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Posts posted by Tom-C

  1. Back in the day? I am using it as the main city in my current Chanpions game!

    I totally agree with TheQuestionMan on this. There is a high level of detail, and just a bunch of plot lines throughout. A grand adventure to kick things off was all that was missing.

  2. I looked at my Hero Designer for Paragon, and the characteristics matched point for point with the book  - 20 all primary stats and the secondary set to the value they had. The total 162 points for characteristics matched. The differences between editions crept in elsewhere. I took Paragon's 20's across the board at face value without a lot of thought - it made sense to me to have him top out at that value. 


    And I don't mind the 5th edition builds at all either. And for Foxbat and Blowtorch, I pulled from both editions as well as some individual tweaks when I added them into the game. 


    I think there's been some minor adjustment to just about every villain or super I've pulled in, just to fine-tune them to the campaign. That part I figure is going to happen with just about any source book or supplement I want to use. But that depth of information about the city, the entire vibe of it - that's what got me hooked on it as a source book, and that's where I try not to change much. 

  3. I guess I never noticed that is how they built the characters. The ones I picked to use so far, I plugged into Hero Designer and tried to build them the same as the book. I know that there have been a few differences point-wise on some characters, but I didn't worry too much about it since that's happened before with putting older material into HD. I just worked at getting them close. I didn't pay close attention that they kept the secondary stats at or under the maximum.  


    I have pulled in some mainstream Champions villains. I've actually used more 4th edition versions of them than the 5th, as the older versions were a little lower in power-level, and that kept things in line with the lower power level of the campaign. 


    The link in my signature line goes to my campaign material over at Obsidian Portal. I haven't put any villain stats out there to keep the players in the dark about exactly what their up against.  For the most part, we're straddling the line between low and standard level as set out in the 5th FrED. 

  4. I ran across this over on the Facebook page for San Angelo: City of Heroes. I use that book a lot for my Champions game. 




    The link to Gold Rush Games doesn't go there though, so I'm not sure how serious they might be for an update. I thought maybe if they saw some responses favorable to an update, this might get some traction. 

  5. Re: The Real Reason That The Nazi War Effort Failed


    Awesome stuff! While it's not a lot, let's not forget the 2 expeditions to darkest Africa to bring back gorillas for experiments and gold. Approximately 40 soldiers, 3 scientists and 1 rover boat lost to various causes including: mauling by lion, eaten by crocodiles, boat lost over a waterfall and others trampled by elephants called by a self-proclaimed 'Lord of the Apes'.

  6. Re: Villain Theme Teams


    I recently set up a set of quintuplet mutants - the Pride of Crime. All are feline based.


    Leo is the leader with strength and sound attacks for his roar. Tigress is 2nd in command, smarter and faster than Leo, but not as strong. Jaguar is the speedster. Alley Cat is small and incredibly agile and acts as the thief and recon. Of course there's a Sabretooth, strong and violent.

  7. Steve,


    I have checked the boards and FAQs and have not seen this particular question, but I may be overthinking the situation. With telekinesis, I can use it to grab and hold one opponent on one phase, and then on later phase use TK again to grab a different opponent and just pay the END for the 2 uses of the TK. Can a TK that is in a fixed slot in a multi-power do this as well or is it limited to just one use of the power because the active points are already allocated?



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