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Everything posted by Lhorgrim

  1. Re: How to Start? I appreciate the advice. I ordered Sidekick from my FLGS today (I try to support the local shop whenever I can). I'm interested in running some Champions themed stuff right now, but I like the options available for HERO system. Once I'm comfortable with the system, I'll probably try a Fantasy game to replace our D&D 4E game that faltered. I work in Law Enforcement, so Dark Champions has some strong appeal to me as well. Getting out that "real world" frustration ya know. I look forward to getting the Sidekick rules and getting a game started. For now, I intend to spend some time on these boards and try to absorb some of the collected wisdom. Jay
  2. Re: How to Start? Thanks. I inadvertently posted this to the other area.
  3. Ok, I've been gaming for years, and I was introduced to Champions in the late 80's or early 90's. I didn't get deep into the system, because it was a couple of one shot adventures with pre-made heroes. I'm at a point in my life when I've got some free time to game on a regular basis, and a few friends that are willing to play. We tried D&D 4E, but it lost it's shine for us pretty quickly. I saw the Hero system/Champions booth at GenCon 08, and I fell in love with the concept again. My question is how do I get started? I see that 6th edition is coming out, and 5th Edition Revised seems like a big investment if the new system will be out sometime this year. What are your suggestions? Should I just wait for the new edition, or should I go ahead and get FREd? Any advice is appreciated. Jay
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