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nocenssomnium's Achievements

  1. First off, I'm not that amazingly knowledgeable on the system, just enough to get by and play with friends. In my efforts to better understand, I have a power with one of my characters that I am building and was wondering if it is possible to stack. Power is as follows: Power-Up: Aid 2d6, Delayed Return Rate (5 per minute; +1), Expanded Effect (x4 Characteristics; affects OCV, DCV, PD, and ED; +1 1/2) (42 Active Points); Only to Aid Self (-1), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Gestures (requires both hands, -1/2). Total Cost 14 Points. At a speed 6 I go at phases 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12. From what I understand of the power, I cannot go above 12 points being added total to the individual stats since that is the maximum per achievable on the die. But, is is possible to do this: Phase 2. Use Power Up, roll = 6 thus increasing OCV, DCV, PD, and ED all by 6 each; expend the 4 END to use the power. Phase 4. User Power Up, roll = 3 thus increasing my OCV, DCV, PD, and ED all by 3 each; total to each characteristic is +9 now; expend 4 END to use the power. Phase 6. Use Power Up, roll = 3 thus increasing my OCV, DCV, PD, and ED all by 3 each; total to each characteristic is +12 now;expend 4 END to use the power. Now in Phase 8 I can take my actions with a full +12 to each of those stats. Is this how the power works? Thanks in advance!
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