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AID, Usable on others, Delayed return rate & other questions




  • AID
  • Usable on others
  • Only while touching
  • Delayed Return Rate
  • Expanded Effect (2x Characteristics)


"A character with AID may increase of of his or someone else's Characteristics or powers"


1. Usable on Others:


Does AID natively have ability to target others? Meaning the character can both target themselves OR (just as easily) target a friendly character with AID without purchasing usable on others?


 If I take "Usable on Others" with AID, does this mean I can grant someone else the ability to AID themselves or a 3rd Party?

       Dr. Aid has the power "AID" with "usable on others," modifier  

       He could grant Max Strongman the ability to use AID. 

       Max Strongman could then use AID to grant bonus to an ability to his pal Robo-Ghost. 

       (Max Strongman pays the Endurance cost?)

       Robo-Ghost benefits from enhanced XX characteristic.

       Dr. Aid pay nothing in endurance, because he granted the power (via Usable on others) to Max, but didn't "use" it..


2.  AID while Touching: If I wanted to be able to AID others, but only while in physical contact with the Target, what modifiers would I need to add to AID Power?

      a.  Duration = while in physical contact (modifier constant, plus some other modifier?)

      b.  What is the most affordable way to make this happen?

      c.  Is there a better / cheaper alternative that would have similar effects but perhaps not while in contact contact?


Possible modifiers:

  • Constant
  • Delayed Return rate
  • Others that should be considered?


4. Delayed Return rate: (Lets assume I were to I purchase delayed return rate: 5 per minute)

  •  If I purchase delayed return rate, can I use the power on one character and then use it again the next round on someone else?
  •  Now 2 characters are benefiting from the same AID power.
  •  On another phase I use AID on yet another character...

I can continue this as long as I can pay the Endurance cost?

It seems the endurance cost set at the time of use, and independent of the Return rate?

So I might pay 5 or 10 endurance to AID/ Boost each target, but then they would stay boosted for a extended period of time...

For example:


Dr. AID uses AID (5D6) Strength on Max Strongman.  (Dr. Aid pays ~4 to 10 endurance depending on modifiers)

  • Max Strongman gains 18 Strength. The return rate is 5 per minute.

On his next phase Dr. Aid targets his friend Robo-Ghost with AID + 5d6 Strength.

  • Robo-Ghost gains 16 Strength, return rate 5 per minute

Dr. Aid (on some phase) Aids his sidekick the Superfly with 5d6 Strength. (15 points)


Dr. Aid has paid 3x endurance cost 3x (over 3 phases) and granted 49 points of strength to 3 separate characters/ targets.

These strength bonuses will begin to drop down to 0 at the rate of 5 per minute, but that gives his team time to get the upper hand on evil...



  • If I purchase AID for 5D6 and expanded effect x2 characteristics, then does it provide the full 5d6 to each characteristic?  (5D6 to Strength + 5D6 to Con) for instance?


Thank you for your help.






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1. Yes. Among other things, that's why it has Limitations for "Self Only" and "Others Only."


2. Aid already had No Range. If you specifically want to have to make physical contact to use the power, you can represent that as a Limitation, with a value the GM approves.


3.  [Monty Python Voice]There is no number three![/Monty Python Voice]  ;)


4a. You can use Aid (with or without DRR) on as many different targets as you like. The rules restrict the maximum effect you can have on any one target, but not the number of targets a character can affect.

4b. The END cost of a power depends on the Active Points in the power. In the case of Adjustment Powers, it has nothing to do with the return rate (though of course, the DRR Advantage, by increasing the Active Points in the power, increases the END cost).

4c. When a character uses an Adjustment Power, he pays the END cost to use the power at that time. He does not have to keep paying END, Phase by Phase, during the time the Adjustment remains in effect.

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