterwards, the snake will find some place secluded to sleep off and digest its meal. As prey is scarce in the mountains and icy wastes, snow snakes will try and take any likely prey item they encounter.


Appearance: A furred snow serpent is an immense venomous snake covered in thick white fur. They range in length from 60 to 80 feet long, with a head sad to be “as big as an elk” or a horse. At one snow serpent skin was said to be as long as a ship’s mast was tall. They are hot blooded, and their breathe contains clouds of dispersed venom.


Designer's Notes: Snow snakes are mentioned at several points in the Lankhmar stories, but the only direct encounter is in Swords Against Wizardry. This character sheet combines the Giant Snake from HERO System Bestiary with the Winter template.


One thing I didn’t model was the snake’s apparently venomous breath. Fafhrd only passes his hand through the cloud of venom and ends up with a virtually paralyzed limb after a few hours. If you have a suggested build for such a power, please send it to me and I’ll see about adding to the character sheet.


(Furred Snow Serpents created by Fritz Leiber, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)

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Re: Creatures of Nehwon




[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
15	STR	5	12-	Lift 200 kg; 3d6 HTH Damage [1]
18	DEX	24	13-	OCV:  6/DCV:  6
18	CON	16	13-
12	BODY	4	11-
8	INT	-2	11-	PER Roll 14-
5	EGO	-10	10-	ECV:  2
15	PRE	5	12-	PRE Attack:  3d6
12	COM	1	11-

6	PD	3		Total:  6 PD (1 rPD)
4	ED	0		Total:  4 ED (1 rED)
4	SPD	12		Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12
7	REC	0
36	END	0
29	STUN	0		[b]Total Characteristic Cost:  58

Movement:[/b]	Running:	9"/18"
Leaping:	3"/6"
Swimming:	2"/4"

[b]Cost	Powers & Skills
Martial Arts:[/b]  [i]Hunting Techniques[/i]
[b]Maneuver	OCV	DCV	Damage[/b]
3	Trip Prey	+2	+1	3 1/2d6 Strike; You Fall, Target Falls

10	[b]Bite:[/b]  HKA 1/2d6 (1d6+1 w/STR), END 1
8	[b]Claws:[/b]  HKA 1/2d6 (1d6+1 w/STR); Reduced 
Penetration (-1/4), END 1
1	[b]Tough Skin:[/b]  Damage Resistance (1 PD/1 ED)
6	[b]Swift Runner:[/b]  Running +3" (9" total), END 1
9	[b]Cat's Senses:[/b]  +3 PER with All Sense Groups
5	[b]Cat's Nose:[/b]  Tracking with Normal Smell
1	[b]Used To The Cold:[/b]  Life Support  (Safe in Intense Cold); Requires A 
Survival Roll (-1/2)

15	+3 with HTH Combat

5	Climbing 14-
2	Concealment 11-; Self Only (-1/2)
5	[b]Winter Coat:[/b]  +4 to Concealment ; Self Only (-1/2)
5	Stealth 14-
2	[b]Winter Coat:[/b]  +2 to Stealth ; Only In Snow/Ice (-1)

[b]Total Powers & Skill Cost:  77
Total Cost:  135

75+	Disadvantages[/b]
15	Physical Limitation:  Animal Intelligence Frequently, Greatly Impairing
0	Physical Limitation: Human size (up to about 3m tall and 650 kg)
15	Physical Limitation:  Very Limited Manipulation Frequently, Greatly 
30	[b]Experience
135	Total Disadvantage Points[/b]


Ecology: These mountain-dwelling felines are fairly intelligent and even trainable. They live in small family groups, often spread out over a large area to take advantage of the limited resources the mountains offer.


Personality/Motivation: Typical animal motivations.


Powers/Tactics: Ice-cats, like most felines, will do their best to slowly sneak up on their prey before bursting out of cover to chase it down. They’ll eat just about anything they can catch, including small mammals, birds, and mountain-dwelling goats and antelope. Its even possible they’ll kill and devour very young snow snakes.


Appearance: An ice-cat is said to be the size and shape of a cheetah, with long tufty white hair.


Designer's Notes: The ice-cat appears in the full-length Lankhmar epic, Swords Against Wizardry. This character sheet combines the Cheetah from the HERO System Bestiary with the Winter template. Leiber also mentions “snow lions,” which I would presume to be a lion with the Winter template.


(Ice-Cats created by Fritz Leiber, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)

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Re: Creatures of Nehwon




[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
20	STR	10	13-	Lift 400 kg; 4d6 HTH Damage [2]
18	DEX	24	13-	OCV:  6/DCV:  6
25	CON	30	14-
15	BODY	10	12-
10	INT	0	11-	PER Roll 13-
10	EGO	0	11-	ECV:  3
20	PRE	10	13-	PRE Attack:  4d6
6	COM	-2	10-

16	PD	4		Total:  16 PD (8 rPD)
16	ED	3		Total:  16 ED (8 rED)
4	SPD	12		Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12
9	REC	0
50	END	0
40	STUN	2		[b]Total Characteristic Cost:  103

Movement[/b]:	Running:	6"/12"
Leaping:	4"/8"
Swimming:	2"/4"

