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Futher defining the effects of Darkness



Does darkness affect literally everything within a defined area, regardless of what else is around?


A player in my game has Darkness 3" radius, centered on self. Two interesting things happened tonight:

1. Does the sphere penetrate a solid structure? If he is walking 1" away from a structure, does (or can) the sphere extend 2" on the side of that structure and move with him? If so, does the structure have to be airtight? Does the defined special effect of the power come into play here?


2. A powered armor character moved inside the sphere of darkness and expected to be blind, except for his radar. The darness is bought with it being darkness vs. sight. The darkness character said that the armor suit wearer wouldn't be able to see the radar screen because the darkness would prevent the man inside from being able to see it.


My original thought is that the darkness would prevent armor dude from seeing out the viewscreen with a naked eye, but would still be able to see the radar screen. BUT, the letter of the rules doesn't really say either way. I thought it was a good question. What do you say, Steve? Can I get a ruling?

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1. This may depend on special effects, but generally a barrier like a wall would probably stop a Darkness field. The final judgment I leave in the capable hands of you, the all-wise GM. ;)


2. If you’ll check the radar screens and such that are in published products (like TUV), you’ll note that they’re all bought with a Limitation, Affected As Sight Group As Well As Radio Group (-1/2), to reflect the fact that the human user has to be able to see them. (You’ll see a similar Limitation on HRRP gadgets.) Technically speaking, for “proper” simulation of the special effect, the powered armor character should have such a Limitation on his radar. However, continuing in the “technicality” vein, if he doesn’t have it, he’s not affected by it, and the Darkness-using character is wrong.

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