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Everything posted by jpburklow

  1. Re: Slowing down Character advancement (emphasis added by me) I totally agree, and that's why I've never played in a 3ed. D&D game. I'm a bit of an old school, 1ed. AD&D grognard (since 1981). In my D&D campaigns (player or DM), we never gained a level in quicker than 4 or 5 adventures and never gained ability points and rarely used non-weapon prof. Still, I do love HERO for the dimension it lends to the character creation process and, as a class-less system, PCs are not railroaded into a set progression. It's open-ended and very nicely balanced for virtually all power levels of play.
  2. Re: Slowing down Character advancement Thanks everybody! I really like the 'ticks' idea...maybe make some chits with the Blue-Superhero of Justice printed on them for show! Spoon! Anyway, I was concerned, because at a rate of even 1pt./adventure a character can 'double' his or her strength in 5 sessions. (I'm talking lifting capacity). At a rate of 2-3 per session, a point of SPD in the same or less number of sessions...that's a big difference in the character in a short amount of time. Anywho, the ticks thing should definately help and can be fine tuned easily. Cheers, JPB:thumbup:
  3. I'm starting a Hero game and am concerned about the speed at which a character can improve. Are my fears unfounded? Has anyone had issue with this and if so how did you resolve it? -JPB
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