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Posts posted by J4y

  1. She does tend to dodge more than block though, the blocking comes in when she is on terminal approach and ready to unleash a Mace-whoppin' to someone.


    She seems to have some very basic ability to do missle deflection with the mace in a coupl episodes. She's also strong willed (high ego.) Really aside from that though she's pretty sucky. In the first half of the dr. dream guy episode she got rescued TWICE, and GL or someone is regularly catching her in midair because an enemy looked at her funny and knocked her out. I think she's been unconcious in almost every episode in which she's fought villians because just about every hit knocks her out and her record for dodging things is probably runnning 50%. She really seems like she's usually human level (top human mind you) in just about everything, all though occasionally she seems superhuman. The only exceptional thing is the mace which has probably been the biggest damage the team has as I don't think even Superman has been shown to pack as much of a punch as it yet.


    With 3 flying bricks on the team who also have a variety of other powers, she comes in a very distant 4rth being relativly weak, slow and with almost no powers. Even as a detective she couldn't hold a candle to MM and BM so... she really just seems to be eye candy.

  2. I'm not trying to slight Cap's smarts & tactical abilities, far from it. But come on, Batman's got so many toys that with enough preparation, he practically gave Superman a run for his money.


    Batman has kicked Superman's butt at least once. Just goes to prove the million monkey theory, or in this cause, writers. ;)


    I still can't help but cringe at how bloody aweful that picture is. I have trouble believing a profession artist could do something that bad.

  3. BTW, if anyone is interested in an official take on Superman's "worthiness," this is supposed to be the cover to issue #4:




    All in all a very poorly drawn picture. Proportions suck, his grip on the hammer is wrong and holding the shield up there to protect, what exactly, the air beside his left shoulder? Must be to make sure you can still see his chest (otherwise we'd have no idea it's Superman if we can't see the 'S', right?) If thats Superman then the 'S' is for "Special."


    I seriously doubt thats the picture for the cover.

  4. What if he is really innocent

    What if the evidence is false.

    What if there where predjudice involved in that decision.

    What if im wrong.


    As you say mind control and the like is always an issue, but the original post said the superheros themselves put him away so baring something like mind control the superheros in question have good reason for thinking the villian is guilty. If you play superheros in courts the team may have even spent a few days at the trial as witnesses. On top of that to get a death penalty you're probably talking about a very very bad villian who would have a reputation for crime. If your character isn't willing to do it, then is your character still willing to send criminals to stronghold at all knowing some of them get executed?


    When I first read the thread I thought Juggernaught as an example.

  5. Look, if you want realism and not four-color, run your game however the hell you want. We can't tell you not to, and we can't tell you what to enjoy or not to enjoy.


    Then stop pretending your 4C games are realistic. The "superhero kills" threads going on now, of which this thread is a mutant, are a good example of how silly this is. People claiming they're trying to be "realistic" with their 4C games and properly punishing superheros with modern day courts. It is no more realistic to have your superheros in court than having anti-matter people walking around, stop trying to pretend it is, it's schlok. It's Wile E Coyote walking off a cliff and hanging in mid-air as long as he doesn't look down. The superhero kills a demon and the GM wants them to go to jail for that, god knows why, nevermind the consequences of church groups and society, like the consequences of anti-matter in the streets. On top of that the GM is so set on punishing the superhero because thats how 4C is "supposed" to be but by using accurate modern law, but be damned the fact that modern law says he isn't guilty of anything. So he'll use accurate legal terms, run the superhero through court and like a good schlok 4C, ignore the fact that that isn't really how it works and so the anti-matter doesn't go boom, and the hole in the wall painted by the coyote works for the roadrunner.


    4C CAN be realistic, but it means that the GM should stop doing silly things. If there are espers running around able to control people's minds and sanctioned superhero teams then guess what, courtrooms would be protected from it. Victims of criminals get a say in the court too, after a few thousand rescued people or sobbing parents of victims go through the court, do you think Spiderman is going to jail for killing Doc Oc? Or hey, if you're insisting on getting the legal system involved for "accuracy," what about the fact that most supervillians who have comitted or attempted mass murder will be wanted dead or alive to begin with, and sanctioned superheros probably have a liscence to kill?


