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Posts posted by Wheeljack

  1. I'm doing a writeup of Aya Natsume from Tenjo Tenge, a character who has supernatural vision, enough to see into the past or future, and uses precognition in combat to great effect.  Danger Sense is a natural power for that sort of thing, but it seemed odd to have it on its own.  I looked at the "how talents are built" section and started reverse-engineering from there to make it a Simulated Sense for sight group.


    This is what I started with for her:



    17 Basic Danger Sense, Sense 15-


    Dragon Eyes

    10 Detect Chi/life energy, Based on Sight

    3 Mental Awareness Based on Sight

    5 Nightvision


    ​Being part of the Simulated Sight Group provides free Targeting, Sense and the rough form of Analyze modifiers, which I used on the Detect Chi and Mental Awareness, and want to on the Danger Sense too.


    So, the base ability is Detect Danger Detectable By Normal Human Senses In Combat, Including Range To Danger, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees) (5 CP) (Real Cost: 10 CP)

    Plus Targeting (10 Active Points); Only If Character Makes Half Roll (-1) (Real Cost: 5 CP).Real Cost 15 CP

    Sense 2 CP


    I think I can replace that Danger Sense with:


    Detect Danger (that can be seen, including range to danger) sight group 5 points

    Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees) all sight group 10 points

    +2 Perception rolls to sense Danger 2 points


    Thus, she can detect danger anywhere around her, regardless of light levels from Nightvision and picking up on living targets with the Detect Chi, sense 360 degrees around her with all senses all the time and make attacks on any danger regardless of perception roll for the same cost as the Danger Sense talent.  It won't be effective against invisible targets though, or when flashed and be a little less "intangible" about what triggers the Danger Sense.


    Is this a correct interpretation of how it works and are my costs correct?

  2. Re: Why Don't The Villains Kill?


    Don't forget about drama... Villains tend towards the grand gesture and the theatrical approach even if they're gritty. Killing your heroic rival isn't enough, proving you're better than he is is what matters. Could be honor behind it, or psychosis or just loneliness... Villains don't often have a lot of friends and many of their peers are completely untrustworthy. Even if you're trying to defeat the Crimson Crusader as part of your master plan, you know him and have for years.

  3. Lacking an in-person gaming group, I do a lot of play-by-post and chat based/Maptools gaming. One thing I don't see is anyone playing Champions/Hero System... There was one game on RPG.net that collapsed twice before actually starting.


    Granted, a more streamlined system can be useful for online play, but automated die rollers can make one of the bigger issues with Hero (Counting 10+ dice in two ways) go away instantly. MapTools in particular can be programmed with a lot of macros to speed play.


    Any success stories? Am I just looking in the wrong places?

  4. Re: What 5th Ed Books to buy on sale?


    I went with Book of the Machine, Book of the Destroyer and Lucha Libre Hero. I already had the UNTIL books and the Ultimates that interested me. I ordered on Monday and they arrived today... fast work! Granted, I'm only one state over from them, but still.


    I hadn't seen the original 1981 Dr. Destroyer picture by Mark Williams before... that was neat.

  5. Re: Examples of low-powered/street level supers not from comics


    Gunsmith Cats, as far as staying in one city and worrying about local criminals goes. Bean Bandit definitely has some super-strength.


    The Green Hornet is also based in one city and deals with criminals, having no powers except martial arts and gadgets (and a great car).


    Trigun, in that most of the foes are killers with guns and a superhuman edge for using them. Vash has to worry about getting shot (and he does get shot).

  6. Starting Monday, October 4 we’re having a major sale in the Online Store in the hope of clearing out some warehouse space. For a short period of time all 5th Edition titles will be on sale for a full 50% off their cover price! Act now to fill in the gaps in your collection before they’re all gone or the sale ends!


    There doesn't seem to be an easy way to search for those sale titles... what would be worth checking out? I'm thinking about Book of the Destroyer, Book of the Machine and Lucha Libre hero. Any others of note from later 5e? I'm good on power related books for the most part.

  7. Re: Justice League of America 350


    Wonder Woman


    30 Multipower (30 Points)

    2 u) Flight 10" [Variable Advantages (+1/2), Megascale or 1/2 END Only (-1/4), IIF[bulky]: Invisible Plane (-3/4)]



    That's a very clever way of doing her Invisible Plane... but if it's a Bulky focus in her multipower, wouldn't she suffer the Bulky penalty even when she wasn't using that slot? I don't think the rules allow for regularly leaving your foci somewhere else.

