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  1. Re: Noob here... I do believe that Champions will be the setting I'd use, but whats the diff between the Genre and Setting books? What does Genre add other then the setting material?
  2. Re: Noob here... Thanks for the quik reply's. Being a avid RP gamer myself (including my group) I think that its safe to say that we might as well plunge into the 2 Core Books for the advanced edition, also is there a certain default setting or is it all "Up to you" styled? I mean does Hero Games have its own default setting for the game?
  3. So as you might have guessed Im new to the Hero system, as such hope someone can awnser a few quik Q's. -What books do I need to run and play a game? -Does anyone have a good online store to buy them from for Europe? (Dutchie here) Also what do you really like about the system? What would make this the best game for Hero RPG's?
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