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Everything posted by Sge_mssf

  1. Re: G.I Joe yep look at what happened to col beckwith of delta force after desert one or general garrison after the black hawk down incident.i';m sure hawk has managed to make quiet a few enemies in his time as commander of gi joe.
  2. Re: G.I Joe So far the only active Joe's are going to be stalker wild bill and slip stream. I'm considering Hawk still being in command and having duke retired somewhere off in a cabin. hawks role would be one of the fallen general. He was blamed for the attack on the PITT, He was forced to retire but brought back once cobra reappeared.
  3. Re: G.I Joe Ok guys I'm roughly righting up a time table now for some of the player to peruse. we where suppose to have a session tonight but alas work interfers here is what i have so far July 1st 1990-- Firefly infiltrates the PITT as a janitor plants explosives on the Pitts air defense network. Escapes fleeing to Switzerland July 4th 1990- Cobra rattlers, and night raven attack aircraft attack the pitt. Scarlet is killed during the attack.Snake eyes leaves for cobra island as Hawk rallies the joes for an assault with the FLAGG July 5th 1990- snake eyes arrives on cobra island Begins murdering cobra troopers, Over the next 24 hours it is confirmed by satellite intel and intercepted transmission that storm shadow, Tomax and Xamot,Major Bludd Dr mindbender and serpentor are KIA, July 6th 1990- A tactical nuke is set off on Cobra Island July 7th 1990 -USS Flagg arrives on scene. Recovers cobra agents who escaped on Moray and Pirahan boats August 2 1990- Gulf war begins Feburary 28 1991- Gulf war ends March 1st 1991 - US SOCOM disbands GI Joe July 4th 2009- Agents wearign uniforms similar to cobra attack London destoryign million in property. July 5th 2009 -Gi joe reactived start of game
  4. Re: G.I Joe I'll post some of their chars on here next time we meet and I make copies of them.the guy who was going to play rommel dropped. so we picked up a delta sniper. I'm going for a feel of black hawk down with the first session
  5. Re: G.I Joe thats one thing I have been struggling with is point values for everyone. one of the older champions players suggest 75/75. now the only champions I have ever played was 400 point supers so this is a big switch up for me
  6. Re: G.I Joe Oh i love the zartan idea. and he could have a group of dread nok cannon fodder to lead into an awesome boss fight. thanks :;begins to scribble ideas in his note book::
  7. Re: G.I Joe Ok guys everything seems to be coming together nicely. but I need a mini boss for the first story arc.(which is titled in my notebook "putting the band back together) now here are my ideas The first born son of destor and baroness Arms dealer and general noble villian. Is a threat but has a twisted sense of honor. Storm shadows unknown pupil + bunch of ninja's. My party is heavily gun based so i don;t know how they would take that much melee' or my personal favorite idea and aged and decrpit serpentor with robots. so comments? shaft i know you have something in that brain of yours cooking
  8. Re: G.I Joe I know he is opposed to it. thats why he would be one of the best officers around.(in my experience atleast officers who started off enlisted make better officers) I've always seen hawk as they guy that once cobra is defeated he retires to a log cabin to just relax
  9. Re: G.I Joe well from a military point of view training each of the joes cost about one million or more (with certain joes being un replaceable like snake eyes ninja training) I'm considering having duke be the four star generanl in charge of the team but one of the major themes i want to convoy is lack of funding by the regular armed forces. I may have a senator in cobra's pocket constantly blocking the flow of money to the team forcing them to depend on mroe and more of the old tech
  10. Re: G.I Joe wow shaft. thanks that timeline helps alot. Any of the NCO Joes would be retired by now (SF injury rates are through the roof) another idea i had was that the party grew up watching the GI joe PSA's that besides being an elite fighting force the joes did the PSA's and some public apperances. this was the 80'sa the time of unlimited military funding so i cans ee some of the more.....charasimatic joes being shuffled around the country to sign autographs and tell kids not to do drugs.
  11. Re: G.I Joe was actually thinking of running cobra a bit differently this time around. make them..well smarter have cobra commander use catspaws to mess with GI joe..have basic cobra troops be equal to rangers in training and dedication. have massive amounts of cannon fodder from random insurgent groups(( look at somalia..they have more rebel then hospitals) elite shock troops backed up by cannon fodder given odd weaponary
  12. Re: G.I Joe Bit of a party change. we lost the cloned desert fox but gained a delta force sniper. I'm hoping to get the game going some time next week or the wekk after next.this thread has been a huge help. So since most of the people playing are a bit wet behind the ear hero system wise I'm going to throw a joke combat at them the first session. basically their first recovery target for the new GI Joe program will be an armoury near the afgan/pakistan border. As they start to head towards it they will discover the peaceful villagers are a well armed militia. Haven;t decided if they pull a black hawk down on their tomahawk or if they land and then have to fight their way to the armoury...but i need stats for militia men now. Does anyone know what book they are in?
  13. Re: G.I Joe thats a good idea. the first mission for the party will be to restore the P.I.T.T its been closed down since a rattler attack that killed scarlett.if the party explores the bases quarters i intend to have them find lil things the joes left behind. a tea set fro sgt slaughter ,hawks copy of the art of war,rip cords parachute. but saddest of all will be snake eyes room. sitting on his desk next to the stand for his katana's will be a note written in flowing female script that says "Congrats you are going to be a daddy --love Scarlett" with a postive home preganecy test under it
  14. Re: G.I Joe ah good old springfield. well we will be having out first seesions soon..general jist is that they will be going to the P.I.T.T and finding out where all the old joe storehouses are. basically selling old gear as scrap to buy new stuff
  15. Re: G.I Joe Wow those are some great stats.Thanks for them. Actually assuming that the joes started fighting cobra in 1982 most would be retired . dukes file card said he enlisted in 1967 and snake eyes fought in nam so most of the joes are in their 50s-60s by my math. as for snake eyes I haven't decided what i want to do with him. He may just be a hermit living in the mountains mouring the death of the one person he truely loved or he could be annihlated by the nuke blast after killing storm shadow.I haven;t decided yet. any suggestions?
  16. Re: G.I Joe well we made characters today. first up we have an unnamed army EOD guy who will be using bots to fight for him a clone of field marshal rommel code named desert fox and a Delta force operator code named Night prowler the basic storyline for the game is that in 1990 scarlett was killed by a cobra raid on the USS Flagg...snake eyes..snapped. 24 hours later a tac nuke was detonated on cobra island . shortly there after GI joe was disbanded Cue 2009 a terrorist attack at the g20 summit is attributed to a group calling itself cobra. GI joe program is reactived but with a price.....no longer will they have the unlimited budget of the 80's but now have a shoe string budget and must salvage already in place assets cure the party having to run to old gi joe supply dumps dfixing tech and ealing with ...hostile natives.....all the while a new cobra orgazination begins on its path to glory
  17. Hi all I just aqquired a copy of the hero system rule book. Devoured it and now i wish to run a GI Joe game semi based off the new animated movie. I'm wondering what other books i would need to run this game. Also any advice about how to run this would be appericated. I've run other games before but this is my first hero system experience
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