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Posts posted by Mentor

  1. Re: What Would (your character here) Do?


    Originally posted by Mightybec

    OK, folks. How would your current favorite PC or hero team take care of this situation.

    An insane villain is holding hostages in a local museum. He's strapped with explosives that monitor his heartbeat. If he dies, he goes Boom and so do alot of innocents. He wants alot of money sent a foreign account, and the longer he waits for the money, the more rare artwork that he destroys. What do you do?




    My mentalist with a very empathetic outlook (ie. He is using Mind Control) convinces the guy that it is easier and far less messy to come along qietly to a place we can discuss this in orivate without that pesky package on his chest.

  2. Re: Homebrew Villain Teams


    Originally posted by Mr. R

    In the spirit of a previous thread that asked what organisations you used in your games, what villain teams do you use. I don't want the ones out of the books (and I have been playing since first edition so I have seen most of them). I want the ones that you made up even if it uses some of the published villains. EI your curveball to those heroes who have the books also.


    Can't tell you. Trebuchet and team get to play with them in march. Bwa. ha ha.

  3. Re: Other People's Characters (and OIHID rant)


    Originally posted by Blackout





    I have one big problem. And that's the limitation Only In Heroic Identity. I've seen a few of the potential new characters that use this as an across the board limitation on their characters with next to NO justification for it. They seem to view it as a limitation that won't limit them, and an easy way to shave points off the character.


    Again, this really isn't my concern. I'm not the GM. If he feels their characters are fine, then I've no right to squawk. Yes?


    I guess what bothers me is that, while the character's I've seen are within the "letter" of the rules, they violate the "spirit" of those rules (and the genre).


    So. I'd appreciate if youse guys (and gals) might tell me to either "lighten up", or give me some suggestions on how I might straighten out my friends' thinking.




    I don't automatically consider "efficient" PCs an ubalancing situation, but some character concepts and constructs seem pretty boring if all they do is fight. As you said, it is pretty much up to the GM. If you have a skill heavy Character, just ask the GM to make sure you get to use them to good effect.


    Also, though I know that some players bristle, let Mr. Combat Suit get ambushed while he's brushing his teeth and roleplay his way to the UltimaArmor occasionaly just to rmind them that just because armor isn't bought as a focus, it still has to be worn to work. Likewise, Inferno Boy's Secret ID will prevent him from immolation in the middle of the Sox game. Just some thoughts.

  4. Originally posted by Big Willy

    Here's a scary idea that I only share because I'm not currently running a campaign.


    In a supers universe, Iraq is a ticking timebomb not because of bombs, VX or anthrax, but because twelve years ago the soil was contaminated by vast quantities of depleted uranium. In the real world, that means an increased incidence of birth defects; but on Earth-Super, it means a generation of children who're going to start developing superpowers any day now...


    According to the Federation of American Scientist site, depleted uranium was only dangerous to the Iraqi tanks they destroyed because of the incredibly low radiation 9especially negligeble in a desert enviroment) and the incredibly high coalition tank gun hit rate.

  5. Re: Champions at War!


    Originally posted by Alibear

    Champions at war?


    If and when it all kicks off in the Gulf, how are you going to handle it in your campaign?


    Are the lads (and lasses) going to enlist?

    Will the powers that be make them enlist?

    Will they fight terrorists at home?

    Will you have them design a "Suicide Squad" to take the War to Saddam?

    Will you just ignore it?


    Well, what you gonna do?


    One of my Characters has a Secret ID as a resreve Air Force Colonel/fighter pilot. Not much choice there. His Hero ID is that of a Power Armored guy a la Iron Man. don't know how he could sneak out of the cockpit to bash in Saddam's bunker door.

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