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Tim Byrd

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Everything posted by Tim Byrd

  1. Re: Doc Wilde and The Frogs of Doom Hi folks. For the interested, I figured I'd update you on my novel, Doc Wilde and The Frogs of Doom. Sales have been excellent, leading Putnam to commit to making it a series. Reviews have also been overwhelmingly positive. Here are a couple of examples (many more are on the Reviews page at the Doc Wilde site): I also want to invite you again to the website, www.DocWilde.com, where you'll find much more info. You can also sign up for the upcoming newsletter, which along with various bits of Doc Wilde news will include a regular "Doc Wilde's Cliffhanger Survival Tips" feature. Best, Tim Byrd www.DocWilde.com Home of the FRogs of Doom! :eek:
  2. Re: Doc Wilde and The Frogs of Doom Glad you liked it, and I hope your son does as well. It really was a labor of love, and I've been thrilled at the pulp community's response to it. Best, Tim http://www.DocWilde.com
  3. Re: Doc Wilde and The Frogs of Doom I'd like to, but the wallet says no. Maybe next year (if book sales allow...)... Best, Tim http://www.DocWilde.com
  4. Re: Doc Wilde and The Frogs of Doom It kinda has a lost land. Or a perilous, uncharted land anyway. And I'll certainly be playing with ye olde lost world romance in future books. How could I not? Best, Tim http://www.DocWilde.com
  5. Re: Doc Wilde and The Frogs of Doom
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