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  1. Hey I'm completely new to the Hero system, and trying to build a fantasy campaign for me and 4-5 friends. So far I have the 5th edition rulebook and the Fantasy rulebook (got them cheap) and are reading through them but there is one thing I don't understand. How would I build an encounter between a bunch of PC and one or more villains? More specifically how do I measure/rate the challenge a monster, villain or group of villains posses? (As you might guess I started out playing D&D ) I don't know what you need to work your magic but here are the short version of my thoughts so far. Specifics: The PC will be in the 250-300 point range, but has yet to be build. The world hopefully will get a Steven Erikson feel, so I think its high fantasy. Magic will difficult to use for defense. The hook will be a “SWAT-style” attack by a group of assassins/evil henchmen that the characters should be able to repel or at least survive Thank you DigterL
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