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Posts posted by Bunyip

  1. Re: Australia in the current CU


    One more out west here - although I should be going back to Sydney 'Real Soon Now' - and happy to pitch in. I've done some F2F collaboration here recently on a D&D-type setting, but I prefer modern-day settings. (Personal background: born Sydney, raised UK, back here in 2003 and bouncing between coasts since then. Old-school DC fan, now lapsed - got into comics with the LSH in Adventure Comics and moved on from there.)

  2. Re: WIYCT: What is your character's theme?


    London Pryde's theme would have to be the hymn "I Vow To Thee, My Country"; the whole Pryde family history is so bound up with service to the nation that not much else (other than possibly "Jerusalem") fits the bill.


    Greenmantle's theme could really only be the theme music from the movie Local Hero, both for thematic rightness and the Scottish feel to the melody.


    Robyn Hood's theme, for similar reasons, is Bryan Adams' "Everything I Do, I Do It For You" from Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. Every couple has a song that they think of as "our song" and this was it for Tony and Melody...


    MC Sonik - well, a few tracks seemed likely, but "We've Got The Power" by Snap! seems to work best; Everton always preferred stuff with a strong beat, and the title certainly works...


    For Nos (the only offworlder on the team), I'd go for the "Uranus" movement from Holst's The Planets, which I thought has a nice spooky quality to go with Nos' at times rather spooky demeanour.


    Mini - well, "It's a Small World" would be a joke in poor taste; the poor girl is frozen at 10 inches tall and isn't as well-adjusted to the situation as she'd have everyone believe. But she's into some of the older 40s stuff, and for some reason I keep hearing "Cry Me A River"...


    And Silvershadow would have wanted something a bit brighter, but for her I could only use the bit from Mussorgsky's Pictures At An Exhbition that indicated the movement between paintings - can't recall the title...

  3. Re: WWYCD: Discovering the nature of reality?


    I actually tried doing this once.


    It was a prose piece in which I was trying to get a better handle on the Crown Agents; it centred around me and the campaign's chief mystical threat, Balefire (think Dr. Strange gone to the Dark Side). Balefire found out about me in the course of his mystical researches, came out of his own dimension looking for me, and effectively used me as a kind of living voodoo doll to attack the Agents one at a time, by casting a spell that transformed me into each of the team in succession - each change coming when the last form was killed. Cue insane manhunt through the streets of my smallish (then) home town (pop. 95,000).


    I didn't finish the story. Mary Sue tales are not supposed to be scary. Sometimes I get ideas that I don't dare follow through on...

  4. Re: Teen superteam


    The return of Seeker sounds good to me, too; perhaps coupled with Solitaire as well - it might be possible to retrofit her into Ravenwood as a replacement for Rowan. (Can't remember where I saw it here, but I know someone suggested that Don and Elaine would make a great couple; and the backstories of both characters suggest to me a leaning towards - if not an actual obligation to take on - a mentoring role...)

  5. Re: Help with a name please


    My A$0.02...


    First thought that came to me was "Phaeton", from Greek myth (hey, "Apollo" is already in use); it might fit with the slightly Thor-ish description of the character.


    Maybe better for that Silver Age feel, though, would be "Captain Starlight"; that would play off his Air Force affiliations and has a slightly roguish air to it (if I recall right, there was an Australian bushranger of that or similar name).

  6. Re: I need a function!


    The Chronal Inversion Matrix was the most destructive weapon of the Seventh World War (2856-59) - deployed at the centre of a target area, it was used to subject areas of approximately 100 square kilometres to an intense field of chroniton radiation. At such concentrations, the chroniton field actually reverses normal causality; people caught within the CIM blast wave effectively start living backwards in time (the so-called "Flight of Time's Arrow". The damage caused by the mere existence of millions of people who now have lifespans projecting as much as 100 years into the past has devastated entire planets. Mercifully, the CIM effect appears to be naturally confined to the planetary biosphere. The technology was outlawed at the end of the war under the Treaty of Fomalhaut.


    But, as we well know, knowledge cannot be wholly destroyed. Some people still know... and others may know where to ask.


    Next up: The Shadow Cabinet...

  7. Re: Help me name my team; Part Two: Germany.


    As to the team name itself...