    On the other side of the scale, just how unrealistic, barring supreme level characters, is it to have criminals only be criminals "on panel" when a superhero is around? If everyone in jail is there for attempted crimes but none of them actually able to pull any of them off because the superhero is ALWAYS there for EVERY villian, EVERY time, well... fine if you want to play that way, but that isn't exactly how 4C worked either is it? Which is the heart of my disagreement with Agent X.

  6. I can roll eyes too.


    Apparently you can stick your fingers in your ears and make noises to drown out common sense too. Do you think every uncorrigible villian that 4C superheros ever fought, but didn't kill, never commited another crime off panel afterwards? :rolleyes: <- see, appropriate because of the sheer sillyness you're spouting. 4C typifies schlock writers whose characters had blinders on. The anti-matter people is a perfect example, the writers couldn't even get something so simple right, heck, they couldn't even keep their characters powers straight from one issue to the next let alone have their poorly written monstrosities react half-intelligently to the consequences of their actions.


    "Hi, my name is Superman, I know Darkseid is out there slaughtering billions and Lex Luthor is plotting somethin and I should be thinking of how to stop them, but I'm just going to kick back here and relax until someone points this fact out to me and forces me to do something about it. Until someone NOTICES I'm not living up to my responsisiblities, I don't have to actually do anything! Hoo yeah! *yawn* Where are the donuts?"

  7. That's not what supervillains do in games with 4 color heroes if the GM understands the genre. They try to knock down buildings and get stopped by the heroes.


    Uh? Yeah, The Joker never got out of Arkham and killed again, Darkseid never annihilated planets after being told not to. I forgot 4 color meant the world is full of fluffy bunnies. :rolleyes:

  8. Real Science is the enemy of a really good superhero story.


    I think you mean poor writing. Redmenace's example of anti-matter people is good. I guess spending 10 minutes to research something was too much. If you can't even put that much effort into explaining something, then don't explain it at all, a half-decent writer knows when to shut up and leave something up to the reader's imagination.

  9. I'm guessing it will be Involuntary Manslaughter, unless you or one of the lawyer types out there know the correct charge for this case.


    I'd figure the hero will get 5 years in Stronghold, with parole after 3 years. Do this sound right?


    If killing demons is acceptable, which, it should be since you're using a "realistic" campaign, then the death of the gang member is justifiable homcide, i.e. no time. Involuntary manslaughter would be if they improperly did their duty, but since there is no link between their action and the death of a person they aren't culpable.


    If the cops break down a locked door to execute a search and there is a person tied and gagged to the other side of the door and they die, or it sets off a bomb they had no reason to suspect is there and it kills a person, they are not charged with anything, it's ludicrous on it's face.


    By the way, if you insist there is guilt, it applies to everyone there, your entire team is going to jail. The fact that they didn't do anything to stop a murder happening in front of them makes them accomplices. Time to create a whole new superhero team.

  10. Some people seem to think that the Champions SHOULD be one of the premiere and most powerful teams in the CU, others disagree, but for those who want the former, this thread might help out.


    I don't think they have any space ability or FTL do they? If they're a premier team they should probably be at least interplanetary (depending on campaign setting.)

  11. The impression I've gotten is that sanctioned heroes are held to a higher standard, and should know what their powers can do to someone. If he's a novice hero, he might get away with it with lots of witness-box angst.


    On the flip-side, sanctioned heros have a track record to stand by and sometimes accidents DO happen, the novice has no such history and will be under more suspicion of being bloodthirsty and doing it on purpose.

  12. The important point to remember was that the demon was already incapacitated -- knocked out.


    Don't forget he's, ah, um... get this... a demon, a servant of evil, an inhuman monster sent by the devil to destroy mankind. I'm thinking the church isn't going to have any problem raising an infinite amount of money for a superhero defence fund myself, and if the current politicians don't take a hand in letting the heros go, they're going to find themselves getting 0 seats next election and probably having to deal with massive protests and riots about the fact that they're more interested in protecting satan's spawn than humans.

