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Posts posted by Agent.0.Fortune

  1. Re: Surprisingly Effective Builds?


    I remember a buddy of mine who had a character with and RKA (or HKA) with several increased stun multipliers that seem pretty effective. Although that may have had something to do with his "lucky" stun die.


    My character wreaked serious havok with an amazing 'find weakenss' talent and a good speed. He couldn't punch through concrete but if you didn't have some serious 'lack of weakness' it sure felt like it.


    And yet a third player, who shall forever be known as "annoy the GM man", loved desolidification, on every character they ever made. It was just the ultimate catch-all utility/defense power. Dodge, whats that, abort to desolid.

  2. Re: Stronghold Concept Art


    It make sense to me. When the place was build, someone thought walls and towers were a good idea (maybe it was a supermax prision rather than a super-villian prison). Anyway it didnt' take long to realize that walls without a roof were not a deterant to breakouts and breakins, so they built down. Sure they could rebuild the walls every week to maintain appearance, but that money, as would tearing down the existing structure.

  3. Re: Any interest in a Zodiac villain group?


    One of the things that always bothered me about the original Zodiac, was that for villains with such a long history and aspirations of world conquest, they had very little in the way of support organization "on the ground" to gather information and execute their plans. When I last used the Zodiac in a campaign I made most of their members people of status and influence in the world in their own rights.


    For example, Gemini was senior partner in a prestigious law firm. Scorpio had taken control of his ninja clan. Pisces had seized the throne of Atlantis. Cancer led a small army of less-powerful duplicates of himself, grown from the fragments of his ship. Libra assassinated and then impersonated a major industrialist. Aquarius actually was a king of a small island nation. Sagittarius used her fashion and modeling company to recruit high-end "escorts" who spied on their elite clients. Leo expanded his musical success into a multimedia empire. And Taurus used magical disguises to establish identities as a political or scientific advisor to a number of the world's foremost leaders.


    Not only does this expand their resources, it multiplies the plot possibilities for using individual Zodiac members.


    Awesome. Zodiac was always one of my favorite villian groups, but lacked in depth. These are great ideas to expand and entrench Zodiac in a manner that far exceeds their stats.

  4. Re: Champions or Hero System v5 ???


    I was in a similar boat a while back, I used to play back in the BBB days, but hadn't since then (and lost the BBB). I purchased only the 5th rules, I haven't really missed the others, since I can fall back on all my old suppliments or work from scratch.


    That is to say, 5ed was all i needed to get back into the game, I can't comment on the usefullness of the other suppliments. On a side note, i haven't seen it, but I have heard the sidekick is a condensed 5e 'book' and may be an alternative to get back in on the cheap. I don't know how much is missing from the 5ed book but I have heard its a good option for players (vs the GM).

  5. Re: Favorite lost villain group


    Zodiac definately.

    12 members meant tons of flexability. Small tactical groups, massive assaults, team in-fighting, recruitment, etc. They fit in places that Eurostar and Dr. Destroy could not and they were more versitile than other smaller teams.

  6. 1. This is the only place i have even heard about the product (and I only visit about once a week).


    2. I will jump onboard the "I hate PDF/ electronic documents" bandwagon. i even have access to color laserjet printers. Which appears to be the "moment of truth" for many others, however I'm still on the fence. I'd rather pay a little extra to get a professionally bound book than go to the extra effort of hacking one together myself.


    3. the fact that I don't have to worry abou the book being "sold out" really doesn't light any fires under my butt to go out and get it right away, especially if there is a snowballs chance in hell it might see the printers.

  7. Hows this look.


    STR 40


    20 pt Multipower (with naked advantages)

    +20 str (if you can't beat em, beat em harder)

    Armor Piercing (hit em where it hurts)

    AE one hex (captain kirks pattented two fisted punch)

    autofire (the ol' one-two... three, four, five)

    damage shield (punch my steely abs)

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