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Posts posted by Hrimhari

  1. Re: The Hero System is bland and over complicated


    Maybe, maybe not...


    Hero is complex, not complicated...




    Once you "get" the paradigm you have to use, everything starts to fall in its own place and make sense.



    Now, being able to distillate the essence of HERO so it is not daunting for newcommers is not easy. 6th has cleaned up things quite a bit and there is still work that could be done. How much and how it would be done, I do not know.

    There's definitely a moment when players, having made a character and had a few of the concepts explained to them, light up and suddenly go 'OH! I get it!'


    With character generation, anyway. Making characters really does require a near-encyclopaedic knowledge of the system, which is why I tend to make characters with my players... most other systems, they can go away and come up with dudes all on their own. HERO has a much steeper learning curve. I have one player who can do that; even then, I have to craft it a bit with him for purposes of balance and house style (moreso style than rules).


    However, what continues to be a bit of a barrier is the constant question of 'do I want to roll high or low this time?' One of the revolutions of D&D 3 was the unified dice mechanic that meant you ALWAYS wanted to roll high. I can't for the life of me figure out why Hero didn't go that way with 6th. I'm guessing that's been discussed already, however.


    And I'm serious with that -- the question I get asked MOST often is 'high or low now?'


    I'd houserule it, but with my group, using Hero Designer is pretty much non-optional and so it just ain't possible.

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