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The Heap (public domain version)

Doc Samson

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I'm not really sure why but I like this character so here is a write-up.


Character Name: The Heap

Alternate Identities: Baron Eric von Emmelman



Val Char Base Points Total Roll Notes

60 STR 10 50 60 21- HTH Damage 12d6 END [6]

10 DEX 10 0 10 11-

30 CON 10 20 30 15-

20 BODY 10 10 20

5 INT 10 -5 5 10- PER Roll 10-

20 EGO 10 10 20 13-

30 PRE 10 20 30 15- PRE Attack: 6d6

10 OCV 3 35 10

3 DCV 3 0 3

3 OMCV 3 0 3

8 DMCV 3 25 8

0 PD 2 -2 0/30 0/30 PD (0/30 rPD)

0 ED 2 -2 0/30 0/30 ED (0/30 rED)

4 SPD 2.0 20 4 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12

10 REC 4 6 10

60 END 20 8 60

60 STUN 20 20 60

12" Running 12 0 12m

4" Swimming 4 0 4m

4" Leaping 4 0 4m

205 Total Characteristics Points



Cost Name

13 (formerly): Combat Piloting 16-

13 Total Skills Cost



Cost Name

2 (formerly): Positive Reputation: WWI flying ace (A small to medium sized group) 14-, +2/+2d6

2 Total Perks Cost



Cost Power END

40 Damage Negation (-4 DCs Physical, -4 DCs Energy) 0

18 Life Support (Eating: Character does not eat; Longevity: Immortal; Self-Contained Breathing) 0

27 Regeneration (1 BODY per Week), Can Heal Limbs, Resurrection 0

90 Resistant Protection (30 PD/30 ED) 0

5 Muck Body: Shape Shift (Touch Group) 1

180 Total Powers Cost



Cost Disadvantage

25 Distinctive Features: Shambling Swamp Creature (Not Concealable; Extreme Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

15 Negative Reputation: Mindless Muck Monster, Very Frequently

20 Physical Complication: Cannot Breathe and Must Consume Living Creatures to Obtain Oxygen (Infrequently; Fully Impairing)

15 Psychological Complication: Hunts Bad Guys (Very Common; Moderate)

75 Total Disadvantages Cost


Total Points: 400



Hair Color: Vegetation

Eye Color: Muck

Height: 2.00 m

Weight: 200.00 kg




Baron Eric von Emmelman was a German flying ace shot down during World War One. He landed in Wassau Swamp in Poland on October 12th, 1918. Over the course of twenty years he merged with the muck and vegetation of the swamp and rose again. He fought against the Germans and the Japanese during WWII. He then made his way to the United States to fight crime. Heap has also come into conflict with WWII aviator Skywolf, his own team, and Airboy on several occasions.


First Appearance: Air Fighters #3 (Hillman Periodicals, December, 1942)

Creators: Harry Stein (writer) and Mort Leav (artist)

Other (Golden Age) Appearances: Airboy Comics #vol. 3 #9 - vol. 10 #4









Despite his appearance and seeming mindlessness, heap is one of the good guys. While he did occasionally consume farm animals whole, he only did it because he cannot breathe and needed the oxygen in their blood. The only people he has harmed were bad guys such as Nazis and evil Japanese officers.



Heap posesses superhuman strength, extreme resistance to injury, and is able to reform if destroyed. He is unable to breathe so he must digest living creatures to absorb the oxygen in their blood.



Heap is believed to have been inspired by Theordore Sturgeon's 1940 short story, "It!" and is comicdom's first shambling swamp monster. Heap is also believed to be the inspiration behind other similar comic book characters including Swamp Thing, Man-Thing, Solomon Grundy, and the Glob (Incredible Hulk villain).





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Re: The Heap (public domain version)


A version of him has also appeared in Image (Spawn) and one of the references (marvunapp) mentions a Marvel appearance.


It also looks like Shocker Toys may be making a Heap action figure in their Golden Age collection (http://www.shockertoys.com/product/155) <--- they made it, updated link

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