  8. Re: Which older modules are worth running?


    I just got the Coriolis Effect module. It has Black Enchantress with a power called "1D6+1 Ego Destruction' date=' ranged, vs. ECV", what power is that?[/quote']


    That was a long-term version of power drain (Ego), I think. Earlier editions didn't have increased recovery time options the way we do now.

  9. Re: 250 point Dark Champions Green Hornet type advice?


    The, "Grapple Gun" looks nifty but I'm not sure it will be used enough to justify spending almost 10% of your points on it. I'd spend the points elsewhere and use the Gadget Pool if I wanted climbing equipment.


    An excellent point. I was so taken by its neatness that I overlooked the lack of practicality. Here's a new draft... I came up with another signature weapon in the Blackout Gas Gun, a 2d6 NND flash with area cone to replace the grapple gun. I realized I could put it in the gadget pool with a few more points in it, then realized I could do the same with the armor and before I knew it, it was 40 points instead of 15. Perversely, that leaves fewer points for minor gadgets than before though. With a gadgeteering lab in the car, he can quickly get whatever he needs out of the trunk outside of combat.


    I was able to bump up the taser glove to 50 points and came up with a new slot to replace the continuous NND... a Damage Shield that does damage on attacks... this way, he can martial strike and add some NND damage to it, combining martial arts and gadgetry in a stylish way, IMHO. It also only does damage against grabs or attacks that have been blocked.


    Added more skills (Including some Everyman ones), a second combat level, and changed out Martial Escape for Block to tie in with the above damage shield.


    I swapped out the mundane gear in the car for more exotic gear and better handling and made it a full-size sedan... a backseat is handy when you and your partner have to drag a criminal somewhere for an interrogation.


    Dr. Steel


    Str 15 5

    Dex 18 24

    Con 18 16

    Body 11 2

    Int 18 8

    Ego 11 2

    Pre 18 8

    Com 10 -

    PD 4 1

    ED 4 -

    Spd 4 12

    Rec 7 -

    End 36 -

    Stun 28 -

    CHA total 78 points



    50 Crimefighting Gear 40 point gadget pool, only in lab, must have -1/2 min limitations with some Focus


    25 Shock Glove 50 point Multipower 4 clips of 8 charges, No Range, OIF

    2u Taser punching 3d6 NND (Insulated rED) Damage Shield (+3/4ths, adds to attacks), must Block or be grabbed to damage attacker (-1/2)

    2u Taser grab 5d6 NND insulated rED

    1u DC Paralysis Grip - Def 3 3D6 Entangle, Takes no Damage, Lockout, must maintain touch, 1 charge per phase

    2u Heavy Charge - 10d6 EB takes 2 charges per use


    20 point contribution to 40 point Rolling Thunder


    Powers total 102 points



    12 Martial Arts – Kung fu

    *Martial Strike

    *Martial Dodge

    *Martial Block


    0 AK Mainland China 8-

    3 Breakfall 13-

    3 CK: Hudson City 13-

    3 Climbing 13-

    3 Combat Driving 13-

    3 Computer Programming 13-

    3 Gadgeteering 13-

    3 Electronics 13-

    2 Science: Electrical engineering 11-

    2 Science: Chemistry 11-

    3 Deduction 13-

    3 Security Systems 13-

    1 Shadowing 8-

    3 Stealth 13-

    1 High Society 8-

    1 KS: International Business 8-

    1 KS: Triads 8-

    0 KS MMO games 11-

    2 Mandarin Chinese: Fluent conversation

    3 Mechanics

    3 Teamwork

    6 +2 w/taser grab, martial strike, martial block


    0 TF Small Wheeled Vehicles

    0 TF Motorcycles

    6 points Perk: Millionaire

    Skills 70


    250 total


    Rolling Thunder - custom 2007 BMW M5 luxury sedan

    - Strength 30

    - Body 14

    20 Size 2.5” x 1.25”

    30 Defense 10

    24 Dexterity 18

    12 Speed 4


    Ground movement 21”

    -2” Swimming -2


    40 Engine +15” running, x8 Noncombat (249 MPH)


    5 Electronics suite HRRP, Flashed as Sight and Hearing too, OIF Bulky


    2 Nightvision system (Ultraviolet vision) OIF Bulky


    10 Oxygen seals. Life Support Self-Contained breathing 1 continuing fuel charge 1 hour 10 points


    24 Rocket Launchers 60 point Multipower OIF Bulky 60 degree arc front

    2u Antitank Rockets - 4d6 RKA physical 16 charges

    2u Concussion Rockets - 8d6 EB physical Explosion 16 charges

    2u Smoke Rockets - 4” radius Darkness Normal Sight, IR Vision, Radar, OIF Bulky 6 continuing charges/1 minute each (Washed away by rain/winds) (60 points)

