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Kamen Rider Faiz, semi-simple question about Multiform.

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First, I just want to say this post has spoilers related to Kamen Rider 555; if you have not seen it and intend to, I wouldn't suggest reading this.


With that said, I'll try to be as generic as possible.


The character has two alternate forms he can assume. For the majority of the series, no one knows about his second alternate form, and he never uses it until then.


The first alternate form requires a focus (the belt he uses to transform), uses Gestures, and is occasionally stolen by others (bad guys) or used/borrowed by other characters/given to other characters for a short period of time for plot reasons. Because of the latter, I gave it "Usable on others".


My main concern is that, his second alternate form, does not have those aspects, and is more an innate part of him. Should I give him two separate multiforms, even though that would increase the cost?


I'm very much new to Hero System, so I don't know what the most logical way to go about this is.


Another slightly related question is that is that the first alternate form has two forms of it's own it can assume--should I make the main character's multipower reflect 4 alternate forms, or give a seperate multiform to the first alternate form (which doesn't seem right to me, but). It could also be noted that the 2 additional forms require separate foci.


and finally, is there any limitation or the like that can reflect that he has to return to his true form before he can change between those two alternate forms? Or should I say that, story wise, the amount of time it takes is probably just a half phase anyway?


Thanks for your help, everyone.

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Re: Kamen Rider Faiz, semi-simple question about Multiform.


Dont have much knowledge of Kamen Rider, but there's a couple of ways to do this sort of thing.


I would say build one Multiform power that has four forms. The only limitations that should be on this power are the ones that are common to ALL forms.


Then possibly buy UBO as a Naked Advantage for one of the forms, with appropriate limitations tacked on. Though if it's Foci based and if anyone can take and use the Foci, then this may not require UBO at all...


Barring that, you might be able to make a Multipower with the various slots being Multiform with different advantages and limitations on the individual slots. I suspect this will be a more expensive approach unless all forms share several common limitations, however.

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Re: Kamen Rider Faiz, semi-simple question about Multiform.


If it were any other Kamen Rider, I wouldn't be using a Multiform, I'd just be using "Only in Heroic ID". But Faiz is a bit different, I guess.


I thought about it more and one of the forms (Accel Form), which he can only use for 10 seconds at a time, but moves at "the speed of sound" to essentially move at normal speed while everything else moves in slow motion and pull off multiple hits, to just be an attack in his first alternate form (Faiz form), possibly with only one Charge per combat.


As for who can use the foci, it's actually a specific "race", which includes all of the enemies and a couple of allies. Through the course of the show, 6 characters use it.


The Multipower idea is interesting, but I don't know how cost effective it'd really be, even though it would amount to only be 2 multiforms (the focus-based ones and the non-focus based one).

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Re: Kamen Rider Faiz, semi-simple question about Multiform.


Because of the way Multipower works, I don't think it'll be much help. What you could do is buy Multiform partially limited, with Focus and Gestures only on the first form (Focus already gives you UbO, effectively). Because of the way Multiform is priced though, I think the limitation would only apply to the +5 point "x2 forms" part, meaning you save only a couple points. But still better than getting two separate Multiforms.

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