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Posts posted by johnvalentine

  1. I was discussing cosmic level heroes for a possible future game in my group, and the current point total is 3k. (From what I can see, pretty bullshit, but it seems about right for cosmic heroes)

    So one of the heroes discussed is supposed to be nigh indestructible, and had the following defenses (all of which are inherent)

    Total Life support

    75% resistant damage reduction Physical and Energy

    60 resistant/120 stun PD/ED With hardened x2 and impenetrable 1.

    -30 DC's Physical/Energy

    100 power defense

    100 mental defense


    After looking at that, I was trying to figure out just how strong of an attack would it have to be for him to feel it?

    If it's unmodified, then I need to have a blast or HA that does at least 60D6 to even reliably get through his defenses, right?

  2. I am running a champions game that is taking place in millennium city (by popular request).

    Now I've had them run into Foxbat, which was a greatly amusing encounter and overall they've really liked the fun of doing things in the Champions universe.


    What I was wondering about is the 'Qularr Invasion' that is the premise for the MMO's tutorial area. Now I actually am reading the champions universe book, but I also look at the MMO for things because most of my players have played it and can relate to story things found there.


    So is there stats for Qularr already? What book would it be in? Additionally, I was wondering how much that 'tutorial' invasion actually affected canon. (Meaning while I don't intend on making them run through a 'tutorial' but to have the invasion event actually happen sometime in the campaign's future.) If there is a resource with this info I'd love to have it at hand to use later. I would also be curious about those 'adventure packs' in the game and if they're actually modules or something for the tabletop.

  3. Re: Charging Powers


    One good step is simply to use haymaker/Combat Skill levels to boost the damage. The "charged blast" takes longer that way.


    I would advise agaisnt Aid, just built the Blast a compound Power/partially Limited Power:

    4d6 Blast


    +4d6 Blast, Full Phase (-0.5)


    +4d6 Blast, Extra Phase (-0.75)


    +4d6 Blast, Full Turn (-1.25)



    Note that with haymaker and any time beyond Full Phase/Extra Segement:

    If the target moves, the attack fails.


    I don't understand how I would make that work using Hero Designer. Do I buy it as the full damage of the blast with a limitation reducing the damage until I follow the required time?

  4. I wanted to build a blast power like they have in the MMO, where you can just fire it off as a half action like any normal blast power, but you could instead take up to so many segments (or phases I suppose) and 'charge' the blast to increase the number of dice the blast can do.


    I thought it could start somewhere relatively low, like 4D6 Energy. I would like there to be a cap on the number of dice it can increase, but it would be significantly better than the average blast most 400 point heroes have once it's fully charged.


    I was thinking that having the blast power bought just 4D6 with no frills, then buy a cumulative aid to increase the number of dice with full concentration and limitations that prevent me from moving while charging. Maybe instead of cumulative I can buy DoT for the Aid (Blast) that can be interrupted by doing anything other than charging the attack.


    Would that work? If anyone figured out a more elegant solution I'd like to hear it.

  5. Re: Material Girl


    Sean asked if automatons were immune to mental powers. You responded "not unless they take a complication to be affected". You basically just said that they would not be immune (would be affected) to mental powers unless they took a complication to be affected. Or to rephrase it, you said "they would be affected unless they took a complication to be affected". That makes no sense and is what I was trying to point out.



    EDIT: Unless I'm on crazy pills and totally mis-reading something here. Anyone?




    Although it comes down to GM permission, I think Immunity can be done in Hero on a campaign-by-campaign basis.


    I would think that if anything, there could be a custom power that made them count as a different category of minds instead of human. I had an inventor once who had made a circlet that made her relatively immune to psychics because it made her count as a machine class of mind.

  6. So I have a robot hero in my game who is really tough, but susceptible to EMP strikes as they do 3D6 damage for instant duration.(He's a nanobot colony and EMP really screws over his systems) He has takes no stun, so I assume the 3D6 is killing damage, right?


    Also, If someone were to use, say, an EMP blaster and hit him several times with autofire 3, would he take the 3D6 for each blast, or just 3D6 for that segment.

  7. Re: Teleport Dodge, did I do it right?


    Okay thanks guys. So I took out No Conscious control and added safe blind teleport. The power cost me 23 points, but when I abort to dodge an attack I trigger the teleport power.


    I figured it would be acceptable since if I understand aborting to dodge properly I loose out of my next phase for doing so, so it seemed balanced to be able to afterimage away from attacks that I actually try to dodge. (Which isn't everything. I tried to set it up so that while useful for defense, I lose the ability to act in exchange. He's a decent enough fighter so I figure that he would be able to take a few blows in regular combat but heavy hits he may want to try to get out of range of. By it's nature I could technically use it versus every attack, but I wouldn't be able to do anything else.)


    If I manage to teleport out of the target space of an area of effect, I don't get hit with it, right? Additionally, I think if I use that trick too often the opponent will be able to figure out and anticipate where I'm going to pop up and bluff me into porting into an attack. I'm not sure how that would work but I figure it would be similar to a high speed clothesline hit.

  8. [TABLE]



    [TD][TABLE=width: 306]


    [TD=width: 306, colspan: 3, align: left]I was trying to build a reflexive teleport power that could only be used when the character aborts to dodge. I think I got it set up here, but if someone could check this out I'd appreciate it. Basically when he has to try to dodge an attack he teleports up to 8 meters away in the direction he was dodging to.


    The hero is a neon light classic arcade themed crime fighter.


    Teleportation 8m,

    No Relative Velocity,

    Trigger (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger resets automatically, immediately after it activates; Taking the Dodge Action; +1) (36 Active Points);

    No Conscious Control (-2),

    Conditional Power Power Only Works In Darkness (-1/2),

    Must Pass Through Intervening Space (-1/4), Leaves A Trail (Neon light afterimages; -0)









    I'm not too concerned about the point cost. I'm more concerned about doing it properly and efficiently. If it can be done in a way that takes up less page space, that's good. So long as it doesn't cost a bajillion points. :)

  9. I was wondering if the Defense cost tripling of having Takes No Stun applies to the Absorption Power with the 'As a Defense' modifier. If I understand Absorption properly, it isn't completely a PD/ED granting power, since it has a limited amount of damage it can absorb in a segment even when set as a defense.


    For examples, I have a robot that absorbed electricity based energy attacks, or an undead that absorbed unholy magic energy attacks.

  10. I was wondering if the Defense cost tripling of having Takes No Stun applies to the Absorption Power with the 'As a Defense' modifier. If I understand Absorption properly, it isn't completely a PD/ED granting power.


    I was thinking about making a robot that absorbed electricity based energy attacks, or an undead that absorbed unholy magic energy attacks.

  11. Re: Damage Negation!


    DN is a 6E Power and in 6E the Stun Multiplier is 1d3.


    And isn't stun calculated of the 14 Body? I am nto sure about it.


    Ah! Thanks for the clarification. Glad to know that's how it changed. No one in my group has used a killing attack yet, so it hasn't come up yet. I also want to know the answer to that too. I made the guy so he ignores a bunch of dice of damage, but I don't want him instant KO'd because he has a relatively low PD comparatively.


    I also found the allocatable advantage in the HERO designer for Resistant Defense. That seems really cool, but what's the rules for allocating them? is it a half phase action?

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