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Everything posted by Erin

  1. Hey guys, I've been looking at these boards for a while now and finally came on something I couldn't quite figure out by myself. Our group has been playing 3.5/Pathfinder for the last few years and wanted something new, and after reading through the 4ed rulebook I got sick of the high fantasy setting it tries to force down your throat so instead I figured I would try to make my own campaign world in HERO. So the actual question: I want to make healing not just be an instant get out of jail free card, so I'm trying to make it regeneration based mostly and while looking at regeneration, I can't figure out how to limit it to a specific turn duration. Just to draw up some sample specifics, I want to create a healing potion that will regenerate say 1 body per turn for 5 turns, which would take a full action to use but after it's used, you can forget about it. Similarly, I want a cleric "spell" where the priest has to concentrate on a wound for a full action, and then the other person would regenerate 1 body for 5 turns without the priest having to be involved any further once it's activated. This is what I worked out in Hero Designer for the spell, but I got this nagging feeling I messed it up somewhere along the line: Regeneration (2 BODY per Turn), Conditional Power Power does not work in Very Uncommon Circumstances (Only while in good standing with Faith; -0) (32 Active Points); Time Limit (1 Minute; -2), Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2), Usable By Other (-1/2), Grantor pays the END whenever the power is used, Grantor controls the power totally, Recipient must remain close to Grantor, Grantor can only grant the power to others, Requires A Faith Roll (Skill roll; -1/2), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4)
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