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Yatta! Yamamura's fifth anniversary and Contest!


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Please do not post in this thread but in the one in the NGD.

Thank You


Introducing the first ever Yamamura Give Away Contest.


In celebration of my fifth year on the board, I have decided to hold a contest. Below you find what the prize is and the rules.


The Prize: The Asian Bestiary Volumes 1 and 2 signed by the co-judge and author of the book Michael Surbrook (a round of applause please).


Contest Rules:


1.Create a character or monster centering around Japan.

a)Please no conversion of existing characters, these must be original or at the very least a new twist on an old theme.

b)No cop out characters or monsters. For example; I spent a semester in Japan while in high school or I am American of Japaneses descent but otherwise has no relations to Japan.

c)The character/monster can be of any Genre; Pulp, Oriental Fantasy, Horror, Supers, Modern, Dark Champions, etc.

d)Please keep the character in one post if possible.

e)Characters must be design using 5th edition HERO games rules (FRed perferred).

2.You must have had a minimum of 25 posts outside the NGD to be eligible.

3.Keep it clean! Remember this is a family site (no overt hentai!)

4.The more details the better.

5.Only post characters to the thread in the Other Genre section. All other posts other then my initial one that is not a character or monster will be removed. Feel free to make comments here on NGD thread or in the voting thread once it starts. This includes campaigning for your favorite characters. Please do not post the Champions Thread as it only being used to advertise the contest and I won't be checking it.

6.You can enter as often as you like. Only one will be picked for the final ten.

7.The contest will be open until 6:00 pm CDT Sunday May 25th. At which time, we will create a list of ten characters to vote on by the board at large. The vote will last one week once we have the list. The Winner of Contest will receive the prize. In case of a tie, we will have a run off vote. If we are still tied then the judges will pick the winner.

8.This Contest is not sponsored by DOJ other then they allowing it to be on this board. All results are final.


Thank You and Have Fun.


PS. I want to thanks Michael for being a part of this. A special big thanks to the person who donated Volume 1. Also thanks go to my third judge who while not a member of the boards, is a long time HERO player/GM.

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