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Energy Adapter Character


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So one of my player came up with a neat idea, and I'm trying to build him a power. I'm going to present what I got so far and I would like some insight.

He's character power is defined as being "hyper-adaptable to energy". So he is resistant to energy dmg but if he takes too dmg from a certain type of energy (i.e: electricity) his body turns immune to that particular energy and he can use power related to electricity until his body consider him safe and out of electricity danger.


So I built him on a multiform. His primary from is human with a Resistant Damage Reduction (Energy) 50%. We have set that if he takes a quarter of his body in enrgy dmg he shifts. No mechanical build for this. If you know of one please tell me.

Multiform goes as this:















[TD=width: 35, align: right]

1) [/TD]


[TD=width: 271, colspan: 2, align: left]

Multiform (450 Character Points in the most expensive form) (x8 Number Of Forms) (105 Active Points); Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (-1), Conditional Power Character Must Be Damaged By An Energy Attack (-1/2), Extra Time (Delayed Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4)[/TD]


















Everytime he swtiches to one form of energy or another he looses the Resistant Damage Reduction, and instead gain an Energy Immunity built on desolidification. exemple:
















[TD=width: 35, align: right]

1) [/TD]


[TD=width: 271, colspan: 2, align: left]

Lightning Immunity: Desolidification , Persistent (+1/4), Inherent (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2) (100 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2), Only To Protect Against Lightning (-1), Always On (-1/2), Cannot Pass Through Solid Objects (-1/2)[/TD]


















and then usually gain one attack power, one movement power and one support power (heal, aid.)


SO far i'm happy with that. But I'm wondering if there is some way to make it less costly overall. Because we keep the multiform on each character since he wants to shift to one form to another if there's multiple energy based power flying around. I wanted to find a way to make it so he can't switch back to normal anytime he wants. I know i can just put a timer based on a power like absorb.... i just realised i can put a time limit on the power. So forget that part....


so any insight?


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Well...I wouldn't build it that way...but assuming you are committed to the design / using MF...Accidental Change is a great way to force forms in a multiform to change to another form. There's even a handy "Always Occurs" options.




On a similar note, here is a character that has a similar absorb energy to get better shtick:



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Well, NCC and Always On is double dipping IMHO, and honestly NCC really doesn't apply to this (it doesn't "turn on or off on its own at GM's discretion." which is what NCC represents)


For the multiform I would go with 1 form and build the powers in it with VSFX with a limitation that SFX matches the type of energy that "triggered" the multiform. Makes for a much cleaner, neater build and allows you to copy all sorts of energy, your not limited to 8. If you want him to be able to manifest different sorts of powers based upon what "type" of energy he absorbs (ie his fire powers differ from his electricity powers etc) you can give his MF a VPP to pull them from (if your comfortable with that).


It really shouldn't be made less costly, it is a very powerful construct, of course if your GMing it you can vary the value of the Limited Power Limitation to what you feel is appropriate.


One thing to do to reduce the cost, Inherent isn't really necessary for the build. Drains on a Desolid are basically worthless anyway (as you have to drain the FULL AP of the Desolid before it has any effect) and based on your SFX anything with enough power to fully drain a 80 pt Desolid should probably be strong enough to take him out of his multipower all together.


To prevent him from changing back make the Multiform NCC (since that is something he cannot control, unlike the Desolid which is built so that there is no control involved) and remove the Conditional Power limitation. You (the GM) decide when and where his multiform kicks it, and it doesn't necessarily need to have a scripted (such as 1/4th BODY, what about attacks that don't DO body?) trigger in that case. You can have him switch when you feel its appropriate (and it also prevents him from being able to cheaply cheese into it by having a buddy blast him into energy form.)

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