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Everything posted by Corey

  1. Re: Help me get into Bricks. Someone's probably covered this part of being a Brick already (I didn't read the entire thread), but hopefully a couple of the comments will be useful to someone. I used to be a firm believer in making what I call "Brick Plus" characters - the character is a light brick with something else added to give him flavor and options (many suggestions are on the first page of the thread alone). And I still believe in adding a little something for flavor (flight, stretching - something). But my favorite character now is almost a pure brick. When he fights something really powerful, and with massive physical defenses (e.g. high pd and 75% damage reduction-physical), it's true that he can do almost nothing by punching him. But that's not the brick's real job. The true job of the brick is to get hit and still stay on his feet-or at least get up again! On my current character, I have bought large amounts of CON and Recovery. And some knockback resistance to cut down on the extra knockback damage. The goal of this character is to have enough offensive firepower (strength) to attract the attention of powerful foes, and then enough defenses and recovery to take a pounding for a long time. Learn to love thumbing your nose at the enemy, and giving your teammates the time to take him down. Being good at hurling casual insults helps attract enemy fire, also. Corey
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