    I used a German government-backed group as background 'flavour' with the name Bundesueberdienst (Federal Super-Service; not the best name in th world, but I blamed it on an unimaginative Bonn bureaucrat). Perhaps die Ueberschutzgruppe (after Grenzschutzgruppe-9, [border Protection Group], the German anti-terrorist unit and the equivalent of the SAS or Delta Force). For a civilian or privately backed team, perhaps die Schutzverband or die Schutzliga, or maybe die Landesgeiste (Spirits of the Nation).


    By the way, if yours is a government group, they may have a reserve of sorts. Germany still requires its youth to do national service (18 months, I think). Possibly German supers could satisfy that law by co-option into the federal 'super-reserve unit'...


    Hier stehen meine zwei Pfennige...

  8. Re: Magnetism: Abuse And Super Metals


    Picking up on other points, I can recall some abusive or just plain nasty usages of his power by Cosmic Boy of the LSH... In one issue he was able to fly without the Legion flight ring by manipulating the Earth's magnetic field around himself, and in the same issue emulated the stunt by Magneto (referred to earlier here) of causing blackouts or death by controlling the haemoglobin in his captive's blood (or at least threatening to). And way back in the infamous Adult Legion story of the '60s, Cosmic Man caused someone to pass out by using his power on the weakly paramagnetic oxygen and nitrogen molecules in the air around him. ('60s stories seemed to be dotted with stuff like that - remember the little nuggets of science that Barry Allen came up with as 'Flash Facts'?)

  9. Re: Favorite Marvel 'What If?'


    I have fond memories of the one-off humour issue - as someone who always preferred DC, for me, the gag on 'what if Wonder Man was a woman and Power Man was a girl?' was a gem (complete with its threat of legal action by the Distinguished Competition).


    Marvel actually asked for ideas for a follow-up at the end of that issue and I sent some to them: the one I thought best was 'what if Janet van Dyne became Giant-Woman?' and had a fifteen-foot-tall Jan in an expensive boutique, a dress draped over one pinky and her asking the stunned salesgirl, 'I love this one, but do you have it in a bigger size?'

  10. Re: Name that Nazi!


    Meine zwei Groschen...


    One of the actual German military decorations of the period was the Ritterkreuz or Knight's Cross; that may play nicely into a "knight-errant" quality for your man.

    If the original was more of a dyed-in-the-wool Nazi, perhaps der Alte Kaempfer or "Old Fighter", which I believe was applied to survivors from the earliest days of the NSDAP, the "old guard" of the party.

    On the other hand, if misdirection is your thing, the term Werwolf or "werewolf" was given to the pro-Nazi resistance during and shortly after WW2.

  11. Re: "Super Heroes" That your character doesn't/wouldn't like


    The only outright enmity that I can recall coming up was between London Pryde and the Profiteer. For those who don't have GURPS Mixed Doubles, Profiteer was a strictly-cash-up-front hero, who made a (very comfortable) living from superheroics and was kept on sizeable retainer by various enterprises and some wealthy individuals. That immediately cut up Tony Pryde, who by inclination and family history is pretty much the poster boy for 'service before self'. Tony had to bite his tongue pretty hard on the odd occasions when they were working the same incident - although he wasn't above taking advantage of the Profiteer's need to avoid bad PR (no good for business).


    Unfortunately, things never got to the point where Profiteer realised that one of his clients was the Commander, one of the campaign's big bads (think Justin Hammer - or more accurately, the Ironmaster from Kingdom of Champions). I hadn't really decided whether Profiteer would act altruistically for once or say, 'Well, a contract's a contract...'

  12. Re: Scorpia: Pageant Mom or Compete Physco?


    Possibly Scorpia may be so impressed by the way the girl turned out as to track down the father, too... make one big happy family, the kind she didn't have when she was growing up ('that's the way they became The O'Brady Bunch' - or, if you like, a new and extremely Desperate Housewife). Of course, if the father is Shamrock, from the days before they got sucked into the Cause - and I can readily imagine a, shall we say, complicated relationship between these two - that could be fun in itself...

  13. Re: Adventure Seeds--Title Tag


    As Seen on TV!


