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Ranged MA +DCs and advantaged weapons



If a character has ranged martial arts maneuvers like Offensive Shot (+4 DC) or +4 damage classes with ranged attacks, are they entitled to add:


1) +4D6 to each of three normal-damage autofire attacks?

2) +4D6 to an NND EB shot? (I say +2D6).

3) +4D6 to a sight and hearing group Flash shot?

4) +2D6 BODY and 2 DEF to an Entangle shot (with the +1/4 advantage that the entangle and target both take damage)?


(These are all slots in a multipower from a single multi-ammo weapon, if that matters).


Thanks for your help!

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Re: Ranged MA +DCs and advantaged weapons


The standard rules for Adding Damage would apply. But those are for adding damage, not "increasing an attack's effects." Martial Maneuvers, ranged or not, don't add to a weapon that's defined as a Flash or an Entangle, nor can I really see them adding to an NND-based weapon for the most part.

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