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Posts posted by Bradeep

  1. Re: 5th Edition Pulp Hero vs. waiting for 6th


    I can't speak for the company officially, but personally I'm aware of no such plans. In fact, to the best of my knowledge there never has been any intention of publishing a 6E PH. So waiting would likely be futile.


    Fortunately, however, some of the "conversion" work's already been done for you. The guns and Weird Tech gadgets from PH are included in The HERO System Equipment Guide for 6E.


    Perhaps I misunderstood something about the releases; thanks for the clarification. I already have the Equipment Guide so I'll go ahead and get the 5th edition PH.


    Appreciate the help.

  2. I'm interested in Pulp Hero, and had read somewhere there was going to be a possible 6th edition release sometime this year. However, given everything that's been going on, is this remotely possible? If not, I saw a used copy for 5th edition I could purchase and convert if necessary. If I go with the latter option, how hard would it be to use the material? Thanks.

  3. Re: Combat Luck and Damage Negation Questions


    I'd add a limitation 'must be aware of attack' (or a second Requires a Roll: PER).


    It was my understanding that Combat Luck only works when the character is aware of an attack; the rules are explicit that the GM may make this determination based on his judgment. That's one reason I didn't take it as a Limitation, even though it seemed applicable and reasonable.

  4. Please move this thread if it's in an inappropriate spot.


    I'm currently making some characters for a High Fantasy game, one of which is a shirtless barbarian-type. My idea is that the character is good at dodging arrows (almost never gets hit) and is able to avoid most physical damage without wearing armor. I have given him Combat Sense to account for his awareness at all times, and also high levels of Combat Luck and Damage Negation. I'm wondering at how cheesy this sounds to you guys. Here are the two powers I worked up so far:


    20 Damage Negation (-8 DCs Physical) (40 Active Points); Only Works Against Common attack (Arrows; -1/2), Requires A Roll (Characteristic roll; DEX; -1/2)


    12 Combat Luck (9 PD/9 ED) (18 Active Points); Requires A Roll (Characteristic roll; DEX; -1/2)


    The character will also have a base of 8 for PD/ED. Thanks for any help.

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