    Gizmos-4-U (http://www.gizmos4u.com) is the purveyor of junk merchandise of various descriptions - the kind of stuff that gets advertised at absurd hours of the night when only shift workers and insomniacs are awake; things like the Button-o-Matic ('throw that needle and thread away for ever!') and the All-American Kitchen Wizard ('with twelve adjustable blades for every culinary occasion!'). We've all seen this stuff, sometimes we buy it, and very occasionally it works for longer than two weeks...


    But what would Our Heroes make of it if people they knew, people who should know better, start maxing out their credit cards and draining their bank accounts to buy shoddy junk like the Glow-in-the-Dark Sea Gibbon Aquarium ('hours of fun for the whole family!)? What if your team's gadgeteer starts wondering how he lived without things like the Sonic Sleepy-Bye ('lulls your infant to sleep in minutes!')? Subliminal advertising? Could be - but Gizmos-4-U operate out of a run-down warehouse on an industrial park and their people seem bemused by the whole thing. So what's causing Campaign City to be buried in a mountain of cheap tat? And who gains from it?


    'Memories of the Minotaur'

    'A Day in the Life of (Hero or Hero Group name)'

    'The China Syndrome'

  14. Re: This week on "Champions"...


    Send Them Victorious Tuesday, 9:00 PM (C4)


    The Last Soldier - Following the discovery of a Roman legionary in a remote corner of the Scottish highlands, London Pryde leads Robyn Hood, Thunder and Lightning as the Crown Agents enter the hidden settlement of Aquila Magna. Meanwhile, MC Sonik and Monsoon search for Sonik's sister (and latent meta) Patti, unaware that she is now in the hands of the virulent anti-metahuman group known only as The Solution...

  15. Re: An exercise in World Building (My new game)


    If you can find it, Harry Turtledove's The Case of the Toxic Spell Dump is an interesting take on how civilisation could have developed in a world where religious belief is a tangible and potent force, and where supernatural creatures walk the streets (even down to the fast food chain called the Golden Steeples...)

  16. Re: Trolling for suggestions, 1982-style.


    This may be a bit out there' date=' but wasn't 'Back To The Future' out about that time? A time traveling Delorean could be interesting...[/quote'] 'Back to the Future' took place over a few days in October 1985 - but remember that it took Dr. Emmett Brown years to develop the flux capacitor, so he was certainly around in '82, and (at least in the revised BTTF timeline) possibly more successful - and what other interesting little devices may he have come up with as spin-offs from FC research?
  17. Re: Alternate Earth 20: Paradise Island Lost


    I'm assuming this alt-Earth is similar to the one in 'Sliders' where Arturo ran for mayor in San Francisco on a 'masculist' ticket?


    Without a family history of military service (at least, in the male line), Tony (London) Pryde would probably be a teacher (the core version has an MA in history), although possibly an army reservist if possible. Jim (Greenmantle) Munro would still be a journalist, I think (combines the Batman and Vicki Vale personae...) Similar to an earlier post, Melody (Robyn Hood) Main would have been more self-assertive, not got caught in a bad marriage and would probably lead the alt-Crown Agents.


    50s Britain gave Afro-Caribbeans a pretty bad rap, matriarchy or no, so Kate (Mini) Walcott probably wouldn't have a laboratory job or have got her metapowers, and Everton (MC Sonik) Lycett would have less outlet for his, probably staying in low-level street crime (as the signs in the boarding houses said, 'no blacks, no Irish, no dogs') And Marta (Silvershadow) Revinskaya, with more doors open to her, would probably be well-placed in the Kremlin (either USSR or post-Soviet)...

  18. Re: Supers & Media: Fatal Attraction.


    I probably played both angles. Robyn Hood's secret ID was blown inside a week when her ex-husband recognised her on TV (not a big ask, given that none of the Crown Agents wears a mask) and sold a rather lurid (and almost entirely bogus) kiss-and-tell story to the Sun (Britain's top-ranked tabloid).


    MC Sonik technically had a secret ID, but since he used it as a tag before he became a meta, there are a lot of people in the Brixton / Peckham area who know who he is, many of whom do not play well with others. London Pryde's ID was also technically secret, but since he used his real surname, Tony was more or less sure that it'd come out eventually, among his ex-Army colleagues if nobody else. (Especially once he and Robyn became an established couple. I always thought of them as Steed and Mrs Peel somehow...)

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