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Jim McKeeth

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  1. I am putting together a Superhero Champions campaign. One of my sons is a huge Legend of Zelda fan, and wants to play a character based on Link (the main character) from the games. His brother told him that would be a heroic character and would not fit in a superhero campaign. I am pretty sure that if the character was based on the fully upgraded Link at the end of any of the games then he would be fairly close to 400 points. Since I am fairly new to Champions and would most likely flail around for a bit building Link from scratch, so I wanted to ask has someone built Link as a 400 point superhero for Champions, or if someone has some tips on how to get started building one. I figure Link and Zelda are pretty popular characters, so this nut may already be cracked. I did some searching around, but didn't come up with anything. If someone wants to direct me to some other good sources where I might be able to find something like this on my own that would be great too! Thanks!
  2. Re: Ps238 Thanks for the tips, everyone picked from the pre-made students last night and they are all really excited about playing.
  3. Jim McKeeth


    I picked up PS238 (along with some other books) for Christmas since a few people suggested it as a good way to get started with the Champions system. I've skimmed through most of PS238 now, and read some of the online comic (a great resource). I was under the impression before getting PS238 that it came with character sheets for everyone in the campaign. Now after looking at it I see that it contains what I am guessing are NPC sheets for the students and faculty, and then has rules for generating player characters to adventure in the same setting. So my question is, would it make sense to have players playing as the students or staff, or should they generate their own characters? I realize the HERO system is all about flexibility and in reality I can do whatever I want, but I would like to find the recommended way to have the most success. I played 4th Edition years ago when it was new, but nothing since. The rest of our adventures are new to RPG's and most are very young (like the age of the students in PS238). Thanks! -Jim McKeeth A Champions "noobie" for all intents and purposes.
  4. Re: Getting started in Champions with two young boys Thanks for all the great advice.
  5. I played Champions 4th Edition years ago. Only had the main Champions book, and no longer have it. Now I have two boys, 10 and 12 who have a friend playing D&D, so they are interested in RPGs. I figure I would rather start them out right with Champions, but am not sure where to start. I want to keep it fairly simple to start, both to not overwhelm them, and to not be too heavily invested it they loose interest. Not sure how many books were available in 4th Edition, but there are a lot available now. I am interested in running a super hero campaign. I see that I need a Hero System Rule book in addition to the Champions book. If I understand correctly, the books to get in order of priority are: * Hero System Basic Rulebook * Champions * Champions Universe (optional) Later I may get the full rulebooks, but figure the Basic Rulebook is a good place to start. So my question is if this is a good plan, or if I am missing something (like Champions for Pre-Teen Boys) or making it too complex (only need one book to get started). When I have asked in other forums it usually turns into a 5th Edition vs. 6th Edition battle. From what I can see the 5th Edition is getting harder to find, so I might as well jump into the 6th Edition. Thanks!
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