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Derek Crow

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About Derek Crow

  • Birthday 05/20/1987

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  1. Thats an awesome idea I am definantaly going to do that. Hey has anyone played the game soul reaver I thought that if a PC were to become a vampire and were to die in some horrible way and their enire body was intact they could roll a d100 and on a roll 100 they would come back as a shadow wraithe with different weaknesses and have to eat souls instead. I think that would be kinda fun. Well keep the ideas rolling! Derek Crow
  2. Hey thats ok. That's what were here for. Keep the ideas rolling in! Derek Crow
  3. Thank you for your responses on the modern medieval version I just might go along with it because my friends and I do it in another system and it seems to work out well. Oh yeah about the package that was posted it is really generous of you to give it to me but I think that I can manage. Oh one thing that I had noticed, in your package you put an "r" in the armor. I take it you put it there to show that its resistant. If you read the description on armor it clearly states that when you buy the power "Armor" it is always resistant. I really do appreciate all your ideas and if you have more please post them. I'm all ears. Derek Crow
  4. That's a good idea too. So do you think I should make packages like hunters and some sort of magic users? While I'm thinking about this should I make a campaign with firearms and traditional medieval weapons or just the old medieval weapons. Derek Crow
  5. Well I had just planned on making up my own campaign.
  6. Oh yeah I overlooked the idea of items, thats a good idea. I do plan on making my own campaign world and setting. I think that I will go with the PC's starting off human and I'll figure out what to do later. So now I have an idea of what things are going to look like how many points should the game run on? I was thinking either 75 points or 150 points. I wouldn't mind running the game with 150 points but I don't want the PC's to start off too powerful. What I really want to do is make this game as realistic as possible and keep the game from starting too powerful. Oh yeah one more thing do you guys think that I should include other races? Well when anybody gets the chance reply please!
  7. Thanks This is good stuff but I had planned on making this a game with 75 points or would the villian bonus make up for that. Give me your opinion.....should I allow the PC's to be vampires or should I make them be humans. I think that by letting them be vampires it would make things fun for them but I also thought about all the suspence and stuff from them being ordinary humans. I don't know I want to make it fun but at the same time I don't want to overpower or ruin the game. Do you see what I'm getting at I want the game to be cool but keep the flavor. Derek Crow
  8. I have this idea of creating a vampire campaign that I could run my friends through its just that I hardly know what to do for packages. One of my biggest concerns is if I am going to let the PC's be vampires or keep some flavor in the game and make them be humans. So if anyone reads this could you please help me out because most of you guys "know" what your doing. Derek Crow
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