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Grabbing an Entangled character



If a character who is Entangled is then Grabbed, how does that work? What if two characters involved in a Grab are subsequently Entangled together?

My thinking is that if the attempt to break the first effect applied succeeds, any extra BODY from the attempt would be applied to the second. That is to say, you wouldn't get two separate free attempts to break out, but a strong character could break out of both with the same effort.

But I thought I should ask for an official ruling. Thanks!

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1 answer to this question

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6E2 63 has rules for what happens when two or more characters Grab the same character. Just apply those, treating the Entangle’s PD + current BODY as the “BODY rolled” for its “Grab.” Though as usual, the GM’s free to adopt some other method if preferred — the possible combinations of Grab, Entangle, special effects, dramatic sense, the phases (Phases? :) ) of the moon, and other factors create so many possible permutations that the rules can’t provide a hard-and-fast answer for each of them specifically. ;)

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