    1u Rocket Harpoon - 8” Stretching, only to grab and retract (-1) No Noncombat Stretching, Always Direct, 0 Endurance


    10 Ramplate - +4d6 Hand to Hand Attack -* Only with Move-Throughs (-1/2)


    6 Oil Slick - Change Environment 8” cone, -4 to all DEX-based rolls to move on/through (27 active), OIF Bulky, No Range, 60 degrees behind vehicle arc, only on same level, Only affects characters moving on the ground, 6 charges


    7 Color Alteration Crystal Paint - Shape Shift (Sight group, 4 predefined forms), Reduced Endurance 0 end, (22 active), IIF Bulky, Only Changes vehicle color and plates -3/4 ths, Extra Time Full Phase.


    6 Highly Tuned Vehicle - +3/wCombat Driving.


    1 Gadgeteering Lab 8-


    Total vehicle cost 200 points. Total cost 40 points

  10. Re: 250 point Dark Champions Green Hornet type advice?


    talk to your gm if he beleives in "everyvehicle equipment" for things like headlights' date=' I know as a GM I would not require you to pay for that...[/quote']


    The trick is that they're variable UV headlights to work with the UV vision setup, which is not strictly standard equipment and provides an advantage over normal cars. That'd make it a tough sell for "everyvehicle equipment."


    I'm going to have to squeeze some stats down for more skills, plus money and a share of a base.

  11. I'm starting in a PbP 5e Dark Champions game, 150+100, inspired by the Batman No Man's Land arc, Hudson City being shaken up by a disaster. It is NCM recommended, or for powered heroes, 20 points in susceptibility/vulnerability I'm going with a Green Hornet-type gadget vigilante, and another player will be playing "Kato" (Who is still in the works). This lets us split the cost of the expensive supercar.


    This is the first draft:


    Dr. Steel


    Str 20 10

    Dex 20 30

    Con 18 16

    Body 11 2

    Int 18 8

    Ego 11 2

    Pre 20 10

    Com 10 -

    PD 5 1

    ED 5 1

    Spd 4 10

    Rec 8 -

    End 36 -

    Stun 30 -

    CHA total 90 points



    18 Gadgets 15 point gadget pool only in lab, must have and -1/2 min limitations, including Focus


    23 Shock Glove 45 point Multipower 32 charges, No Range, OIF

    2u Taser 4d6 NND insulated rED.

    2u Taser grip 3d6 NND Continuous, Insulated rED. Must maintain grip, lockout

    2u DC Paralysis grip Def 3 3D6 Entangle, Takes no Damage, Lockout

    2u Heavy charge 9d6 EB takes 2 charges per use


    15 Grapple gun 30 point multipower OAF 4 clips of 8 charges

    1u Grapple line Swinging 20” 4x Noncombat

    1u Winch shot Superleap 20” (10” vertical) Can't add Str, Only to carry user upward, no NCM

    1u +5 to Climbing

    1u Grab with grapple- 10 Str TK only to pull objects towards user, affects whole object, limited range (15”)

    1u Snare with grapple- 3d6 Entangle Def 3 Lockout (Entangle ends if slot is changed) (can't form barriers), Limited Range 15”

    1u Shooting someone with grapple - 6d6 energy blast physical limited range 15”


    Armored costume +9 PD, ED Armor 18 points


    20 point contribution to 40 point Supercar



    12 Martial Arts – Kung fu

    *Martial Strike

    *Martial Dodge

    *Martial Escape


    3 Breakfall 13-

    3 CK: Hudson City 13-

    3 Climbing 13-

    3 Combat Driving 13-

    3 Computer Programming 13-

    3 Gadgeteering 13-

    3 Electronics 13-

    3 Science: High-energy Physics 13-

    3 Deduction 13-

    3 Security Systems 13-

    3 Stealth 13-

    3 +1 w/taser, martial strike, car rocket

    2 Chinese: Fluent conversation

    1 High Society 8-

    1 KS: International Business 8-




    15 Secret ID

    20 Normal Characteristic Maxima

    20 Code vs. Killing

    15 Driven protect the weak

    20 Hunted: Chinese Triads More Powerful, NCI, Capture 8-

    10 Reputation: Anti-corporate vigilante 11-


    Rolling thunder sportscar

    - Strength 25

    - Body 13

    15 Size 2” x 1”

    30 Defense 10

    24 Dexterity 18

    12 Speed 4


    Ground movement 21”


    40 Engine +15” running, x8 Noncombat (249 MPH)


    6 Electronics suite HRRP OIF Bulky


    2 Nightvision system (Ultraviolet vision) OIF Bulky


    5 Headlights: Sight Group Images, Increased size 8” Cone, Reduced End 0 end OIF Bulky, Only to create normal or UV light, Limited Arc, 60 degrees forward, same level.


