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Everything posted by TheRealParagon

  1. Re: Medusa of Psi in Practice (I posted this message a couple of days ago but it didn't take so here it is again) This character is from CKC 5th ed. Don't remember how or if entangle has changed in the 6th and too lazy to look it up in the tome that is book1. Assuming you're using the fifth edition without conversion keep in mind that entangle is similar to grab. it only tends to effect two limbs at once. This doesn't seem like a big distinction but think about it. If I'm Medusa I don't necessarily know what my opponents abilities are. If I "Paralyze" your legs maybe you have cosmic beams you can shoot from your hands or a knockout dart you can reach on your Bat Belt. If you can fly then it doesn't matter if I "paralyze" your legs, you could still move and punch me. If I attack your arms you could still kick me. See where I'm getting at. Most characters will have 5 limbs two arms two legs and a head. Certainly with repeated applications Medusa could use her power to paralyze your whole body, but that would take some time Even if the GM chooses to interpret the leg paralysis as being able to stick the opponent floor there are other ways of breaking free or moving. Turning intangible or teleportation would allow an opponent to escape with ease and return offense. Dark Seraph would do this then rip Medusa's veins out for fun and use her as a puppet to entertain the fellow Crowns of Krim. Yes this is a powerful ability but there are creative ways around it. Remember you always have the option of reducing the effect level of the power for balance (or increasing
  2. Re: Medusa of Psi in Practice This character is from CKC 5th ed. Don't remember how or if entangle has changed in the 6th and too lazy to look it up in the tome that is book1. Assuming you're using the fifth edition without conversion keep in mind that entangle is similar to grab. it only tends to effect two limbs at once. This doesn't seem like a big distinction but think about it. If I'm Medusa I don't necessarily know what my opponents abilities are. If I "Paralyze" your legs maybe you have cosmic beams you can shoot from your hands or a knockout dart you can reach on your Bat Belt. If you can fly then it doesn't matter if I "paralyze" your legs, you could still move and punch me. If I attack your arms you could still kick me. See where I'm getting at. Most characters will have 5 limbs two arms two legs and a head. Certainly with repeated applications Medusa could use her power to paralyze your whole body, but that would take some time Even if the GM chooses to interpret the leg paralysis as being able to stick the opponent floor there are other ways of breaking free or moving. Turning intangible or teleportation would allow an opponent to escape with ease and return offense. Dark Seraph would do this then rip Medusa's veins out for fun and use her as a puppet to entertain the fellow Crowns of Krim. Yes this is a powerful ability but there are creative ways around it. Remember you always have the option of reducing the effect level of the power for balance (or increasing
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