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Doctor Blink

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Doctor Blink

a.k.a. Dr. Ludwig Von Zeitlich (400 pt build)

15 Str 5

13 Dex 6

13 Con 5

38 Int 28

18 Ego 8

10 Pre 0

3 OCV 0

3/4 DCV 2 – (*1)

1 OMCV -6

3/6/10 DMCV 10 – (*1, 10 DMCV *2)

2/6/12 Spd 44 – (*1, 12 speed *2)

2/8/14 PD 0 (see Combat Luck)

2/8/14 ED 0 (see Combat Luck)

4/10 Rec 2 – (10 recovery *1, *2)

25 End 1

10 Body 0

36 Stun 8

113 in Characteristics


53 – Run 12/40/80” (Extra running at +½ 0 End, All running +¼ Combat Acceleration/Deceleration, *1, 80” speed *3)

14 – Keep Moving! 20” of Run set on trigger (+½ define with each use, +½ resets automatically, +¼ activation takes no time, +½ multiple activating conditions, *1, *2)

–1 – Swim 2”

66 in Movement


45 – Speedy Actions 90pt Multipower pool (*1)

4f – Quicker Than the Eye Invisibility to Sight, Hearing, Smell/Taste, and Radio targeting groups, no fringe (+½ 0 End, *2) Active 90, actual 36

1f – Open and Close the Door Quickly Desolidification (– ¾ cannot pass through small openings or things that cannot be moved, –½ doesn’t protect against constant area damage, –¼ moving through objects that have traps or triggered effects will trigger the effect [such as alarms, explosions, etc.], –¼ gestures, *2, *3) Active 40, actual 9

8v – Everyone’s So Slow +5/9 OCV and DCV (6-9 *2) Active 90, actual (+1 to +9) 5/10/15/20/25/29/33/37/41

1v – Time-slowed Observation +3/+8 PER with sight group (*1, +8 *2) Active 6/22, actual 3/7

6v – Speedy Attacks Naked +3/5 Autofire Advantage [on any attack up to 60 active point cost] (+ ½ 0 End only on Autofire extra active cost, 5 *2), along with all Autofire Skills (*1) Active 59, actual 18/28

2v – Speed Inpacts 22/34 PD (–1 only vs damage from move-bys/throughs he does, 30 *2) Active 30, actual 7/10

2f – I’ll Take Those +15 Str, (+1¼ 32” radius selective, +½ 0 End on adders, –½ instant, –1 only for grabs) Active 67, actual 19

2f – Let’s Wrap This Up Entangle 4d6, up to 4PD/4ED (+½ O End, –½ appropriate materials of opportunity, –½ no range) Active 60, actual 20

2f – Rearrange Things Change Environment [1pt of TK STR, Long-lasting] 32” radius (+½ 0 End, –¼ must past through intervening spaces, –½ no range, *2) Active 63, actual 19

2f – Some Assembly Required 4d6 Transform, create a technological object (+½ limited group of objects, +½ 0 End, –½ appropriate materials of opportunity, –½ no range, *2) Active 80, actual 24

2f – Some Disassembly Required 4d6 Dispel Technological Object (+3½ all Technological Object Powers simultaneously +½ 0 End, +1½ Cumulative [384pt max], –½ no range, *2) Active 78, actual 24

1f – Protecting Friends Deflection (+½ 0 End, –¼ limited range 80”, –¼ only vs phys. attacks, –¼ must pass through intervening spaces, *2) Active 30, actual 9

13 – Weapons 30pt Multipower (–1 OAF, –¼ real weapons)

1f – Revolver 2d6 RKA (–0 charges [6], reloads [x8])

1f – Collapsible Nightstick +4d6 HA (+½ 0 End, –½ no range)

7 – ‘Matrix’ the Bullets! Deflection +11 OCV (–1 only to block ranged physical attacks, *1)

100 in powers


1 Absolute Time Sense (–¼ unified, –½ OIF, –¼ does not work in water, while grabbed or physically entangled)

11 Combat Luck 6/12 (*1, 12 *2)

5 Eidictic Memory

1 Lightning Calculator (*1)

12 Lightning Reflexes [28/41 Dex] (*1, 41 Dex *2)

7 Money ($2 million/year)

1 Positive Reputation (all scientists, 11-)

3 Speed Reading x100 (*2)

41 in Perks/Talents


0 Acting 8-

3 Analyze (Technology) 17-

0 Climbing 8-

3 Computer Programming 17-

0 Concealment 8-

0 Conversation 8-

2 Cramming (*1, *2)

3 Cryptography 17-

3 Deduction 17-

3 Demolitions 17-

3 Electronics 17-

3 Inventor 17-

3 Linguist

1 Language (English)

1 Language (French)

0 Language (German)

1 Language (Latin)

1 Language (Russian)

1 Language (Spanish)

3 Mechanics 17-

0 Paramedics 8-

0 Persuasion 8-

3 Scientist

2k Biochemistry 17-

2k Biology 17-

2k Biophysics 17-

2k Chemistry 17-

2k Mathmatics 17-

2k Molecular Biology 17-

2k Nuclear Physics 17-

2k Physics 17-

2k Subatomic Physics 17-

2k Theoretical Physics 17-

3 Scholar

2k KS: People in ‘The City’ 17-

2k KS: New Technology 17-

2k KS: Scientists 17-

2k KS: Time Travel People/Organizations 17-

3 Security Systems 17-

0 Shadowing 8-

0 Stealth 8-

3 Systems Operations 17-

0 TF: Cars

2 WF: Common Melee Weapons

2 WF: Small Arms

2 WF: Uncommon Modern Weapons

80 in Skills

Total Costs:

113 Characteristics

66 Movement

100 Powers

41 Perks/Talents

80 Skills

400 total


15 – DNPC “Teenage Daughter – all he has left in the world” (Incompetent, Infrequent)