[b]Cost	Powers & Skills[/b]
10	"[b]The Beasts Seemed Tireless":[/b]  Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) 
for up to 20 Active Points of STR
20	[b]"Yard-Long Claw":[/b]  HKA 1d6+1 (2 1/2d6 w/STR), END 2
10	[b]"Long Muzzle":[/b]  HKA 1/2d6 (1d6+1 w/STR), END 1
24	[b]"Impenetrable Bony Armor":[/b]  Armor (8 PD/8 ED)
6	[b]Reptilian Senses:[/b]  +2 PER with All Sense Groups

9	[b]"Forelimbs Each Terminating In A Single Yard-Long Claw":[/b]  
Ambidexterity (no Off Hand penalty)

6	[b]"For Warriors, A Warrior's Doom"[/b]:  +2 with Yard-Long Claws
6	[b]"Thrust At His Throat"[/b]:  Penalty Skill Levels:  +4 vs. Hit Location 
modifiers with Yard-Long Claws

10	Defense Maneuver I-IV 
3	Feint 13-
5	[b]"Creatures Racing Towards Them":[/b]  Rapid Attack (HTH) 
3	[b]"Both Creatures Suddenly Wheeled":[/b]  Teamwork 13-
10	[b]"Four [claws] Against Two [swords]":[/b]  Two-Weapon Fighting (HTH) 

[b]Total Powers & Skill Cost:  122
Total Cost:  225

75+	Disadvantages[/b]
0	Physical Limitation: Human Size
15	Physical Limitation:  Very Limited Manipulation Frequently, Greatly 
135	[b]Experience
225	Total Disadvantage Points[/b]


Ecology: The Warrior’s Doom are strange creatures found far to the west of Lankhmar. They may be magical constructs, designed only to defeat specific targets in melee combat. It is possible that others who journey to the land of the Warrior’s Doom will find different creatures to deal with.


Personality/Motivation: It’s had to say if a Doom actually has a personality per se. They seem to do only what they are directed to do, which is kill their target as quickly as possible.


Powers/Tactics: Dooms are powerful hand-to-hand combatants, who will neither give nor ask quarter. They fight with both of their clawed forearms as if they were swords, and will often block with one claw while attacking with the other. They may also feint with one claw and then attack with the other, and usually aim their strikes for vulnerable points, such as the throat, the wrist, or the back of the knee. As they are virtually tireless, a Doom will almost never let up on the attack.


Appearance: A Warrior’s Doom is said to be a “shambling thing” taller than a man, with reptilian heads topped by a bony crest, clawed lizard-like feet, spiked shoulders, and arms that end in yard-long claws. Their eyes are yellow, their claws have been likened to steel, while their hides are nearly impenetrable to most weapons.


Designer's Notes: These creatures appeared in the short story The Bleak Shore. They fought (and nearly killed) Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser. I decided to make them slightly less lethal (although you can easily make then nearly invulnerable by adding in some Damage Reduction) and present them as some sort of magical construct wizards might create. Naturally, there’s a lot of room for various optional powers and improvements if you wish. For example, you could give them Life Support (versus Eating, Sleeping, Age, Poisons/Disease, and so on), Damage Reduction (as mentioned before), Mental Defense, and WF: Offhand.


(Warrior’s Doom created by Fritz Leiber, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)

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Re: Creatures of Nehwon



One thing I didn’t model was the snake’s apparently venomous breath. Fafhrd only passes his hand through the cloud of venom and ends up with a virtually paralyzed limb after a few hours. If you have a suggested build for such a power, please send it to me and I’ll see about adding to the character sheet.


Perhaps link the Drain, (Str and Con?), to a low powered damage shield with an activation roll, the damage shield only does stun. Basically if you get near the thing there is a chance that you will touch the cloud of venom.


Does that make sense?


Cool stuff btw, as usual.

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Re: Creatures of Nehwon


Perhaps link the Drain, (Str and Con?), to a low powered damage shield with an activation roll, the damage shield only does stun. Basically if you get near the thing there is a chance that you will touch the cloud of venom.


Does that make sense?


Cool stuff btw, as usual.


I messed around with something like that. It's hideously expensive.

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Re: Creatures of Nehwon


5 points. Mist Breath: Hand-To-Hand Attack +0 1/2d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Damage Shield (Offensive; +3/4), Continuous (+1), No Normal Defense ([standard]; +1) (13 Active Points); Activation Roll 10- (-1 1/4), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2)


Then you link the poison payload you've already outlined to the Damage Shield. Replacing KA must do body with HA must do stun. You won't get any points back for the link because the Damage Shield is constant but that shouldn't up the cost too much.


The stun damage done by this initial attack represents the first flash of numbing discomfort experienced by the person who has been caught in the mist.


So it doesn't look much more expensive than the poisoned bite to me, am I missing something here?

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Re: Creatures of Nehwon


I'm pretty positive you can't build a mist breath as an HA since HA sort of assumes it will use the creature's STR as well. Why not an EB? Also, I think I'd create a lesser version of the DEX Drain to represent the slower paralysis. I'll work with this idea.



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