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Posts posted by Highwayman

  1. http://www.nytimes.com/2003/08/17/magazine/17BOUT.html

    (registration required, but it's free)


    It's a New York Times profile of a man alleged to be the world's biggest illegal arms dealer. There's also a bit in there on Trans-Dniester, an ex-Soviet splinter run by criminals, ex-Communists, and an oddly-named corporation who's main resources is a giant ex-Red Army base that was used for tests on the effects of radioactivity on plants...

  2. Didn't Egyptian tombs have fake doors that the souls of the departed were supposed to use to come and go? Maybe for unauthorized visitors, the door is just a painted niche in the wall. Until, of course, your arch-villain gets ahold of that long-lost Egyptian scroll...

  3. Originally posted by Redmenace

    4.) The Spear of Destiny,(the Spear of Longinus, allegedly the spear used to dispatch Christ and reputed to have the magical ability to grant victory to the side that holds it), could be hidden there. At one time "a spear of Longinus" was owned by the Hapsburgh family and very likely it atleast passed through Vienna. There were many versions passsed as the real thing and who knows which is which. If the Nazis or Russians could want it to reverse their historical fortunes, Demon would love to have it, (maybe its the most powerful unholy artifact on Earth), and the Vatican would prize it as perhaps the greatest surviving relic short of the Holy Grail.


    Actually, I think it's been publicly displayed in a museum there since the end of WWII. If it is the real deal and has all the power it's supposed to have, you'll have to come up with a reason someone hasn't stolen it already...

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