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Everything posted by varmisciousknid

  1. Re: Discussion: Taxonomy and Pathology of Halloween Monsters I am currently running a zombie apocalypse campaign. The way that I am dealing with the disease which turns living humans into unliving mobile death machines, is by saying it is a parasite. It would not make much sense for a zombie to rip a person's throat out, killing them in 30 seconds, but somehow a virus takes hold in the brain and reanimates the body. A parasite can move under its own power, so it does not need the blood to be pumping to move throughout the body and take control of its dead host. Separating the head from the body of these zombies will deny the parasite full control of the body, it might still twitch a bit now and again. The head will still function as it did while it was attached, so it will still be dangerous. As far as vampires go, if I am not telling a masquerade game, then I like them to be like the 30 days of night vampires. Their bites will turn a human into a vamp, but they don't want that and destroy the body after they feed.
  2. Re: advice on power advantage thanks for all the feedback. i like the idea of having power skill rolls to create intricate objects, but as a story teller i think that the ability to create such objects makes the power more useful so it should be more expensive. summon is not what i am looking for because it specifies the ability to summon set things, i want to be able to create a barrier that is in any shape which happens to be useful at the time. ie a ramp to get onto the roof of a building, a small shelter in a snow storm, a bridge, i can go on and on. i would not want to buy each possible useful object as a summon. as far as the looks part goes, i plan on using a cosmetic transform power that only works on the barrier. for functionality of the barrier, all i want is for it to be a solid object with simple moving parts (doors at most complicated) i think an adder of 1/4 might be appropriate for the ability to make intricate things. fun part is that the person telling the story that this character is intended for, is just learning the hero system. so he cant really fairly judge what i should be able to do and how much it costs, i have to police myself.
  3. Re: advice on power advantage thanks everyone here is what i have so far barrier 8pd/8ed w/ 10 body - to emulate the strength of reinforced concrete 50m/50m/0.5m thick - can comfortably make a 10m/10m room with plenty left over to make stuff inside the room dismissible gestures, both hands -1/2 153 active 102 real clinging- on barrier only -1 1/2 11 active 4 real after i told the story teller about this idea he immediately scoffed and said that there would not be much i can do, but i have always tried to rely on creative use of powers. the setting is superheroic but there are a lot of situations where military and criminal types have to be dealt with. so i picture a car chase with somebody that is not supposed to die, poof there is a foot tall triangular barrier in front of their car which mangles the car then disappears. or a military group breaks into your three story hideout to retrieve their stolen secrets. they come in swat style with ten people, lots of guns tear gas etc. when they get to the top floor and place breaching bombs on the doors, they are surprised to find the whole building has ceased to exist.
  4. Re: advice on power advantage wow, quick response. as far as the intricacy goes i was thinking that it increased functionality of the barrier and would be a multiplier. but if you were telling i would take the flat ten. for the transform, i wanted to eventually make a believable building made completely out of barrier, so there would be very many different colors and textures on one complicated barrier. also i wanted it to be pretty limitless as to what the barriers appearance could be.
  5. hello everybody, I am trying to make a character whose main power is barrier. The rules mention simple geometric shapes for the barrier and i was wondering what advantage multiplier would make sense to have the barrier be much more intricate? Examples would be to create a barrier that looked like an ornate fountain, a wall of spikes, or with enough points to cover the area, a railroad trestle. also, i plan on having cosmetic transform that only works on the barrier, with the intention of making it look like brick, stone, wood etc. wondering what the power limitation modifier would be for powers that only work on the barrier that this character made. thanks -steve-
  6. Re: raziel (limited immortality) when he dies his body disintegrates, he has to find a different body from the spirit world to resurrect, the effect would be kinda like teleportation. the person that killed him would see his body turn to dust then (if he found a body to inhabit) he might appear somewhere nearby in a few seconds ready to attack the person who destroyed his body.
  7. i was thinking about running games in the blood omen/soul reaver universe so, how would i go about making raziel's version of immortality? for those that dont know, when this particular character dies he is immediately transported to the spirit world in which he has to find a salvagable body to inhabit to be able to come back to the real world with full health. so dimentional travel triggered by body being reduced to or below zero, uncontrolled. from there maybe regen with ressurection requires fuel, body? when he ressurects he travels back to the physical world as well better ideas?
  8. hi everybody, this is my first post. im pretty new to message boards in general as well the few i tried werent very friendly. but this place seems neat. i have about 5 5e games under my belt and already ordered 6e i have quite a few how to build questions but i dont want to waste peoples time so i was wondering if there was a compilation of how to build threads or something so that i dont have repeats. by the way most of the time i can be quite scatterbrained so you will have to forgive me. oddly enough i can string together a story with a decent flow when i put my mind to it.
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