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Midnightphil's Achievements

  1. In the current campaign we are running, all us us created high powered normals. There are charts in some of the books for random powers. We all recieved at least one random small "mutation" power. We will all become supers powered eventually but wont have full control of the powers that we recieve. So, we are playing a different way. Kind of like the fantastic four got random cosmic powers.
  2. Our group has started a new 5E Champions game. We rolled for some random powers and my character got the transformation power - minor - continous. The only two examples in the book were giving opponents a rash or turning a dagger into a sword. Could someone help give me some more guidlines on the scope of minor transformation. Could I turn pennies into silver or steel into lead? Could I change my body? Anyone have some cool examples they have used? Thanks.
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