15 – Hunted by the German Government (More Powerful, NCI, Limited Area, Infrequent)

10 – In Love with “Attractive ‘normal’ PC” (Common, Moderate)

10 – Psychological Complication: Curiosity (Common, Moderate)

5 – Professional Rival “Dr. Edward Dunhill, P.H.D.” (wishes to outdo rival)

15 – Social Complication: Works for U.S. Government Think Tank [must follow orders] (Frequently, Major)

5 – Social Complication: Secret from the U.S. government [about his belt invention] (Infrequently, Minor)


Unified Power = Time Belt [the belt does not operate if the time field it generates is interfered with, such as by sustained interaction with liquids or objects – see below for additional adjustment, including side effect while at full tilt slow-down]

*1 = (–¼ unified, –¼ IIF, –½ does not work in water, while grabbed or physically entangled)

*2 = (–½ side effect at full speed, unable to communicate verbally with others or hear while this is active)


Background/History: Dr. Ludwig Von Zeitlich studied for years in various universities across Europe. Funded by scholarships from the German government, he was able to study under a number of remarkable scientists of the times, and most were quite impressed by Ludwig’s incredibly sharp mind. Some even speculated to him about the possibility that perhaps he had some sort of trait in his genes for hyper-intelligence. He found the thought intriguing, but was too focused on completing multiple doctorates to be too concerned about a potential DNA anomaly. Once he'd learned all he could from the schools and universities, he returned home, to study in a lab funded by a shadowy private company in western Germany. However, in reality, the German government was interested in some of the theoretical studies in time distortion that the good doctor had been postulating, and it’s implications for military use.

One night, the doctor made a breakthrough, and began working on a device that could allow someone to alter the flow of time around them. Worn like a belt, he could almost swim through time like a fish, speeding up or slowing down things almost on a whim. When the device (fitted onto a belt), was almost complete, men in suits came to his lab, asking for the device. He complained that it was not yet ready, and to give him another week. They gave him one day.

Once the doctor realized the lab he worked for was a front, and he realized the dangers the shadowy organizations could create, he decided to leave – that very night. He left the country with his only daughter, a suitcase full of clothes, and his almost completed belt and immigrated to the United States, hopefully far from the hands of his former sponsors.

Once overseas, he released a few patents on inventions he had been toying around with. As the royalties began to come in on his ingenious inventions, he realized that the primary equipment he wanted to work with could only be available through large government organizations. Under the auspice of a theoretical physicist, the doctor joined a U.S. think tank, and gained access to equipment available in few other places throughout the world.

Using this equipment, he completed the device, but kept its existence secret from his government employers.


Personality/Motivation: Ludwig is a relatively honest man, trying to make a home in his new country. He has an open heart, and often finds himself won over by a pretty face. However, he lacks a bit of confidence with the social sciences, and tends to lose women when his conversations drift into discussions of quantum physics, and the dilation of the Deryligine Manifold…

His only link to the motherland is his only daughter, a pretty, young girl who is still in high school, and tends to get in occasional trouble. The good doctor is a bit absent-minded when it comes to fatherly attention, and he doesn’t know how to turn his daughter’s attentions from boys to books.

The one time he got in a fight was when he witnessed a mugging. He didn’t consider anything like a mask, but he didn’t use his real name as he rescued the young girl from the pile of debris in the allyway where she had fallen. He introduced himself as ‘Doctor Blink’, quickly thinking of how fast he moved around in the fight, and joking how she must have blinked and missed all of the excitement.

The doctor is quite inquisitive, and has a tendency to slow down time to a crawl just so he can sneak into government facilities where he doesn't have access, just to look over things above his pay grade. He is interested in figuring out whether he can travel backward or forward in time, but he has yet to pierce the puzzle of full time travel. His curiosity hasn't gotten him into too much trouble...yet.

Quote: (in a German Accent) “Ya, the extraneous energy readings coming from ze central processing plant’s interior unit are no cause for present concern. However, I vould suggest prudent action concerning ze terrorists zat occupy ze facility, since zeir actions could cause catastrophic failure, vhich vould be…regrettable…”


Powers/Tactics: Dr. Blink acts much like a traditional speedster, but his power is more about how he slows down time relative to himself. This allows him to move so fast, people won’t notice him. He can go through doors without anyone noticing, almost freeze a moment for lengthy study, knock bullets and thrown objects out of the air with the greatest of ease, and perform an incredible amount of actions in a short period of time.

He has three different ‘speeds’ at which he operates. His normal speed is without the aid of his belt which manipulates time, and without it, he is simply a very smart, well-educated guy. The standard operating rate with his belt, he is still much faster than most normal people around him. However, he can slow time down so much that he can move at incredible rates (the highest speed). When going this fast, he is unable to communicate verbally with anyone, and he can’t hear anything, since time is moving too slow for any sounds to register.

One trick he does in combat is to constantly move, slowing down time and ducking away from foes’ attacks at a whim. If anyone can actually connect with him, though, he is not particularly tough.


Appearance: The doctor doesn’t have an outfit as it were. More often than not, he is wearing his lab coat, and due to the nature of some of his government jobs, has taken to arming himself with a pistol and a collapsible baton. He is still young for his profession, in his late 30s, and his hair has not yet started to gray. He has a tuft of a beard on his chin, and he can often be seen scratching it as he ponders a puzzling conundrum.


Designer's Notes: Eventually, when he cracks a bit of the 'time conundrum', I’d like to get for him…

20 – The ‘Past Me’ Can Help! Duplication x8 [380pt] (–1 Feedback, –½ extra time [full phase to duplicate, extra phase to recombine], –½ Concentration [0 DCV], –½ gestures, *2)

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