    4 Heating/AC Life Support -Safe Environment Heat & Cold


    10 Oxygen seals. Life Support Self-Contained breathing 1 continuing fuel charge 1 hour 10 points



    24 Rocket Launchers 60 point Multipower OIF Bulky 60 degree arc front

    2u Antitank rockets 4d6 RKA physical 16 charges

    2u High Explosive Rockets 8d6 EB Explosion 16 charges

    2u Smoke rockets 4” radius Darkness Normal Sight, IR Vision, Radar, 6 continuing charges/1 minute each (Washed away by rain/winds) (60 points)


    10 Ramplate +4d6 Hand to Hand Attack Only with Move-Throughs (-1/2)


    6 Oil Slick Change Environment 8” cone, -4 to all DEX-based rolls to move on/through (27 active), OIF Bulky, No Range, 60 degrees behind vehicle arc, only on same level, Only affects characters moving on the ground, 6 charges


    7 Color Alteration Crystal Paint Shape Shift (Sight group, 4 predefined forms), Reduced Endurance 0 end, (22 active), IIF Bulky, Only Changes Vehicle Color, Extra Time Full Phase.


    1 Gadgeteering Lab 8-


    Total vehicle cost 200 points. Total cost 40 points



    Joshua Riley was a bright young nerd who grew up to be inventor, one clever and successful enough to buy out the small company he started working at, developing energy-efficient appliance motors. China's hunger for improved standards of living called to him and he had a plan for a low-cost, semi-portable washing machine aimed at more rural residents.


    The idea was sound and successful, enough to attract the interest of the Red Army's General Tso who owned a competing business. His technology was pirated, the factory he was shut down for “producing toxic waste” and he was nearly killed in two auto accidents on the same day. It wasn't until his workers were threatened by “anti-American thugs” that he threw in the towel and returned to the US. Poorer for the experience, he went to Hudson City for his next venture. He entered a field far from light industry... online gaming. His “Villains and Vigilantes” MMO proved to be successful, even in China. While Hudson City had an agreeable (cheap) business climate, that came with the growing other taxes from organized crime... When a group of Triad gangsters tried to steal identity information off his servers by beating up the server room techs for it, he realized he had enough. He had to be firm and unyielding, like steel.


    Hudson City had more than its share of vigilantes, who would notice one more? He worked up several inventions and a costume and went to teach the Triad a lesson. The scheme proved to be more than a simple shakedown, going all the way back to his old friend Gen. Tso. It wasn't the only example of corporate crime either... many foreign syndicates were working hand in hand with companies for competitive advantage in everything from protection rackets to industrial espionage, all without regard for anything but the money... no matter how many people got hurt.


    He called on an old friend to help out in his crusade. He's picked up a reputation for attacking companies, somewhat ironic considering his own background.


    Dr. Steel's costume is a silver-grey knee-length trenchcoat and fedora with his nose and mouth hidden by a ventilator-style paintball mask, all reinforced with high-tech composite armor. His gloves have silver knuckle caps linked to thick wires running back under the cuffs. He also carries a compressed-air grappling hook launcher that resembles a target pistol air gun in a shoulder holster and other devices as needed.


    Powers and Abilities:

    Dr. Steel is not the most athletic of crimefighters, relying heavily on his inventions, with only basic self-defense skills. His main weapon are his shock gloves, capable of stunning or paralyzing with a touch, or even blowing a steel door off its hinges. He also has a grappling hook gun, a variety of smaller devices as needed and his armed and armored car, the Rolling Thunder.



    Points are tight... he could use more knowledge and science skills, contacts, Wealth and at least a small base to hide the car in.


    Since he's a bit of a nerd and not a pinnacle of human perfection, I'm thinking about cutting some stats down, despite how efficient they are now. Lower Str to 15, PD and ED to 4 Rec to 7 Stun to 28 -6 points Pre to 18 -2 points Dex to 18 -4 points... that'd net 12 points, though 3 should go to another level for common attacks to make up for the OCV loss, I'm thinking.


