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Everything posted by acide_bob

  1. Ok jsut got my pdf copy of the 6th edition. And I'm currently running a 5e superheroic campaign. So of course i went there as soon as possible and looked the new "standards" for normal super-heroic... 400 creation points ok that's way more than the former 200. but now i'm kinda confused with some character creation rules now. Mostly cause i'm really too used to 5th edition creation. so answer me quickly: 1- So far i basically understand that you have more points cause you pay more in general? 2- Am I crazy or is there no figured characteristics anymore? which mean now that players ahve to pay for individual END, OCV, DCV, Stun, PD, ED and so on instead of having a base derived from main characteristics? I really loved those figured characteristics.... 3- Someone had any luck with the convertion? Any major trouble i should look up? I already see that skills gonna change a lot in cost. Powers seems to be same overall, except for the names. 4- Do you feel it is roughly the same 400 from 200 caracter points? I have a hard time seeing how so much more points now could be roughly equal powers, but i haven't checked everything so far.
  2. Ok here how it goes: I need to create a character that mimics others powers, and he mimics everything (advantage, limitation, end cost). He doesn't choose the powers he mimics, he may not even be conscious he is actually mimicing someone if he doesn't see him. but the effect are always visible no matter. He have to actually make a skill roll to use the power he mimics but not to change it. And if the character he is mimicing leaves his range he have to concentrate to keep the powers on. And finally, this effect is always on so he can't stop himself from mimicing no matter what. The basic says that his power gonna mimic the most powerful power (most active point) firt he he doesn't have the "creation pool" it's going to be second and so on. but he can consciously change to a lower one if he notices how to do it. SO i need advice on how to do that. I'll put what i have so far and plese tell me is you see an error or if you think of something better. Mimic (VPP) Advantages: +1 Zero Phase Action to Change powers +1 No skill Roll to Change Limitations: 1 No choice of Power 1/2 Skill Roll to use 1/4 Concentration (1/2 DCV) Now that's the basic for me. I try to keep it simple and only play it with SFX. But still wonder if i have to put the Always On limitation and/or Persistent. Should I make the player buy the Area of Effect (burst) to get the idea that he has a maximum range where he can mimics. But we do want for him to have quite a good range and getting 20" would be a +20 Advantage. So do you think we need to put more or less limitations/advantages? And which one? Or SHould i stay with this basic and just play it all on the fact his SFX is about mimicry? Cause basically he copy the powers of a Fire Blast he gonna pay up the same end, gonna ahve the same limitation/advantage and use the same skill if the character being copied need one, or he'll have to use his VPP skill pool to use the power if the copied character doesn't need any. Thanks for the help.
  3. TO make a long story short: It came to my attention that the Hero system existed about 1 month ago and starting a game next week. Didn't even know there was a system like this around. Anyway, i jsut need a bit of help here and there. First I'm doing a super-heroic game in the current Marvel setting. Wihch means that my players gonna go through the Dark Reign of Norman Osborn. And i was wondering if there was a kind of quick system to create npc. The Marvel Universe is quite vaste and i don't want to go through all the major characters and create a sheet for each. So is there some quick guide to do NPC? Or even better, a kind of Marvel Resource for 5th edition? Cause everything i've found so far seems for 4th edition (and lower) and since i don't know the previous editions, i don't know how accurate it is. Can someone tell me if there is any mine i don't see in this system. Not jsut powers and advantage with the "Stop" slap, but actual rules or strange exceptions to rules that a player might found to exploit and that most GM don't see at first? HEre's the lsit of my players' characters so far (using 200 Creation Point and 150 disadvantage): - Shade: Basically Control Elemental( SFX: Shadow) He used it to get an Entangle, Shadow Form(Desolidification: Can't go through solid objects), Shadow Step(Teleportation, must have acces to shadow to use), and a Drain Body that he uses to keep himself alive, must be intangible to use - Crusader: Undead, Skeletal entity, Immune to aging, Immune to disease, Immune to poison, Don't sleep, Don't eat, DOn't breath, Damage REduction 75% physical AND Energy. Armor. The point of the character is actually to be almost impossible to kill. He can't hit back or almost can't. But he can sustain an almost impossible threshold of physical damage. - Mimic: Young man that have for power to mimic power of people around him. This one scare me just a bit honestly. I made the built with VPP. He have an area of effect, copy powers, always take the highest, must use a skill roll(12-) to use the power but not to take it, the more points the power have the bigger it is for him to use. If the powered character leaves is Area of effect, he have a concentration to be able to use the power after but as long as he concentrate he can use it. But i'm not sure of the built. -Vesper: The regular Kitty Pride male version. Desolidification and mostly POwer Char: STR (Linked to desolidification) and all the stuff useful to move around. But we have a ahrd time to go around the rules to make it possible to force people to enter wall and let them solid in them without incurring "teleportation rule of damage" The only way i thought was to link an Entangle to desolidification that would necessate a "hard surface" to entangle the guy in, and take a limitation for making no dmg with it. and one of my player looked throught the Suppress power. And we kinda stalled on the end cost of it. It says every Phase you use it (or keep it on). Nad at the moment i thought that it wasn'T right. Cause a character with a Speed 1 using it would have to pay, for example, 5 END every phase he keeps it on. so five for a full segment. A character with speed 12 would pay 5 END every phase.. so 5 END 12times in a segment? so 60 END for the exact same effect of using it only once? Or is it for every phase the character getting suppressed take. Or did i misread and is instead you pay once every segment? So that's what i have right now. Sorry for the first long post, Wish me luck with the headache after the first session.
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