  13. I don't think they do too much overexageration, the problem I'm having with the show though is that it's 100% combat. If I want a combat cartoon, I can go and download a dozen real anime that are 10x better, I can watch whenever I want and don't have commercials. Better, I can download a show that ISN'T 100% combat. I've seen the first 8 or 9 episodes of TT and I've learned that... Starfire has a sister, Raven has a demon for a father and... thats it. Who the heck are Beast Boy, Robin and Cyborg? Big zeros. Lame.

  14. I'm not familiar with Psi, but it almost always seems weird to bring police and the courts into superhero games. If the police are all high and mighty about arresting and prosecuting heros, why the hell aren't they out trying to put sniper rifle rounds through the heads of supervillians? It makes no sense at all to punish superheros while ignoring the actions of supervillians. If the country's military and police forces aren't activly and visibly trying to take down these supervillians then you have to cut the players some slack, after all, even if their actions were so grossly wrong they were supervillians, the police and military wouldn't be coming after them, right?

  15. Other than find weakness, I can't find a way in the game to construct a power that accurately describes what find weakness does. How else could you describe watching your opponent to see that there's a soft spot under his arm that's exposed every tmie they swing, or that hinge in they're armor that looks rusty.


    FW takes 0.5 seconds though, you're not "observing" the enemy, and once exploited the enemy can't then compensate by not exposing that soft spot when they swing.


    In low power games, FW is too expensive to get used much if at all. In mid power games, it's similar to AP although the ability to apply it multiple times can be a bit abuseive, but compare it to an NND and I don't think it's too bad. It should still be factored into the overall power cost though if you're using maximum DC or the like. In high power games it becomes too cheap for it's benefit and the counter to it being that the defense for it is even cheaper is silly as you're basically saying everyone must buy lack of weakness.


    I think it probably should have more limitations on it like only applying for one attack each time and successive rolls being half instead of -2, and it should be a modifier instead of a flat 10 points which would let it be used in low power games and more balanced in high power games.

  16. Depending on setting, killing a demon is something you get medals for, not jail time. Think Buffy the Mass Murderer... As for the human, if they had no reason to believe their actions were in any way were endangering life (in fact that there even was a life to endanger, think hunting accident), it's at worst accidental homicide and again, no jail time. They may get sued of course, and in a land where you can sue for spilling coffee in your own lap, they may end up having to pay out a bunch of money, but you could cover that with insurence or government paying it and the hero only haveing to do some sort of apology to the family or whatever.


    Of course, now that they KNOW these demons are actually possesed humans...


    BTW, this is probably one of the toughest situations for players to be in with innocents being the criminals, and a good time to cut the players a bit of slack. It sounds like the demons are pretty powerful and so you can't be expecting the players to be pulling their punchs all the time. Better to stick the player with a disad like dependant: gang member's grandmother, hunted: local gang, losing a contact etc. or use it as a further adventure plot seed than to the really nail a hero for it.

  17. I agree about focusing on Damage Class caps rather than (or as well as) Active Point caps. Otherwise, this guy is going to come back with:


    I agree with that too, you have to figure the damage class for highest typical attack, in the case of a character with movement you have to factor that in as well as movethroughs can add on a significant number of dice too.

  18. I saw an episode or two and it wasn't really my thing. E's Otherwise I think is fairly similar although the espers in that are rarer and more powerful, but I stopped watching that after a few episodes for similar reasons. The torrents for Scryed might still be around, E's Otherwise is still going on and can be downloaded. Full Metal Alchemist just started up and it looks promising, seems a bit similar to Scryed/E's.

  19. How much damage could Eurostar cause by going out in a new costume, committing some public acts, then leaving some poor kidnapped schmo in the suit to be captured and "executed for his crimes"?


    Now that sounds more like a 4 color plot.


    Sorry, I'm just chuckling at the thought of Darksied in a courtroom, and remembering that The Tick vs. Justice episode where Dr. Doom (forget his exact name) got the fact he had a nuclear bomb in his trunk thrown out because it was an "illegal" search.

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