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Posts posted by MrJake

  1. Re: Gun-Kata or Gun-Fu, Anyone?


    Why the No Range Mod on the first one? Seems unlikely you'd be shooting an entrance from that far away? Also, I think that "Walls Only" is definitely worth a limitation; -1 or more. But the OAF should be an OIF (autofire weapon of opportunity), because it's not a specific weapon that can be taken/lost.


    The second one, I'm not sure most GMs would go allow. Using Autofire+Penetrating shenanigans to destroy scenery? Sure, why not. Using it to curbstomp any vehicle opposition? Not so great.

    Unless it's the kind of game where vehicles are scenery. In which case, I'd drop the extra two levels of Penetrating - you can still destroy regular cars and whatnot, but stuff that's meant to be a real threat doesn't get toasted.


    Thanks for the feedback and participation, everyone. Nice to know that there are other Gun-Fu fans out there. :)


    More specifically, OIF would work. I left it OAF since, absent other gun wielding characters or npc's, a grab/disarm could deny the use of the ability. Maybe -3/4 instead?


    As for the no-range mod, that was just to make it easier to blast doors/vehicles at range. I figured it would mostly be used at close range, but didn't see any reason to penalize at a distance. The no-range mod also makes it easier to shoot down helicopters and such. Important to note that it has a 100" max range (about 600'), so no shooting down airplanes or other aircraft at much of a distance.


    Tunneling would work, too. I just happened to be playing around with the Penetrating rules at the time. Also made it easier to expand to vehicles.


    Only on Walls/Barriers/Vehicles (-0) grants no bonus 'cause without the limitation, the power would be hideously broken/not allowed.


    x3 Penetrating worked out to an even +1 (as would x1 penetrating), so I just used that for easier math. Shooting through Tanks and other Armored Vehicles/Vault doors seemed like a sufficient "step-up" to match other super powers. Vehicles rarely play a significant part in the games I run, and when they do, they rarely last very long, anyway. The brick usually just flips them over or shakes them till the screaming stops. To be honest, I'd probably let the ability work on robots (actual, not just "defined as"), as well. Having one character be a "trump" card for a narrow set of opponents/obstacles (walls, vehicles, robots) has never been much of big deal in my experience. Other types of characters usually "trump" similar subsets. This may simply be due the particular style of games I run, however, so YMMV.


    Again, thanks for the feedback/participation. Always nice to be made welcome on a new (to me) board.


    Happy Gaming

  2. Re: 5e: Speed Reading vs. Rapid Sense


    What game benefits would it provide? Speed reading is easy enough to understand - but would it (for example) grant the benefits of extra time? If a guy examines a box to look for a secret latch, would the guy with speed sight get the 1,000 phases "extra time" bonus? :)


    cheers, Mark


    Well, the 5e rules say: "Rapid does not provide and direct bonuses to PER Rolls. But as a guideline, the GM may assume each level of Rapid counts as a +3 with appropriate PER Rolls, only to counteract penalties for performing tasks quickly (see page 45). Thus with Rapid x10, a character can perceive in a phase what other characters take 1 Turn to perceive; with Rapid x100, he perceives in a Phase what others need 1 Minute to perceive; and so on."


    So that's something.

  3. Re: Gun-Kata or Gun-Fu, Anyone?


    Okay, here's my first attempt at a gun-fu ability.


    Rock beats scissors, Gun beats wall


    1 pip RKa (5pts), Penetrating (+1/2), 10 shot Auto (+1), 0 end (+1), No range modifier (+1/2) OAF: Any autofire weapon (-1) Walls and other barriers only (-0) 20 active, 10 real.


    Note: For shooting a circle in the floor or wall to escape or gain access.


    Rock beats scissors, Gun beats tank


    1 pip RKA (5pts), Penetrating, x3 (+1 1/2), 10 shot Auto (+1), 0 end (+1), No range modifier (+1/2) OAF: Any autofire weapon (-1) Vehicles, Walls and other barriers only (-0) 25 active, 12 real.


    Note: For shooting a circle in the floor or wall of reinforced vaults to escape or gain access. Also for reducing police cars and other vehicles to scrap.

  4. Re: 5e: Speed Reading vs. Rapid Sense


    Notice how Speed Reading is built using Rapid for Normal Sight. 6E1 p. 447.


    Aw, it is in 5e, as well. Teach me to post without double checking, won't it?


    So to get the benefits for Rapid Sight and Speed Reading would be:


    Rapid Sense (sight) (x1000) 9pts, plus Analyze (single sense) +5, 14 total active points.



  5. Speed Reading is a 8pt. Talent (at x1000). As a power (Enhanced Senses), you can make a sense, in this case, normal sight, into a Rapid Sense for 9 pts (at x1000).


    Rapid Sense says: "A character with Rapid Sense can use that sense to "read" or otherwise take in or absorb data or sensations faster than normal...thus with Rapid x10, a character can perceive in a Phase what others would take a turn to perceive; with Rapid x100 he perceives in a Phase what others would take an minute to perceive; and so on."


    For a high powered heroes or a low powered supers game, would you allow a character to purchase Rapid Sense (Sight) and simply subsume Speed Reading into it?

  6. Re: 5e: Intersection of Penetrating and Foci


    A 1 pip RKA with Penetrating won't do it, though. Penetrating only counts Normal Body rolled on the dice, and you're not rolling any dice (or at the very least, 1 pip would be a 1 on a die, which means zero body). A 1d6 RKA with Penetrating stands a good chance of doing so, though.



    Hmmm. I think you're mistaken about that. Under the Penetrating advantage it says, "A 1-point Killing Attack does one BODY Penetrating." (p366). I may be missing something, tho.



    Edit: Scooped by Hugh

  7. Re: 5e: Intersection of Penetrating and Foci


    So' date=' simple answer and as we all generally expected. I still wouldn't make it that easy personally, though.[/quote']


    I think you're right. I was working on a villain when I "stumbled upon" this particular combination and was more concerned that I couldn't find a rule preventing it than I was a rule that allowed it. I just thought I might be overlooking something.


    Thanks for the help and input, everyone.

  8. The Foci rules seem to state that any damage that exceeds the def of a breakable foci will destroy it. A Penetrating (barring hardened defenses) KA always does at least 1 body despite the def of the target (with he exception of a half-die KA.


    Does that mean that a one point rka (5pts) with penetrating (+1/2) will destroy any foci on a single hit (at -2 ocv if targeting the foci)? If so, that seems...wrong. Am I misreading/misinterpreting something?


    This would be for a low powered superhero game, if that matters.

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