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So I was thinking about villian books. And the thought occured to me, what if you had very few slots to put villians in. You'd make charecters of vartious basic types to show the breath of the system. And as you wouldn't have space to do variants on a theme. So if you had only ten villian slots what basic roles would you fill them with? I got.


1. The tough guy- Big, strong, tough, probably dumb. Mostly steals bank vaults and pounds on heroes.

2. the energy guy- Zaps people with powerbolts.

3. The mentalist- Brain bolts and telekinises

4. The martial artist-hand to hand combatant sometimes with weapons

5. The technoguy- Not as skilled as the martial artist but carries a bunch of gadgets

6. The sexy villianess- Beautiful and at most wearing a skintight outfit, and spends half her time trying to get a hero on her side.

7. The armored guy- like the techguy only in an armored suit

8. The crimelord- Like the techguy, but with fewer gadgets and more goons.

9. The fast guy- probably a flier

10. The creepy guy- where you put things like walks through walls, life drain, and talks to dead.


So what would you put?

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Re: Basics


Let's see, just to be different (I like your list), I'd do it like this:


1. The Mastermind - lots of resources, skills, contacts and the like. The planner, the manipulator, Cardinal Richelieu meets Lex Luthor kind of thing. But few if any powers.

2. The agent - Just the basic agent (VIPER, DEMON, etc) with a few variations to show the range of even a low point character.

3. The Subtle One - Built around Drains, Transfers, Mind Control, Possession and other powers that can be used indirectly or subtly. Not everyone hits you in the face.

4. The automaton - Put together a basic robot/zombie pair, showing how similar builds can use different sfx to get entirely different baddies.

5. The Revenant - Build on the above robot/zombie pair, but resulting in Jason Voorhees and Terminator builds, showing how basic villains can be built up into supers.

6. The thief - Slippery Jim DiGriz goes over to the dark(er)side. Skills, KS/AKs, Gadgets out the wazoo and a few dozen kiloliters of style.

7. The Alien - from facehugger to queen, build 'em all and let the Preds sort 'em out. Good intro to building completely non-human characters.

8. The Force of Nature - A weather controller type, with lots of different abilities, preferably in one or more Multipowers (to show the versatility of that framework)

9. The Mimic - Body altering powers, and lots of them. Growth/Shrinking, DI, Shapeshifting, maybe a VPP with associated abilities available (my favorite 'hero' was one of these)

10. The Summoner - Necromancer, Demonologist or Voodoo Priestess, this one can bring the pain in whole new ways. Why do the fighting yourself, after all?

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Re: Basics


So I was thinking about villian books. And the thought occured to me' date=' what if you had very few slots to put villians in. You'd make charecters of vartious basic types to show the breath of the system. And as you wouldn't have space to do variants on a theme. So if you had only ten villian slots what basic roles would you fill them with? I got. [/quote']

Ok, lemme try this now that I read it correctly :o


1. The Mastermind - Crime/agency boss, probably enhanced, runs a gang/network of villains

2. The Conqueror - A world beater, the single villain designed to face entire teams, will stop at nothing short of total power

3. The Mad Scientist - Motivated by a lust for knowledge, delights in death rays/giant robots/patchwork monsters

4. The Bully - The enhanced thug who exists only to fight, preferably those weaker than him. Usually acts as hired muscle

5. The Thief - Sneaky, clever, greedy, just in it for the money. Powers are mostly non-combat oriented

6. The Gladiator - A martial artist or weapons master that lives to prove his superiority (aka Gunslinger)

7. The Merc/Agent - Hired muscle, their real power is in their numbers

8. The Femme Fatale - The deadly seductress is a must have in any gallery

9. The Cosmic Threat - Not of this Earth, and beyond comprehension, threatens the existence of all life on the planet

10. The Devil - Mystic/other dimensional threat, insidious in nature, the demonic manipulator, the very embodiment of evil

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