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  1. Is it aloud to purchase more then the listed level of Combat Luck (3/3) if it is is it per level ...1 level gives 3/3, 2 gives 6/6 or can you buy it at any level you want ...its not a power as it is shown its a talent...?
  2. If a character has a 5d6 major transform ....a person into a demon. Which adds powers, which in result add bdy. What does a dispell have to roll to dispell the power example: Darkside transforms a normal (8bdy) into a demon worth 100points more then the normal (+20bdy) so he has to transfrom 36 bdy to turn the normal into a demon. What must be rolled to dispell it?
  3. Question...Can Transforms work vs foci? In a Fantasy setting a shortsword is a 1d6 Hand Killing Attack could you transform it into say a magic sword of 2d6 (adding 15 points of abilitie for say 3 more bdy as i understand it) that would make it ...active 15/5=3x2+3=9bdy to transform it this seems awefull cheap Or in a superheroic turning recoils gun multipower into slag would cost 30 bdy to do (for a 75 act pool) which is not so cheap to be to powerful but could also be done cheaper as a rka or other attack power. on the other hand adding 25 points of power to the pool only costs 5 more bdy to the transform.
  4. If a Character has 8/40 REC +32 REC only for post 12 recoverys what would the limitation be worth? Is it legil as well?
  5. Is it legal to drain onesself to get a negitive com, a advantage now that half of the negitive value give to PRE Attacks. This is ofcorse using a power to ativate an effect. I ask because under a perticuler character has a Drain only VPP
  6. If Avatar is a normal whom has a ring which he turns on to make him Super. Then while he turns from normal to super; a sword appears in his hand. Now this sword can be taken away incombat, does that count as OAF? I asked this because "OIHID" says you shouldnt use focus lims with it. Also if avatar has many powers that come on when he activates the ring...turning on the OIHID. Does that constitute having each power with OIHID and IIF ring...being that all powers will be lost if the ring is taken off?
  7. If Troll has a targeting Sence of smell and is flashed or a target is invisible to sight. Troll should be able to still "see" them with his smell, correct? If he is trying to fight Mesketto(bad spelling of the little blood sucker) who is not invisible but very very small then i have just the penilties to my smell PER Roll to "see" him correct?
  8. In my campaige, one of my players has a flash attack and he wa wanting to flash a villian after he had been flashed to add to the time inwhitch he would be blind, Also he wanted to blind him again right before he would be unblind. My question is can you flash a blind target?
  9. Sence Find Weakness is now a power am I correct in beleaving that now while desoled you must buy affect solid on your find weakness to use it ?
  10. Question,1 If Recoil has teleportation powers and he opens a portal infront of his shotgun that also opens inside an enemies armor"wormhole effect" bypassing armor and hitting the fleashy insides. Is that a good example of a nnd rka. with the nnd stoped but Resistive skin or combat luck. Question.2 If Recoil can pick up any fire arm and do this with them is that also a good example of naked power advantage? the NND ...i mean
  11. I have ben unable to find this in the book. How is KB figerd when a target is hit with auto fire powers or multipule powers ?
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