    Buying up stats later strikes me as more reasonable than doing so for character-defining skills... "Yes, I've been hitting the gym" is easier to accept than "Oh, I've always known about Chinese business practices and organic chemistry, I just never felt like talking about it until now."

  12. Re: Teen Champs partial bio-armor girl


    Maybe split the leg section into two multi slots- one for leg strength and the other for increased running?


    I wanted flight to be the better movement option than running, so I didn't go with too much.


    have some rep wheeljack




    You might consider' date=' if your basing this on the Guyver, making your IR Vision N-ray so you can see through the walls.[/quote']


    Only 5 points available for vision in that slot... I do have some extra points though, I could buy N-Ray on its own and link it to the head slot... to the TK, for gravity sensors ala a thermograph.


    Possibly an "Anchor" power (not in the Multipower), where she uses her blades to anchor to a wall or the ground. Clinging, OIHID should do it. Could be useful when you want to use a slot other than flight while still staying above the ground, or to resist knockback.



    As far as this, I'd say it's worth it. The full-phase change is only saving you 8 points, and is a significant hindrance - so really the only reason to keep it is for concept.


    The full-phase change is an important part of the concept, yes. She has more powers than average for a young hero, but can't switch through them easily. I'm thinking of taking a "Buy off One-Phase to Change Slots" with x10 Endurance (personal, not reserve) and some Body-damage Side Effects to show she can change fast in a pinch, but it hurts a great deal.


    I've come up with two more arm configurations.


    4U Rocket Anchors (arm)- 8D6 Energy Blast (physical, bio-missile) Autofire 3, 16 charges, 10" swinging


    Rocket pitons that trail a resin cable to hold her in place or draw her back to a surface... when fired without the cable, they're dangerous.


    4u Extending Blades (arm) +30 points Penetrating HKA (2D6 total), 5" Stretching, Extra Limbs (6 extending blades)


    Shamelessly swiped from Gigantic Dark's vibration blades, 6 talon-like blades on the forearm that can extend, flex and move in any direction, and have an opposable thumb.

  13. First time poster, long-time Hero player (circa 2nd edition). I'm starting in a Teen Champions solo game, alternating playing and GMing with another person, 250 points, standard low power level.


    The concept is someone with organic powered armor, an alien spacesuit given to her to save her life when she got in the middle of a fight between two aliens... the good one gave her its suit and sacrificed itself to the Earth's atmosphere because it was his fault she was mortally wounded. The bioloical armor's powers are greatly enhanced by being linked to a human. It rapidly healed her wound and rebuilt her better than before... and stayed as part of her.


    When she woke up with the suit all over her, it scared the hell out of her, so she hasn't been able to bring it all up at once ever since, both from fear and because it's complex to control.


    She can summon parts of it up, gaining different powers with different sections... legs for leg strength, arm blaster, thrusters on the torso and life support and gravity control with the head. Since it does cover a good chunk of her body no matter what, there's always some armor, and it has vibration blades all over as well, claws, talons, encased hair, etc. It's all Only in Hero ID... may take a Distinctive Features, as a normal person with big, buggy arms or legs will stand out a lot.


    The concept is inspired by the Guyver, and I may use "Griselda" as a hero name, from a female character from later in the manga, and possibly her look too.


    I'm at 205 points before skills and I have pretty much everything to make the concept work... Suggestions? I'm thinking of other modes for the arms and legs, such as bio-missiles (RKA? AE? Autofire?) or improved, extending blades. It seems like if one has the arms up, changing between one "arm" slot and another would be faster than retracting the arms and bringing up the legs, but that would raise the cost of the multipower.


    Str 10 -

    Dex 23 39

    Con 18 16

    Body 10 -

    Int 13 3

    Ego 11 2

    Pre 15 5

    Com 14 2

    PD 4 2

    ED 4 -

    Spd 5 17

    Rec 6 -

    End 36 -

    Stun 24 -


    CHA total 86 points




    40 Bio-suit multipower (60 points) Only in Hero ID, full phase to change slots, -1/4

    3u Legs +40 Str (legs only), +5” running

    4U Arms- 10D6 Energy Blast (bio-laser) Holo-imager - 1 hex Sight Images

    4U Head- Gravity Control 30 Str TK, LS: Self-contained breathing, IR Vision

    4U Torso- Thrusters 21” Flight Chest protection +6 PD +6 ED armor


    12 Vibration Blades - 1/2D6 HKA Penetrating, 1D6 w Str.

    8 Regenerating metabolism 1 Body Regeneration

    24 Bio-armor - +10 PD +10 ED armor, Only in Hero ID

    20 Organic batteries - END reserve 100 End 10 Rec

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